We recently digitized over a dozen new issues of the Tricontinental, a publication of the Organization of Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (OSPAAAL). This special publication represents the vibrant art and sharp analysis of international revolutionary movements and national liberation struggles across the African, Asian, and South American continents.
Issue No. 40 features “Days with Uncle Ho,” a captivating first-hand account of the Vietnamese People’s struggle against the French, written by a member of Ho Chi Minh’s security team. In the article, the author writes about the humility and steadfastness of the Vietnamese President and revolutionary, sharing stories about exchanges with Ho Chi Minh that shifted their outlook on what it means to truly serve and be in relationship with the people.
The author recounts running into an obstacle that stumped the entire security team. They could not figure out how to cross a flooded river during a torrential downpour. After brainstorming nearly a dozen different scenarios, Ho Chi Minh asked the crew if they had checked in with the local population. A team member immediately went to consult with the townspeople, and found that just down the way there was a bridge. The bridge provided them with a safe way to travel across the river, and a valuable lesson. You can read the full article in the Tricontinental No. 40.
In another issue, a feature on Monica Ertl tells the story of a German-Bolivian bourgeois woman who becomes politicized after a series of experiences including witnessing the toil of workers at a mining camp near her home. Born to a German Nazi father who traveled to Bolivia as a filmmaker, Monica developed a love for the land which she described at length in diary entries that were later published in a book by her father. It was this very land that Monica then dedicated her life to, ultimately leading her to renounce her class privileges and join the armed struggle. She also carried out a mission that earned her the title of “Che’s Avenger.” Learn more about Monica Ertl and her legacy in an article published shortly after her martyrdom in the Tricontinental Bulletin No. 86 .
Though OSPAAAL and the Tricontinental offices closed several years ago, the legacy of this innovative project remains. The periodicals continue to provide valuable cultural and political insights from revolutionary movements of the latter 20th century. Check out a selection of our newly digitized Tricontinentals highlighted below (click cover image to access full PDF) or check out the entire Tricontinental Collection.