My name is Doraius Lacy and I am a senior at Metwest high school. I am also an intern at The Freedom Archives. I wanted to intern at The Freedom Archives because for the past two years I have been educating myself about the Prison Industrial Complex and how it affects our communities.

While here, I have been cataloging some new audio materials about prison justice issues. I have listened to audio and cataloged it and made new entries in the database. Interning at The Freedom Archives has given me the opportunity to learn about the history of the world beyond what is in a text book. I have also learned a lot about what it means to fight for the things you want and need. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this work. Few youth know how they are impacted by the prison system.

While interning at The Freedom Archives I have also been working on my senior thesis project. My project is to create a blog that will hopefully inform others about what the Prison Industrial Complex is and how to counteract some of its affects. I am also surveying middle school and high school youth. The purpose of my survey is to gain a better understanding of how youth and their communities are impacted by the prison system. The resources here at The Freedom Archives have been very helpful in the development of my project.