Since 2001, September 11th has become solely represented by the destruction of the twin towers in New York City and the beginning of America’s “War on Terror”. However, before 2001, there was another 9/11. In 1973, a military coup backed by the United States, overthrew the Chilean government and ushered in seventeen years of brutal dictatorship. Thousands of people were killed and disappeared; thousands more were arrested and tortured. That day marked the end of one of Latin America’s longest democratic traditions, and brought on almost two decades of murder, disappearances, repression, and fear. Check out the two part documentary featuring Isabel Allende, Ariel Dorfman, and others along with historic sound recordings and music, produced by the Freedom Archives.

If you enjoy the documentary make sure to join us on Wednesday September 11th  from 7-10 pm at La Pena in Berkeley. We’ll be premiering  a new video with Chilean author Isabel Allende, Alejandro Murguia & Nina Serrano will be sharing their poetry with music by Rico Pabon & Camilo Landau.

3105 Shattuck Ave Berkeley
$10-20 (no one turned away)

Hope to see you there!!
