Six months ago we announced that a project to catalog and at least partially digitize our collection of Black Panther Party Newspapers had begun. Today, we are proud to report that our entire collection has been cataloged, and we have digitized the front and back covers of each paper! Almost all of the brilliant artwork on the cataloged newspaper covers was created by former BPP member and Minister of Culture Emory Douglas and represent a sizable cultural achievement in and of themselves. Each paper’s annotation contains its main features as well as comprehensive key words representing the articles and topics within. The collection is now available to view on our search site here. This important contribution would not have been possible without the hard work of our volunteers, interns and supporters. Please contact us at if you would like more information about the collection and specific materials within it.

Also, please join us in celebrating 15 years of this type of work on October 16th at the African-American Art and Culture Complex at 762 Fulton Street in San Francisco. Program begins at 7pm, with a $15 suggested donation. Festivities for the evening include Rico Pabon and Friends, Joan Tarika Lewis and the Youth Ensemble, members of the San Francisco 8, support statements from political prisoners, and more! Check out our Facebook event and we hope to see you on October 16th!!
