The Freedom Archives is excited to announce our new search engine at

You can now digitally access audio, video and full-text written materials and browse through our many collections that date from the late-60s to the mid-90s and chronicle progressive history and culture of liberation struggles and movements. Along with the expanded ability to search the archives, we are excited to highlight 300 digitized documents from the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown, a great supplement to our recently released book, Out of Control – A Fifteen Year Battle Against Control Unit Prisons. One of the newly available resources is a video from a 1987 event held by the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown in which they created a model control unit cell. As the hunger strikers at Pelican Bay are gearing up to re-initiate their strike in July, it is as relevant and important as ever to understand the conditions they face as well as the historical legacy of resistance and organizing against inhumane treatment inside of America’s prisons.

The search engine is still a work in progress, and we are excited to increase its usability as well as the amount of online content for all to access. Please contact us if you are interested in donating historical materials to our collection, want to volunteer to further increase the impact of this important work or can contribute to our efforts – your donations are fully tax deductible. You can donate here or contact us at
