[Ppnews] May 3rd: Rev. Joy Powell court date - political prisoner for resisting police abuse

Political Prisoner News ppnews at freedomarchives.org
Sat Apr 30 18:59:58 EDT 2011

from Sarah Buckley or contact me 
<mailto:buckleynate at yahoo.com>buckleynate at yahoo.com

Hey Everyone, I wanted to give folks a heads up about Rev. Joy 
Powell's court date scheduled for Tuesday May 3rd at 9:30am in Albion 
New York. Rev. Joy Powell was an community activist and leader and 
was targeted for her outspoken stance on Police Brutality & 
misconduct, Gentrification and community empowerment. Joy drew strong 
connections and connected the dots that led to the dis-empowerment 
and oppression of her community. In Joy's words-

"...realizing violence and poverty ran hand in hand. I began to hold 
press conferences concerning my strong views of injustice..."

There will be at least 2 cars leaving from buffalo at 8 am Tuesday May 3rd.

Message Sarah Buckley or contact me 
<mailto:buckleynate at yahoo.com>buckleynate at yahoo.com if you are 
interested in coming. there is room!

We need to show that people like Joy are not alone and they have support.

We'll be heading to Albion to meet other supporters of Joys from 
Rochester, NYC and Albany. This will be a great oppurtunity to stand 
up for those took stands the community. This kind of underhanded, 
illegal targeting of activists can not be tolerated. We have to stand 
together. Please come out if you are interested contact me 
<mailto:buckleynate at yahoo.com>buckleynate at yahoo.com or 886-0544 there is room!

Brandon from Malcolm X Grassroots Movement was the one who informed 
me of this and if you want more information of the group of people 
coming from NYC please contact.
Brandon King
<mailto:redking360 at gmail.com>redking360 at gmail.com

for more info about Rev. Joy Powell this website

Tuesday May 3rd,
Orleans County Courthouse, 9:30AM to 5:00PM

Orleans County Courthouse
Courthouse Square
3 South Main Street
Albion, NY 14411-1497
Ph: <tel:585.589.4457>585.589.4457

Free Political Prisoner Reverend Joy Powell

Rev. Joy Powell is an anti-police-brutality activist in Rochester, 
NY. In 2006, she was framed and sentenced to 16 years at Rochester 
State Penetentiary.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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