[Ppnews] We Are Troy Davis - Save Troy Davis' life

Political Prisoner News ppnews at freedomarchives.org
Wed Apr 27 11:59:32 EDT 2011

April 27, 2011

This Could Be Any of Us

We Are Troy Davis


Last Monday, I attended the funeral service of 
Virginia Davis in Savannah, GA. Reverend Dr. 
Warnock delivered a passionate eulogy for 
Virginia, which ended with a powerful call to 
action: The best way to honor Virginia's life, he 
said, is to fight for her son Troy's life.

I am writing to ask you to help fight for Troy's life.

Troy Davis is on death row for the 1989 murder of 
police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, GA. 
Troy has always maintained his innocence, and 
there was never any physical evidence linking him 
to the crime. 7 out of the 9 non-police witnesses 
have since recanted or changed their testimony. 
New witnesses have come forth identifying another 
suspect. Yet, on March 28, the US Supreme Court 
denied Troy's final appeal, clearing the way for 
Georgia to set the execution date. Troy's sister, 
Martina, said her mother "died of a broken heart. 
I don't think my mother could have taken another execution date."

That execution date could be set any day now. 
Troy's life will then be in the hands of 
Georgia's Board of Pardon & Paroles, who has the power to grant Troy clemency.


1. Sign the 
USA petition, asking the GA Board of Pardons & 
Parole to grant Troy clemency, and forward it to others.

2. Collect signatures on 
download-able version of the petition.

3. If you are a lawyer or a legal professional: 
add your name to the 
professional sign-on letter

4. If you are a member of the clergy: add your 
name to the 
sign-on letter.

5. If you have contacts with legal professionals 
or members of the clergy, forward them the 
sign-on letters and urge them to sign.

6. If you have contacts in Georgia, urge them to 
sign the petition or, sign-on letters (if they 
are legal professionals or members of the 
clergy.) It is important that the Board know that 
this issue matter to folks around the country and 
around the world--but especially that it matters to folks in Georgia.

7. 1 million Tweets for Troy!
If you are Twitter user than please consider tweeting for Troy.
Some sample tweets include:
When in doubt, don't execute!! Sign the petition 
for #TroyDavis! www.tinyurl.com/troyepetition
Too much doubt! Stop the execution! #TroyDavis 
needs us! www.tinyurl.com/troyepetition
No room for doubt! Stop the execution of 
#TroyDavis . Retweet, sign petition www.tinyurl.com/troyepetition
Case not "ironclad", yet Georgiacould execute 
#TroyDavis ! Not on our watch! Petition: www.tinyurl.com/troyepetition
No murder weapon. No physical evidence. Stop the 
execution! #TroyDavis petition: www.tinyurl.com/troyepetition
7 out of 9 eyewitnesses recanted. No physical 
evidence. Stop the execution of #TroyDavis www.tinyurl.com/troyepetition

Troy's case is deeply personal to me. Troy is a 
friend of mine. I have corresponded with Troy for 
the last four years, visited him twice in prison, 
about his case. I have gotten to know and become 
close to his incredible family, and witnessed 
first-hand their struggle to bring justice to Troy.

But even if Troy was not my friend, even if I did 
not know the Davis family--Troy's case should 
still be deeply personal to me, deeply personal 
to all of us. As Laura Moye (the Amnesty USA 
death penalty abolition coordinator) and I were 
gathering petition signatures in Savannah last 
week among union-member day laborers, a young man 
called out emotionally, "Troy could be your 
brother, your son! This could be any of us!"

Put another way (as the T-shirt in support of Troy states) "I am Troy Davis."

I hope you will take the time to 
more about Troy's case. Thank you in advance for 
doing all you can to prevent Troy's execution. As 
the young man in the union hall reminded me, Troy is all of us.

Jen Marlowe is an award-winning documentary 
filmmaker, author, playwright, human rights 
advocate, and founder of donkeysaddle projects. 
Her new book, 
Hour of Sunlight: One Palestinian's Journey from 
Prisoner to Peacemaker, co-written with and about 
Palestinian peace activist Sami Al Jundi, has 
just been published by Nation Books. Her previous 
book was 
Diaries: Stories of Survival. Her email address 
is: <mailto:jenmarlowe at hotmail.com>jenmarlowe at hotmail.com
In 1991, Troy Davis was convicted of murdering a 
white police officer. Though there's major 
evidence that Davis didn't commit the crime, 
Georgia is prepared to put him to death. We have 
a good chance of stopping this -- but only if we speak up now.

The fact is, no physical evidence connected Davis 
to the murder. Seven of the original nine 
witnesses have recanted, with many saying their 
testimony was a result of law enforcement 
pressure. Of the remaining witnesses, one is 
highly suspect and the other could be the actual 
culprit in the officer's murder.

Now, despite these and other facts, the state of 
Georgia has taken the first steps toward Davis' 
execution -- and only the Georgia Board of 
Pardons and Parole stands between Davis and the lethal injection chamber.

Georgia may be about to kill an innocent man. 
That's not justice. Please ask the Georgia Parole 
Board to spare Troy Davis' life, before it's too 
late -- and it's critical that you ask others to do the same:


Since Troy Davis' 1991 conviction, numerous facts 
have emerged that introduce significant doubt as 
to his guilt. These facts include:
    * All but two of the original witnesses 
against Troy Davis have signed affidavits 
recanting their earlier testimony. Most claim 
that their testimony was coerced by police officers.1
    * Multiple witnesses say that another man -- 
one of the original witnesses against Davis -- 
has claimed to have slain the fallen officer.2
    * The weapon used in the murder was never 
found. The only physical evidence connecting 
Davis to the crime was indirect, circumstantial 
-- and new testimony disputes Davis's connection to that evidence.3
In light of this evidence, the Supreme Court 
granted Davis another chance. But instead of an 
actual new trial before a jury, which would mean 
the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt is 
on the prosecutor, he got an evidentiary hearing 
before a single federal judge where Davis' 
lawyers had the burden to meet an impossibly high and undefined legal standard.

In light of this, it was sad -- but no surprise 
-- when the judge rejected the new evidence and 
cleared the way for Davis' execution. However, 
even he acknowledged lingering doubt, noting that 
the case against Davis was not "ironclad."

But "ironclad" is exactly what the evidence 
should be in order to put someone to death. If 
the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole doesn't 
act to stop Davis' execution, they'll run a 
serious risk of putting an innocent man to death. That is not acceptable.

Please join us, along with our partners at 
Amnesty International and the NAACP, in asking 
the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole to save 
Troy Davis' life by commuting his sentence to 
life in prison. And when you do, please ask your 
friends and family to do the same.


Thanks and Peace,

-- James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Matt, Natasha 
and the rest of the ColorOfChange.org team
    April 20th, 2011


1. “Troy Davis – Finality over Fairness,” Amnesty International USA

2. See Reference 1
3. See Reference 1


the war to save Troy Davis Isn't Over

By <http://www.thegrio.com/author/martina-correia/>Martina Correia

8:00 AM on 03/29/2011

On March 28, 2011 I woke up elated about my 10 
year anniversary as a cancer survivor. I looked 
outside and it was cold and gloomy, the sun was 
nowhere to be found. It's about 9:30 a.m. and the 
phone rings, it's my brother Troy Davis' lawyer 
and from the tone in his voice I knew, it was not good news.

My heart sank to a heavy place as I listened to 
his monotone voice saying, "We just received news 
that the United States Supreme Court has 
Troy's appeal." Knowing that the appeals for Troy 
have always been an uphill battle and the lawyers 
have always stated that from a legal standpoint. 
Yet today I also heard optimism in the statement, 
"We will seek and exhaust all legal means 
available to us." I know from a legal standpoint 
denial by the Supreme Court is nothing a lawyer 
finds optimism in, yet I felt the readiness for yet another battle.

My first concern was my mother and 
brother Troy. I cannot imagine facing three 
execution dates and the possibility of a fourth. 
I knew Troy would be more concerned about our 
family than himself, but I also knew that as much 
faith and spirituality as my mother has, she is 
still a mother and we are fighting for my 
brother's very existence. In this fight Troy is 
no longer voiceless and my family is no longer 
invisible, yet the court still refuses to hear 
what we have to say. Innocence does matter and 
beyond a reasonable doubt should be of utmost.

One thing for certain is that the global concern 
about this case is growing and yet the highest 
court in the United States is not willing to 
address the issue of innocence and new evidence. 
We live in country that is supposed to promote 
democracy and human rights for other countries 
yet it is not unconstitutional for us to execute 
innocent people in the U.S. if the courts feel they received a fair trial.

I am both enraged and empowered, for this battle 
to save Troy is a war of life and death for me! 
Until there is no breath left in my body I will 
fight for Troy, fight against the injustice of 
the death penalty, because this battle is bigger 
than Troy it is a war against a system is not 
impartial, a system that cares less for fairness 
and more for finality. In no way have we ever 
diminished the loss and hurt of the McPhail 
family, yet both families have been victimized. 
Being a mother and having Stage 4 cancer I 
understand the importance of life and I am 
willing to give my life to spare my brother's. No 
matter the final outcome of this case, my war 
against the death penalty is far from over and I 
will no longer be a victimize by this system in 
the United States, that justice depends on your ability to pay for it.

The hearing held in June 2010 in Savannah was 
like a puppet show, it was entertaining to some, 
upsetting to others, yet once the judge opened 
his mouth and looked at my brother with disgust I 
knew that no matter what Troy's lawyers had to 
present the judge had already made his decision 
to deny Troy, so he was just going through the 
motions like a puppeteer. I saluted the 
witnesses, even though they were criminalized by 
the state prosecutor for recanting their trial 
testimony. When they testified against Troy all 
those years ago, the police treated them like 
heroes, even though they had the same criminal 
history in 1989. It also seemed amazing that all 
the police who testified had amnesia about their 
role of misconduct with the witnesses, yet the 
judge chose to believe them over recanted 
testimony of the very witnesses they used to 
secure a conviction and death sentence for my brother.

The Georgia Parole Board said they will not 
execute when there is doubt. The case of Troy 
Anthony Davis is 
<http://www.thegrio.com/opinion/in-georgia-a-man-named.php>full of doubt.

As Troy said to me, "It's not over 'til God says 
it's over, this fight for justice did not begin 
with me and will not end with me."

The battle for Justice and the War to save Troy 
wages on! My name is Martina Correia and I am on 
Death Row because that is where my brother lives, 
our lives intertwined. If Troy is executed he 
will become even more powerful, because people 
all around the world are saying, "I AM TROY 
DAVIS," and his story will be heard.

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