[Ppnews] US Opposes Gerardo Hernandez Habeas Corpus Motion

Political Prisoner News ppnews at freedomarchives.org
Tue Apr 26 21:44:48 EDT 2011


US Govn´t Opposes Gerardo Hernandez Habeas Corpus Motion

HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 26 (acn) The US government 
filed an opposition to the habeas corpus motion 
filed by Gerardo Hernandez, one of the five Cuban 
antiterrorists unjustly incarcerated in the United States since 1998.

Cuban News Agency

       The filing requests the US district court 
of the Southern District of Florida to deny the 
motion without evidentiary hearing and to rely on 
its own recollection of the previous trial.

   The government’s opposition is a 123-page and 
three-annex document filed on Monday by DA 
Caroline Heck Millar, who led the prosecution 
against Gerardo Hernadez in the 2001 biased trial 
and asked for his two-life term plus 15 year sentence.

   Heck Miller also asked harsh sentences for 
Ramón Labañino, René Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero 
and Fernando Gonzalez in that trial. The Cuban 
Five, as they are known internationally, were 
arrested in 1998 for monitoring Miami-based anti-Cuban terrorist organizations.

   She refused to try confessed terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in 2005.

Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcón 
recently spoke to the press on the habeas corpus 
filed by Gerardo Hernandez at the Florida court 
to vacate, set aside or correct his sentence.

   In this document Gerardo gives details of the 
circumstances that deprived him of having an 
effective defense in the 2001 trial to face the 
charge of conspiracy to commit murder in the 
incident of the 1996 shootdown of two aircrafts that violated Cuba’s airspace.

   The US government has consistently refused to 
show available images that would prove the 
veracity of Gerardo’s claims, said Alarcon.

   In his motion, Gerardo asks the court to allow 
him to prove the erroneous interpretations the 
government made of the evidence and let the jury 
know the truth, concluded Alarcon.

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