[Ppnews] Wednesday Call-in for Alvaro Luna Hernandez

Political Prisoner News ppnews at freedomarchives.org
Tue Apr 5 10:15:04 EDT 2011



Set for Wednesday, APRIL 6, 2011,

To the TDCJ in Huntsville, Texas,
Alfred D. Hughes Unit, in Gatesville, Texas,
@ 2PM (CDT) – To object to the growing threats of 
censorship to his mail and 1st Amendment Rights, 
and retaliation by staff for observing his right to file a grievance.

(254)  865-6663 Ask for: Hughes Unit Senior Warden Edward Smith

1 (800) 535-0283 Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)
Ask for TDCJ-CID Ombudsman

Program Coordinator Linda Shaw – Administrative 
Review & Risk management Division:
Direct line to Shaw: (936) 437-8035

Or (optional) TDCJ-CID Ombudsman Office Line: (936) 437-6791

Retaliation, in that Mail-room Supervisor G. 
Vandiver, specifically, made a threat to Alvaro 
that his correspondents (we presume to be all) 
“be put on a negative mail list”.

Alvaro has had mail problems before, but this is 
an open threat made by the Supervisor and can't 
go unchallenged, that stemmed from certain pages 
being removed (confiscated) from a copy of the 
book “Defying The Tomb”, written by Virginia 
state prisoner and Minister of Defense for the 
New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter 
(NABPP/PC) Kevin (Rashid) Johnson, sent him by 
Inside Out Books (the publisher) in Seattle, 
Washington; the pages Supervisor Vandiver and 
the  mail-room objected to, claimed would 
breakdown the prison's operation - with prisoner 
disruptions - strikes - and rioting.

The fact that the [4] pages removed earlier 
(pages 112-113 – and 120-121), were re-sent 
individually to Alvaro without incident, and that 
Inside Out Books was never sent an official 
notice for denial of publication, would strongly 
support suspicions that the retaliatory nature of 
Vandiver's reaction to Alvaro's filed Grievance 
caused the threatening remark made about his mail 
in or out; because they must have realized their 
jobs were in jeopardy and that they were out of 
TDCJ & TBCJ policy compliance. This is not an 
idle threat, because prison (unit) 
administrations generally allow officers 
discretion to control prisoners this way, so it 
can never be credited for even happening IF an 
impression isn't made to Huntsville or on a 
Senior Warden by supporters & the public.

You’ll have to give Alvaro’s TDCJ-CID# 255735 
when you call, and mention he’s in Administrative 
Segregation at the Alfred D. Hughes Unit in Gatesville, Texas.

Tell Huntsville that we demand the “disputed 
pages” that were torn out, then re-sent 
separately by the publisher of the book in 
question “Defying The Tomb”, then being 
confiscated once again must be returned to him, 
and an explanation why there were two different 
decisions made by the mail room in regards to not 
allowing the pages, and then admitting them separately later.

John S. Dolley, Jr.,
Central Coordinator,
Committee to Free Alvaro Luna Hernandez,
Central Texas ABC,
P.O. Box 7187,
Austin, Texas 78713


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