[Ppnews] Greenscare - Flames of Dissent series in Eugene Weekly

Political Prisoner News ppnews at freedomarchives.org
Fri Dec 8 08:56:28 EST 2006

Flames of Dissent
The local spark that ignited an eco-sabotage boom — and bust

Part I: In Defense of Cascadia:The Warner Creek campaign

Part II: Eco-Anarchy Rising

Part. III: Eco-Anarchy Imploding

Part IV:  The Bust

Flames of Dissent
The local spark that ignited an eco-sabotage boom — and bust
The dog's barking punctuated a steady bang bang 
bang on the front door. It was 7 am, and Heather 
Coburn was not in the mood for this. She swung 
open the door to encounter dark-suited federal 
agents, who stoically informed her that they 
wanted to talk to her about her housemate, Jake 
Ferguson. When she refused, they flashed a search 
warrant and said they were going to tow her truck.
It was spring 2001, a peak time in Eugene's 
eco-radical scene. The vandalism at the fall 1999 
WTO protests, summarily blamed on "Eugene 
anarchists," and the rowdy anti-establishment 
protests that followed — confrontations between 
black-clad anarchists and cops, broadcast by a 
pulse of locally based radical green media — had 
catapulted this damp little city to international 
infamy. Some of the more extreme activists were 
calling for revolution against "Earth-raping" 
corporations and the government by any means 
necessary, and a surge of arsons claimed by the 
Earth and Animal Liberation Fronts told the world that they were serious.
The obsessively secretive eco-saboteurs had 
eluded federal agents for years, but the mystery 
of Coburn's truck presented a crack in the case. 
Over the next five years, through grand jury 
subpoenas, informants and the threat of life 
sentences, federal agents would wrestle that 
crack ever-wider. Eventually 12 environmentalists 
would plead guilty to conspiracy and arson, their 
faces, for so long masked, exposed to the world 
in the unforgiving grays of newspaper ink.
About a week before her FBI wake-up call, Coburn 
had discovered that her truck was missing from 
its usual spot outside her North Grand Street 
house. She'd had a nasty fight with Ferguson the 
night before, accusing him of pitting his 
multiple lovers against one another. "He was 
hostile and belligerent and trashed my house and 
moved out," she said. "I woke up the next morning and my car was gone."
Assuming Ferguson had ganked her truck, Coburn 
called the police and reported the truck stolen. 
By the time an EPD officer arrived, she had found 
her truck parked a block away and told him to 
forget about it. That same day, upon advice from 
her friends, she filed a restraining order 
against Ferguson. What she didn't realize was 
that on the night before, eco-radicals had 
torched more than 30 SUVs at Romania Chevrolet, 
the same dealership that Jeff "Free" Luers and 
Craig "Critter" Marshall had burned the year 
before. That morning also happened to mark the start of Luers' trial.
Some of Coburn's friends were furious with her 
for going to the cops, suspicious that she'd told 
them too much. One woman, an activist called 
Sparrow, went to the police station and asked for 
both the report and the restraining order. 
According to statements made by retired EPD Chief 
Thad Buchanan to Rolling Stone, Sparrow's inquiry 
helped police connect Coburn's truck to Ferguson, 
and Ferguson to the arsons. Buchanan did not return EW's calls.
When Coburn and her boyfriend, Tobias Policha, 
went to pick up the truck in the Gateway Mall 
area, FBI agents handed them both grand jury 
subpoenas. Coburn didn't like the idea of grand 
juries, which force people to testify in secret 
proceedings without a lawyer in order to indict a 
suspect. But she had just gotten a big grant from 
the city to do permaculture projects in 
Whiteaker, and she knew that if she refused to 
testify she could end up incarcerated for 
contempt. She wasn't willing to make that sacrifice.
The grand jury testimony wasn't so bad, or even 
so revealing, Coburn said. But many of her 
friends — who hated nothing so much as law 
enforcement — would never forgive her for it. "I 
felt really persecuted by the community," she 
said. "People I don't even know labeled me a 
snitch because I wouldn't go to jail rather than go to the grand jury."
In an effort to be open, Coburn went to the 
Shamrock House Infoshop and offered Tim Lewis, an 
eco-anarchist filmmaker, a "play-by-play" of her 
grand jury experience. She told him that there 
had been questions about Ferguson, SUVs and 
"relationships with certain people." But she 
really didn't think anything would come of it. 
Sure, her friends were radicals, and they could 
act stupid at times — but not so stupid as to commit arson, she figured.
She was wrong.

More subpoenas followed Coburn and Policha's. 
Ferguson was ordered to appear before the grand 
jury, but he consulted with a court-appointed 
lawyer and skipped out to New Orleans for a few 
months. Another activist, Carla Martinez, was 
served a subpoena in fall 2001 and announced that 
she would not testify. About three years later, 
the grand jury re-subpoenaed Martinez — and this time she complied.
Around May 2004, FBI Special Agent John Ferreira 
showed up at the home of eco-activist Jennifer 
Woodruff, who has a son with Ferguson, and served 
her a grand jury subpoena. "'Arson's wrong and we 
think you can help us,'" she remembers him 
saying. Woodruff, then 31 years old, with tattoos 
on her hands and long, dark hair, told Ferreira that she wouldn't testify.
But internally she was scared of jail, of being 
taken away from her son. When the feds offered to 
interview her and two other activist women with 
their lawyers present, rather than alone before 
the grand jury, Woodruff initially agreed. Still, 
a sense of impending betrayal kept her awake at 
night, and on the day she was scheduled to 
testify she told her lawyer she'd changed her 
mind. I can't give in to those bastards, she thought.
She remembers federal prosecutor Kirk Engdall 
getting upset and threatening to have her jailed 
for contempt. "I never heard from them again," she said.
But her son's dad, Jake Ferguson, did. By 2003 he 
was strung out on heroin, playing heavy metal 
guitar (his bands: Eat Shit Fuckface and 
Caricature of Hate) and living in Saginaw with 
his girlfriend, also an addict. The feds were on to him.
Ferguson wouldn't speak with EW, but his 
court-appointed lawyer, Ed Spinney, offered this 
version of events: The arsonists who torched the 
Romania lot in 2001 used Ferguson's truck without 
his permission, implicating him in a crime he 
didn't commit. "He was subpoenaed to testify 
before a grand jury but instead spoke voluntarily 
to the government and told them that he had 
nothing to do with it," Spinney wrote by email. 
"For the next couple of years he was almost 
constantly under the surveillance of the government."
In 2003, feds contacted Ferguson again and told 
him that people within the community had linked 
him to the Romania fire and other arsons. And 
that, ostensibly, is when Ferguson agreed to 
cooperate. Court records indicate that by spring 
2004, Ferguson was wearing a hidden recording 
device in an effort to bait other saboteurs, his 
friends, into incriminating themselves.
The terms of the government's deal with Ferguson 
are confidential, Spinney said. Federal 
prosecutors have declined to comment, and Eugene 
police involved in the investigation have been 
barred from discussing it with the press. 
Although the Rolling Stone article suggests that 
Ferguson may receive $50,000 and a 
get-out-of-jail-free card for his cooperation, 
Spinney denies that Ferguson has received either 
financial compensation or total immunity from the 
government (yet). But the fact remains that 
Ferguson, who has admitted to at least 15 acts of 
sabotage — more than any of the defendants now 
before the courts — has not been indicted.

According to the Rolling Stone article, Ferguson 
wore the hidden recorder to an annual Earth 
First! gathering, to the Public Interest 
Environmental Law Conference at the UO, and to 
meetings with six of his partners in crime, by 
then scattered across the country. In December 
2005 the feds swooped in for the bust, arresting 
William Rodgers, Kevin Tubbs, Stanislas 
Meyerhoff, Chelsea Gerlach, Kendall Tankersley 
and Daniel McGowan. They also jailed Gerlach's 
Canadian boyfriend, Darren Thurston, on 
immigration charges; he would later be indicted for arson.
In January 2006 they arrested southern Oregon 
residents Suzanne Savoie and Jonathan Paul; in 
February and March, Joyanna Zacher, Nathan Block 
and Briana Waters, all from Olympia, Wash. By 
April they had also indicted Josephine Sunshine 
Overaker, Rebecca Rubin, Joseph Dibee and Justin 
Solondz, who are still at large. At some point 
during the sweep Spokane natives Jennifer Kolar 
and Lacey Phillabaum came forward to cooperate, according to the FBI.
Federal prosecutors minced no words, calling the 
defendants "eco-terrorists" and threatening them 
with staggering, post-9/11-style sentences. Faced 
with that terrible decision — rat out your 
friends or sit in jail until you die — each 
defendant, it seems, reacted differently. 
Meyerhoff reportedly started cooperating 
immediately; Tubbs, Savoie, Gerlach, Thurston and 
Tankersley had made the same decision by the time 
they pleaded guilty in July. So did Kolar and 
Phillabaum, who pleaded guilty in October. While 
"snitch" provisions have not been made public, 
virtually all such deals require cooperating 
defendants to name names, according to Civil 
Liberties Defense Center attorney Lauren Regan, 
who lived with Phillabaum for a year.
Four defendants before the federal court in 
Oregon — McGowan, Paul, Block and Zacher — 
pleaded not guilty. On behalf of all four, the 
team of defense attorneys filed discovery motions 
asking the feds to hand over any information that 
had been obtained through National Security 
Administration surveillance or warrantless 
wiretaps, which a judge had recently ruled illegal.
The federal prosecutors stalled, pushing back 
their court-ordered deadline three times while 
maintaining that no illegal surveillance had 
occurred. But eventually they struck a plea deal 
with the defendants: In exchange for withdrawing 
the discovery motion and confessing to their own 
crimes, all four defendants would get 
dramatically reduced sentences and would not have 
to implicate anyone else. They took the deal, pleading guilty in November.
Only one defendant, Briana Waters, continues to 
plead not guilty before the federal court in 
Washington. Her attorney is pursuing a discovery 
motion similar to that filed by the Oregon defense team.
Hanging like a pall over the community is the 
knowledge that Rodgers had made an entirely 
different decision. Alone in his jail cell in 
Flagstaff, Ariz., in December 2005, he had 
scrawled two notes, one bemoaning his betrayal, 
and the other addressed to his friends and 
family. "I chose to fight on the side of the 
bears, mountain lions, skunks, bats, saguaros, 
cliff roses and all things wild," he wrote. "I am 
just the most recent casualty in this war. But 
tonight I have made a jailbreak — I am returning 
home, to the Earth, the place of my origins." 
With that, he placed a plastic bag over his head 
and suffocated. Reportedly, he died with his 
right fist clenched in the Earth First! gesture of defiance.
It may have signaled a call to action — or the death of a movement.

Check back on Dec. 21 for Part V: The Aftermath.

In March 2006, an FBI agent and Eugene policeman 
surprised nursing student Jeff Hogg by his car in 
the parking lot of LCC. "'You're not in trouble 
or anything; we just want you to testify against 
the arsonists,'" he remembers them saying. "I was 
pretty freaked out, but I wasn't surprised they wanted to talk to me."

Photo by Kera Abraham
Hogg, an Earth First!er who had been active with 
the local scene from the 1995 Warner Creek 
blockade to the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, 
speculated that his grand jury subpoena may have 
had something to do with his alleged 
participation in "Book Club" meetings, which 
prosecutors describe as secret, conspiratorial 
eco-radical gatherings that took place in four 
cities, including Eugene, around 2000-2001. And, 
of course, his ex-girlfriend was former Earth 
First! Journal co-editor Lacey Phillabaum, who 
was in a relationship with hard-talking radical 
Stan Meyerhoff. Both Phillabaum and Meyerhoff, by 
then, had been fingered in the arsons and were 
apparently cooperating with the feds.
But Hogg wouldn't testify, and in May 2006 he was 
incarcerated for contempt, leaving his studies on 
hold and his partner, Cecilia Story, to pay the 
mortgage on their home. "It would be different if 
I'd been somebody who stole a car or something 
and knew my charges," he told EW through the 
Plexiglas at Josephine County Jail. "For me, it's a bunch of unknowns."
He would remain in jail without charge, refusing 
to cooperate with the grand jury, until November. 
During those six months on the inside his life 
had been thrown off-track, his studies put on 
hold, his parents upset with him for missing his 
grandfather's funeral. But in eco-radical 
circles, media-shy Hogg became a hero. — Kera Abraham

The Actions
Oct. 28, 1996: Attempted arson of USFS's Detroit 
Ranger District station in Willamette National 
Forest; arson of USFS vehicle in parking lot. 
"Earth Liberation Front" (ELF) spray-painted on 
the side of the building. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker
October 30, 1996: Arson of USFS's Oakridge Ranger 
District station in WNF, Ore. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker, Tubbs
July 21, 1997: Arson at Cavel West horse 
slaughterhouse in Redmond, Ore. Communiqué 
attributed arson to Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 
and "Equine and Zebra Liberation Front." LINKED 
TO: Ferguson, Tubbs, Dibee, Paul, Kolar
Nov. 30, 1997: Arson at BLM Wild Horse and Burro 
Facility in Burns, Ore.; about 400 horses and 
burros freed. ELF/ALF claimed arson via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker, Tubbs, Rubin, Rodgers
June 21, 1998: Arson at the USDA's Animal, Plant 
and Health Inspection Service in Olympia, Wash. 
Claimed by ELF/ALF via communiqué. LINKED TO: 
Ferguson, Overaker*, Tubbs, Rodgers, Dibee.
September 1998: Preparations for arson at BLM 
Wild Horse facility in Rock Springs, Wyo. 
Suspects heard on scanner that police were coming 
and buried materials. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Tubbs, Rubin, Rodgers
Oct. 4, 1998: Attempted arson at Wray Gun Club, Wray, Colo. LINKED TO: Kolar
Oct. 11, 1998: Attempted arson at BLM Wild Horse 
Holding Facility in Rock Springs, Wyo; 40-100 
wild horses freed. ALF claimed responsibility via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker, Tubbs, 
Rubin, Rodgers, Meyerhoff, Gerlach
Oct. 19, 1998: Arson at the Vail Mountain ski 
resort in Vail, Colo. ELF claimed responsibility 
via communiqué. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker, 
Tubbs, Meyerhoff, Rubin, Gerlach, Rodgers
Dec. 22, 1998: Attempted arson at U.S. Forest 
Industries headquarters in Medford. LINKED TO: 
Ferguson, Tankersley, Tubbs, Rubin
Dec. 27, 1998: Arson at U.S. Forest Industries 
headquarters in Medford. ELF claimed 
responsibility via communiqué. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Tankersley
May 9, 1999: Arson at Childers Meat Company in 
Eugene. ALF claimed responsibility via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker, Tubbs, 
Meyerhoff, Gerlach and "others"
Dec. 25, 1999: Arson at Boise Cascade logging 
company regional headquarters in Monmouth, Ore. 
ELF claimed responsibility via communiqué. LINKED 
TO: Ferguson, Overaker, Meyerhoff, Gerlach
Dec. 30, 1999: BPA high-tension line toppled near 
Bend. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Overaker, Meyerhoff, Gerlach
Sept. 6, 2000: Arson at EPD West University 
Public Safety Station in Eugene. LINKED TO: Meyerhoff, Gerlach, Tubbs
Jan. 2, 2001: Arson at Superior Lumber offices in 
Glendale, Ore. ELF claimed responsibility via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Ferguson, Meyerhoff, Tubbs, McGowan, Savoie
March 30, 2001: Arson at Joe Romania Chevrolet 
dealership in Eugene. Communiqué sent to ELF 
press office did not explicitly attribute the 
action to ELF or ALF. LINKED TO: Meyerhoff, Tubbs, Block, Zacher, Rodgers
May 21, 2001: Arson at Jefferson Poplar Farm in 
Clatskanie, Ore. ELF claimed responsibility via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Meyerhoff, McGowan, 
Savoie, Block, Zacher, Ferguson*, Gerlach*, Tubbs*, Rodgers*
May 21, 2001: Arson at the University of 
Washington's Urban Horticulture Center in 
Seattle. ELF claimed responsibility via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Meyerhoff, Gerlach, 
Rodgers, Waters, Kolar, Phillabaum, Solondz
Oct. 15, 2001: Arson at BLM wild horse and burro 
corrals in Litchfield, Calif.; 200 horses and 
burros freed. ELF claimed responsibility via 
communiqué. LINKED TO: Dibee, Rubin, Thurston, 
Solondz, Meyerhoff, Tubbs, Gerlach, Rodgers
*Implicated in preparations for arson, not arson itself
Source: Federal prosecutors' indictments and 
information. Actions that have been confessed to 
in court but have not resulted in indictments are not included here.

The Accused

Jake Ferguson Age: 34
Bio: Came to Eugene around 1994 with 
then-girlfriend; son born in 1995. Core activist 
at Warner Creek blockade. Lived in Eugene area on 
an off into the present. Dated* defendant 
Overaker around 1996 and Tankersley around late 
1998. Recently studied diesel mechanics at LCC.
Legal status: Unindicted informant; implicated in 15 actions
* Note: The term "dated" is used loosely 
throughout this piece and indicates a spectrum of 
relationships: friends with benefits, polyamorous 
affairs, long-term monogamous partnerships. We 
note only known relationships among the accused and subpoenaed.

Stanislas Meyerhoff aka "Country Boy" Age: 29
Bio: Graduated from South Eugene High School in 
1995. Dated defendant Gerlach from 1994–2000, and 
Phillabaum from 2001 until recently. Around 2001 
moved to Bend, and about four years later moved 
to Charlottesville, Va. FBI agents arrested him 
in December 2005 at Piedmont Community College, where he studied engineering.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to eight actions, 
spanning 1998-2001, in July and September 2006. Recommended sentence: 15 years

Chelsea Gerlach aka "Country Girl" Age: 29
Bio: Eco-activist from age 15; graduated from 
South Eugene High School in 1995. Dated defendant 
Meyerhoff from 1994-2000, and later Thurston. Did 
outreach for the Warner Creek campaign. Studied 
environmental issues at Evergreen State College 
and LCC. At time of arrest in late 2005, was a house DJ living in Portland.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to six actions, 
spanning 1998-2001, in July and September 2006. Recommended sentence: 10 years

Sarah Kendall Tankersley Harvey Age: 29
Bio: Moved to Eugene from Ohio in fall 1995 to 
study history at the UO. Around 1997, became 
involved with the campus Survival Center. That 
spring, with Cascadia Forest Defenders, perched 
atop a metal tripod on the road into Hull-Oakes 
Lumber mill; peacefully confronted police at June 
1 protest against tree cutting in downtown 
Eugene. In 1998 volunteered with Food Not Bombs; 
briefly dated informant Ferguson. Left Eugene 
around 1999, attended Humboldt State and 
graduated with molecular biology degree in 2004. 
Arrested in Flagstaff, Ariz., where she was 
working in support of families with disabled children, in December 2005.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to two 1998 arsons 
in July 2006. Recommended sentence: more than four years

Darren Thurston aka "Goat" Age: 36
Bio: Canadian animal rights activist with two 
prior eco-sabotage convictions; served almost two 
years in prison in the early 1990s. Arrested with 
then-girlfriend Gerlach in Tacoma, Wash., on Dec. 
7, 2005, on immigration charges; later indicted for arson.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to participation in 
one 2001 arson on July 20, 2006. Recommended sentence: more than three years

Suzanne Savoie aka "India" Age: 29
Bio: Southern Oregon-based eco-activist formerly 
involved in forest defense campaigns in the 
Siskiyou Mountains and Applegate watershed. 
Briefly dated defendant McGowan. Later worked in 
a home for the developmentally disabled; turned 
self in to FBI agents in mid-January 2006.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to two 2001 arsons 
on July 21, 2006. Recommended sentence: More than five years

Kevin Tubbs aka "The Dog" Age: 37
Eugene connection: Animal rights activist from 
age 22; studied fine arts and philosophy at the 
University of Nebraska. Moved to Eugene with 
then-girlfriend around 1995. Volunteered at Earth 
First! Journal; briefly lived in a trailer behind 
the journal's Glenwood-area office. Core activist 
at the Warner Creek blockade. Arrested on Dec. 7, 
2005 at his Springfield home, where he lived with his fiancé, dogs and cats.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to eight actions, 
spanning 1996-2001, in July 2006. Recommended sentence: more than 14 years

Briana Waters Age: 31
Bio: Grew up in Lansdale, Penn., and Berkeley, 
Calif; later lived in Olympia, Wash. Produced and 
directed Watch, a documentary on a 1999 forest 
defense campaign in southwest Washington. 
Graduated from Evergreen State College in 1999. 
At the time of arrest in March 2006, was working 
as a violin teacher, married, and had a baby daughter.
Legal status: Pleaded not guilty to UW arson; trial scheduled for May 2007

Joseph Dibee Age: 39
Bio: Lived in Seattle; worked at family sewing 
company, and later as a technician for Microsoft. 
Dated defendant Kolar. Reportedly 
"communications" specialist during Warner Creek 
blockade and banner-maker for other environmental 
actions. Indicted in January 2006 for alleged 
participation in one 2001 arson and one 1998 arson.
Legal status: Fugitive

Jonathan Paul Age: 40
Eugene connection: Grew up in the Eastern U.S.; 
animal rights activist. In early 1990s, jailed 
for almost six months for refusing to testify to 
federal grand jury. Dated defendant Kolar; later 
engaged in legal skirmish with indictee Dibee 
over rights to anti-whaling nonprofit, Sea 
Defense Alliance. In 1998 spoke at the National 
Animal Rights Conference at the UO, suggesting 
that the ALF and ELF movements be united. 
Arrested in southern Oregon, where he worked as a 
hotel employee and volunteer firefighter, in mid-January 2006.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to one 1997 arson on 
Nov. 9, 2006. Recommended sentence: five years

Nathan Block aka "Exile" Age: 25
Bio: Worked as a carpenter and lived with 
defendant Zacher outside Olympia, Wash. Arrested 
in February 2006; detectives allegedly seized 44 
pounds of pot from his and Zacher's rented house.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to two 2001 arsons 
on Nov. 9, 2006. Recommended sentence: eight years

Lacey Phillabaum Age: 31
Bio: Grew up in Spokane, Wash.; high school 
debater. Came to Eugene to study art history at 
the UO around 1993. Worked at campus Survival 
Center and radical student newspaper The 
Insurgent. Supported the Warner Creek blockade; 
co-editor of Earth First! Journal from 1996-1999. 
Spoke at spring 2001 environmental law conference 
panel: "Does Property Damage Have a Place in Mass 
Protest?" Appeared in Tim Lewis films Pickaxe, 
Breaking the Spell and others. Dated subpoenaed 
activist Jeff Hogg from about 1996-2000 and 
defendant Meyerhoff from about 2001 until 
recently. Beginning around 2001, worked as editor 
of In Good Tilth newsletter, freelanced for Bend 
altweekly The Source. In 2005 moved to 
Charlottesville, Va., to take reporting position 
at C-Ville Weekly. Turned herself in to federal 
agents sometime around early 2006.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to one 2001 arson on 
Oct. 4, 2006. Recommended sentence: three to five years

Daniel McGowan aka "Sorrell" Age: 32
Bio: Grew up in Queens, NY; earned degree in 
business administration and Asian studies from 
University of Buffalo in 1996. Participated in 
1999 WTO protests in Seattle. Lived in Eugene 
from March 2000-January 2002; was short-term 
editor for Earth First! Journal, contributor to 
Green Anarchy magazine, volunteer for Shamrock 
House Infoshop and campaigner to support Jeff 
"Free" Luers. Briefly dated defendant Savoie; 
washed dishes at Morning Glory restaurant. 
Returned to New York in 2002, studied 
acupuncture, organized protests against the 
Republican National Convention and worked for 
WomensLaw.org. Arrested in New York City in December 2005; married in May 2006.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to two 2001 arsons 
on Nov. 9, 2006. Recommended sentence: eight years

Joyanna Zacher aka "Sheba" Age: 28
Bio: Involved in 1999 protests against the WTO in 
Seattle. Worked as a nanny and lived with 
defendant Block outside Olympia, Wash. Arrested in February 2006.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to two 2001 arsons 
on Nov. 9, 2006. Recommended sentence: eight years

Jennifer Kolar aka "Diver" Age: 33
Bio: Grew up in Spokane, Wash.; raced sailboats. 
Dated defendant Jonathan Paul, and later fugitive 
Joseph Dibee. Pursued doctorate degree at the 
University of Colorado. Turned self in to federal 
agents in Washington sometime around early 2006.
Legal status: Pleaded guilty to a 1998 arson and 
a 2001 arson on Oct. 4, 2006. Recommendedsentence: five to seven years

Rebecca Rubin Age: 33
Bio: Canadian scientist; studied cranes. Indicted 
in January 2006 for alleged participation in six actions, 1997-2001.
Legal status: Fugitive

Josephine Sunshine Overaker aka "Maria" Age: Uncertain; likely 32-35
Bio: May have lived in Eugene in mid-1990s. Dated 
informant Ferguson around fall 1996. Reportedly 
participated in a number of forest defense 
actions. Indicted in January 2006 for alleged 
participation in nine actions, 1996-1999.
Legal status: Fugitive

Justin Solondz Age: 27
Bio: Born in New Jersey; part-time carpentry 
worker. Indicted in spring 2006 for alleged participation in two 2001 arsons.
Legal status: Fugitive

William Rodgers aka "Avalon" Age: 40 at death
Bio: Arizona-based eco-activist. In 1996, briefly 
joined the Warner Creek blockade. Allegedly 
co-authored a 2001 paper with Meyerhoff on how to 
build time-delayed incendiary devices. Before his 
arrest in December 2005, was living in Prescott, 
Ariz., with his then-girlfriend and running an 
activist bookstore, The Catalyst Infoshop. A 
member of the Arizona Indymedia collective, he 
apparently committed suicide by pulling a plastic 
bag over his head in a Flagstaff, Ariz., jail 
cell on Dec. 22, 2005, while awaiting extradition to Washington state.
Legal status: Deceased; never indicted

Daniel is an environmental and social justice 
activist. He was charged in federal court on many 
counts of arson, property destruction and 
conspiracy, all relating to two incidents in 
Oregon in 2001. Until recently, Daniel was 
offered two choices by the government: cooperate 
by informing on other people, or go to trial and 
face life in prison. His only real option was to 
plead not guilty until he could reach a 
resolution of the case that permitted him to 
honor his principles. Now, as a result of months 
of litigation and negotiation, Daniel was able to 
admit to his role in these two incidents, while 
not implicating or identifying any other people 
who might have been involved. The government will 
seek a sentence of eight years, while Daniel's 
lawyers will seek a sentence of no more than 63 months.

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