[News] Hamas 'views positively' ceasefire proposal laid out by Biden

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Fri May 31 20:54:28 EDT 2024

Hamas 'views positively' ceasefire proposal laid out by Biden
Al Mayadeen English
May 31, 2024

Hamas confirms its readiness to "deal positively and in a constructive
manner" with any proposal that is based on a permanent ceasefire and the
withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.
[image: af3be31d-9e3d-45fa-b59b-eec165c5e944.jpg]

   - Members of al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas military wing, attend a
   memorial for Mohamed Zouari in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on
   January 31, 2017. (*AFP*)

Hamas "views positively" the contents of US President Joe Biden's speech
earlier on Friday regarding "a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of
Israeli forces from Gaza, reconstruction and the exchange of prisoners,"
the Palestinian Resistance group said in a statement.

Biden unveiled a three-phase Israeli proposal he called a "roadmap to an
enduring ceasefire."

The movement confirmed its "readiness to deal positively and in a
constructive manner with any proposal that is based on the permanent
ceasefire and the full withdrawal [of Israeli forces] from the Gaza Strip,
the reconstruction [of Gaza], and the return of the displaced to their
places, along with the fulfillment of a genuine prisoner swap deal if the
occupation clearly announces commitment to such deal."

In statement asserted that the US stance and the growing regional and
international conviction of the need to end the war on Gaza are the
outcomes of what it described as the "legendary" resilience of the
Palestinian people and their Resistance during nearly eight months of
continuous war on the Gaza Strip.

The announcement came shortly after Biden laid
out the new proposal that involves releasing Israeli captives held by the
Palestinian Resistance in exchange for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The US President claimed that this is the most effective step toward
de-escalating the ongoing war, adding, "With a ceasefire, that aid could be
safely and effectively distributed to all who need it."

"As someone who's had a lifelong commitment to Israel, as the only American
president who has ever gone to Israel at a time of war, as someone who just
sent the US forces to directly defend Israel when it was attacked by Iran,
I ask you to take a step back, think what will happen if this moment is
lost," he stressed. "We can't lose this moment."

"It's time for this war to end and for the day after to begin," emphasized
Biden, who is under the pressure of an election year amid the ongoing
Israeli aggression.
Three-phase plan for Gaza ceasefire detailed

The three phases announced by the US President are as follows:

In phase one: A six-week complete ceasefire would be implemented. During
this period, Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza, and Israeli captives,
including the elderly and women, would be exchanged for hundreds of
Palestinian detainees. Palestinian civilians, including those in northern
Gaza, would be returned, and 600 trucks daily would deliver humanitarian

In phase two: Negotiations between Hamas and "Israel" would commence to
establish terms for a permanent end to hostilities. Biden emphasized that
the ceasefire would persist during these talks.

In phase three: A comprehensive reconstruction plan for Gaza would be
initiated. Qatar has conveyed the proposal to Hamas, according to Biden.
The US President also urged those in "Israel" advocating for prolonged war
to reconsider their stance.

*Read more: Hamas says not to pursue negotiations amid Israeli war on Gaza
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