[News] IOF destroyed more than 600 mosques, stole 1,000 bodies

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat May 18 17:31:57 EDT 2024

 Gaza Endowments: IOF destroyed more than 600 mosques, stole 1,000 bodies

Saturday 18-May-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/05/18/319153/
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The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Gaza reported on Friday
evening that Israeli occupation forces (IOF) completely destroyed 604
mosques and caused severe damage to 200 other mosques and three churches in
the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry explained in a statement that the IOF targeted 60 cemeteries
across the Gaza Strip, noting that they exhumed a number of graves and
stole more than 1,000 bodies of martyrs who were brutally killed and

The statement indicated that the IOF destroyed 15 headquarters of the
Ministry, most notably its main headquarters as well as the headquarters of
the Holy Quran Radio station, the Khan Yunis Endowments Directorate, the
Center for Antiquities and Manuscripts, the Sharia Endowments School for
Boys, and the Da’wa College in the north.

it highlighted that about 91 of its employees and preachers have been
martyred since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Endowments held Israeli and its supporters, especially the
United States, fully responsible for the policy of targeting mosques and
places of worship, calling on the countries of the free world,
international organizations, and Islamic institutions to intervene
immediately and urgently to stop the genocidal war in the Strip.

Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli occupation has launched a brutal
aggression against the Gaza Strip, resulting in killing, injuring, and
displacing tens of thousands of people in addition to thousands of the
missing, mostly children and women.
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