[News] Yemen thwarts US-Israeli intelligence unit known as 'Force 400'

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Mon May 6 12:40:29 EDT 2024

Yemen thwarts US-Israeli intelligence unit known as 'Force 400'
Al Mayadeen English
May 6, 2024

The 'Ammar Affash cell' or 'Force 400,' a spy group led by Ammar Affash,
recruited spies to gather intelligence and carry out sabotage operations
against Yemen's Armed Forces in service of the US and 'Israel'.

   - [image: Image shared by the Yemeni media showing five members of
   'Force 400' linked to Ammar Affash ahead of releasing the video of their
   confessions on May 6, 2024. (Saba)]
   Image shared by the Yemeni media showing five members of 'Force 400' linked
   to Ammar Affash ahead of releasing the video of their confessions on May 6,
   2024. (*Saba News Agency*)

Members of the "Ammar Affash cell" (sometimes referred to as Ammar Saleh),
were arrested by the Yemeni security services, with the support of those
concerned from the Ministry of Defense, for spying in service of the West.

The cell, more commonly known as the spy group "Force 400", led by Ammar
Affash, a spy who has long been on the Yemeni forces' wanted list, had
recruited these members to commit crimes in favor of the US and "Israel",
according to Yemen's *Saba News Agency*.

According to *Saba News Agency*, a security official explained that the
members caught over the past few days were recruited to work on collecting
information and monitoring sites belonging to the Yemeni Armed Forces
on the western coast of the Republic of Yemen.

Furthermore, the official highlighted that following Yemen's declaration of
the launch of its operations in support of the people of Palestine and the
start of operations against Israeli targets, including in the Red and
Arabian seas amid a joint US-UK aggression
on Yemen, security services detected increased intelligence efforts by
Yemen's enemies.
What were their missions?

US and Israeli occupation forces, along with local collaborators that
Affash recruited, notably through the so-called "Force 400", intensified
activities, recruiting individuals to monitor missile and drone launch
sites aimed at "Israel". Not only that, the collaborators' mission included
gathering information on the locations of Yemeni Armed Forces boats and
submitting their coordinates to their operators.

Those apprehended admitted to performing intelligence tasks, including
gathering coordinates of military targets, thus enabling attacks by US and
warplanes. As such, the collaborators, and their operators, are directly
responsible for the blood spilled and the material losses caused by the
joint aggression conducted in favor of Tel Aviv.

"Among what the spies were entrusted with, according to their confessions,
was to carry out criminal and sabotage operations, which included carrying
out operations to damage and burn vehicles belonging to the armed, security
forces, and then preparing to carry out assassination operations using
silencers and explosive materials for the purpose of distracting the armed
forces from confronting the American, British, Israeli evil trio
and supporting... the besieged Palestinian people, and striking the
homefront... in the service of the American and Israeli enemy through these
sabotage and criminal operations," a Yemeni official revealed to *Saba News

The Yemeni security services emphasized the severe consequences awaiting
these spies, including capital punishment, for collaborating with enemy
intelligence services.
Ammar Affash: What we know

In 2022, a Central Military Court in Yemen convicted Ammar Mohammed
Abdullah Saleh al-Ahmar, a former National Security Agency agent, along
with 12 officers from the United States, for their crimes of attempting to
destroy Yemen's missile
capabilities and air defense batteries.

During a court session in Sanaa, Ammar Saleh was sentenced to death in
absentia, while the other officers were given 10-year prison terms.

Saleh, according to some leading Yemeni journalists, is known to also have
ties to the United Arab Emirates, especially during the war on Yemen, and
to maintain a connection with sleeper cells across Yemen. This is what
"Force 400" is made of.
Members of the "Force 400" espionage network

Ammar Affash
Diaa Mohammad Ahmad Zayed
Dgheish Ali Hassan Dgheish
Aref Ahmad Zayd al-Radhi
Mohammad Naji Mohammad al-Qawsi
Abdul-Salam Saleh Abdallah al-Radfani
Jihad Abbass Saleh Mahram
Shehab Said Mohammad Maarouf
Hisham Ali Mohammad al-Saadani
Ali Abdallah Ahmad Jzilan
Abdallah Abed al-Qawi Mansour al-Maghribi
Faysal Bahram Ahsan Bahram
Arafat Ahmad Said al-Ruwayshan
Ahmad Saleh Ali al-Rahbi
Maher Mathna Thabet Mathna
Walid Ahmad Mohammad Nasser al-Snidar
Saleh Said Saleh al-Jarish
Jamil Jamal Ahmad Hussein Qoteish
Yosor Yousef Wahban
Ahmad Ibrahim Jbaily
Amro Ahmad Khalouf
Mohammad Salem 'Nayb
Ihab Sabtan 'Nayb
Akram Mohammad Radman
Mohammad Hassan Mahnash
Alaa Ahmad Sabi
Safwan Mahmoud Abdul-Ilah
Abdallah Abdo Saadat
Yehya Mohammad Khnan
Western intelligence operations in a Yemeni context

This comes after Yemen has successfully implemented a maritime siege
against "Israel", despite the multiple attempts by the US, UK, and a joint
naval operation to end Yemen's siege.

Yemen launched its operation against the Israeli occupation in defense of
the people of Yemen and expanded the width of operations to include the Red
Sea, Arabian Sea, and most recently the Mediterranean Sea. Yemen also
expanded the scope of the operations to target not only ships headed to
Israeli occupation ports, and Israeli ships but also US and British ships
aimed at hindering Yemen's operation in service of "Israel".

Intelligence operations directed against Yemen through Force 400
became significant after US and UK intelligence failed to discover Yemeni
launch sites that were used to target Umm al-Rashrash [Eilat] as well as US
and UK warships.

*Read more: Red Sea rising: Exposing the West's diminishing naval power
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