[News] Gaza Resistance intensifies operations along Netzarim, bombards Holit

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Wed May 1 15:33:18 EDT 2024

Gaza Resistance intensifies operations along Netzarim, bombards Holit
Al Mayadeen English
May 1, 2024

The Palestinian Resistance in Gaza continues to carry out operations
against the raiding Israeli occupation forces and targets Israeli
[image: 2af77900-5c90-4944-b351-6a27cd7ccb27.jpg]

   - A screen grab from a video showing the moment al-Qassam fighters
   attacking Israeli occupation forces along the so-called Netzarim axis.
   (Military Media of al-Qassam Brigades)

The Palestinian Resistance intensified Wednesday its operations targeting
the so-called Netzarim axis established by the Israeli occupation forces in
the northern-central area of the Gaza Strip, utilizing artillery weapons.

Palestinian media reported that several Israeli military aircraft were
observed evacuating wounded Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, struck Israeli forces
stationed along the Netzarim axis several times with heavy-caliber mortar
shells and with the 114mm short-range Rajoom rocket system.

The Brigades also attacked Israeli occupation forces' gatherings near
Kibbutz Holit in Gaza Envelope with the 114 mm short-range Rajoom rocket

On its part, al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic
Jihad (PIJ) movement, confirmed that its fighters bombarded an Israeli
military command and control center with mortar shells near the Turkish
Friendship Hospital along the supply route to the Netzarim axis.

Al-Quds Brigades also engaged Israeli occupation soldiers and their
military vehicles with a barrage of mortar shells in the vicinity of the
Sheikh Ajleen area, southwest of Gaza City (near the area where US troops
are constructing
the aid pier).

Moreover, Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), announced that its artillery
unit bombarded Israeli military gatherings in the vicinity of Netzarim with
mortar shells in response to Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

Touching on the Holit operation carried out by al-Qassam Brigades,
Palestinian Resistance affairs expert Hani al-Dali believed that it carries
important messages to the Israeli occupation.

Al-Dali told *Al Mayadeen* that the timing of the Holit operation,
coinciding with "Israel's" reported readiness to invade the southern city
of Rafah, holds significant implications, foremost among them being the
high combat readiness and preparedness of the Palestinian Resistance.

The expert pointed out that al-Qassam using the Rajoom rocket system
signals that the Brigades has prepared itself for prolonged fighting across
all levels, drawing on all past experiences.

He added that the battlefield may witness top-tier operations by the
Resistance in Gaza in the coming days, according to al-Dali, reminiscent of
the momentum of operations at the outset of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.
Resistance has enough resources to manage the battle

On Tuesday, al-Dali told *Al Mayadeen* that the Resistance's operations
against Israeli military bases and troops in all axes of Netzarim indicate
a clear imbalance in favor of the Resistance.

Al-Dali confirmed that the Resistance has the firepower capability to
target Israeli sites and possesses rockets that can reach beyond the
occupied city of Asdod, revealing that the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza has
a huge number of rockets
in its arsenal, as well as tunnels to manage the ongoing battle.

He also pointed out that al-Qassam Brigades in particular is refraining
from intensively using medium and long-range rockets against the Israeli
occupation at this time, and is instead waiting for the appropriate time to
do so.
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