[News] Israeli source of "executed children" lie admits story was untrue

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Wed Mar 27 12:34:18 EDT 2024


  Israeli source of "executed children" lie admits story was untrue

Asa Winstanley <https://electronicintifada.net/people/asa-winstanley> 
Rights and Accountability 
<https://electronicintifada.net/blog/rights-and-accountability> 27 March 


The Jewish extremist responsible for concocting some of Israel’s worst 
atrocity propaganda about 7 October has admitted that one of his stories 
about Hamas executing children was untrue.

Yossi Landau <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/yossi-landau> of the 
group ZAKA <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/zaka> concedes in a new 
interview with Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit that dead bodies he 
previously claimed to have seen in Kibbutz Be’eri 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/kibbutz-beeri> were “not children.”

In the interview he admits: “When you look at them and they’re burned 
you don’t know exactly the ages. So you’re talking about 18-year-old, 20 
years old … you just don’t look on the spot … to see the ages or 
something like that.”

The interview is part of Al Jazeera’s new documentary 
/October 7/, which confirms that Israel itself killed a number of the 
Israeli dead that day – as The Electronic Intifada has reported all 

In the documentary, Landau is pressed by producer Richard Sanders to 
explain a story he repeatedly spread to journalists last year.

“You’re talking children,” Landau claimed to Sky News in October. “Piles 
of 10 children each were tied to the back, [then] burned [in] the bed. 
Something behind this is next level … it’s indescribable.”

It’s a story that Landau repeated again and again in the wake of the 7 
October Palestinian military assault. His lurid allegations successfully 
demonized Palestinians and helped pave the way for Israel’s ongoing 
genocide in the Gaza Strip, which has so far claimed the lives of more 
than 32,000 people.

You can watch the Al Jazeera interview with Landau in the video above, 
which is a clip from the full Al Jazeera documentary that you can watch 
on their website <https://www.ajiunit.com/investigation/october-7/>.

    Beheaded babies lies

Landau also seems to have been responsible 
for the definitively debunked Israeli lie that 40 babies had been 
executed by Hamas 

As well as that, Landau was involved 
in promoting Israel’s stories about an alleged Palestinian campaign 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/mass-rape-accusation> of sexual 
violence on 7 October – which has now entirely collapsed 

Landau also accompanied 
UN official Pramila Patten on her visit to the kibbutzim as research for 
her report on alleged sexual violence by Palestinians (the report 
claimed rape may have taken place, but presented no evidence and was 
based almost entirely on official government sources).

Landau’s new admission to Al Jazeera that these dead “children” were 
not, in fact, children at all, appears to be the first on-camera 
admission that he had not told the truth.

Given his well-documented history of lying, there’s no reason to believe 
any aspect of Landau’s account.

As the documentary shows, however, Landau’s lies were highly influential.

Along with other atrocity propaganda, they were passed on by Israeli 
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to US President Joe Biden, who in turn 
lied that he had actually seen photos of the “beheaded babies.” The 
White House was later forced to clarify 
that Biden had not seen any such photos.

The photos, of course, did not exist, because no such executions had 
taken place.

As the documentary shows, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken repeated 
other such atrocity stories publicly, also taken from ZAKA’s innovative 

    Jewish extremists

Yossi Landau is the southern regional head of ZAKA, a Jewish extremist 

Working in close coordination with the Israeli government and military, 
ZAKA describes itself as an emergency rescue organization, with more 
than 3,000 volunteers around the country.

ZAKA’s male-only volunteers are not medically trained, have no 
professional qualifications and completely lack medical expertise.

In fact, ZAKA is an ultra-Orthodox religious group which specializes in 
removing bodies and body parts in the aftermath of an emergency. It 
transports them to morgues in line with strict Jewish religious law, in 
order to prepare them for burial. It adamantly opposes forensic 
and other such medical science.

The removal of bodies has been done at the cost 
<https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-774511> – some would say with 
the intent 
– of destroying important forensic evidence in the wake of the 7 October 
Palestinian military assault.

The indiscriminate Israeli retaliation to that attack left an 
undetermined number of Israelis dead, in what the Israeli military has 
admitted was 
an “immense” number of what it called “friendly fire” incidents.

Since 7 October, ZAKA has come under increasing scrutiny from 
independent journalists, not least by The Electronic Intifada 

The earliest and perhaps most persistent journalist to expose Landau and 
ZAKA has been Max Blumenthal of /The Grayzone/. And indeed, much of Al 
Jazeera’s background reporting on Landau in the new film seems to rely 
on Blumenthal’s extensive exposé on the topic 
from 6 December.

As Blumenthal reported, Landau’s lies about Hamas supposedly burning 20 
children alive were repeated to media the world over. As was his 
similarly lurid invention that he had come across the murdered body of a 
pregnant women with the fetus cut out of her, which was then in turn 
stabbed to death.

Where Al Jazeera’s film does advance the reporting is by securing an 
interview with Landau himself and – possibly for the first time – 
actually challenging him on camera about the inconsistencies in his many 
tall tales.

As Blumenthal pointed out on X (formerly Twitter) after watching the 
interview, the conversation also revealed yet another lie Landau told to 
the Western media.

When quoted in /The New York Times’/ infamously fabricated reporting 
about a supposed campaign 
of “mass rape” by Hamas, Landau claimed to their reporters that he “did 
not take pictures because we are not allowed to take pictures.”

By stark way of contrast he insists to Al Jazeera’s skeptical Richard 
Sanders – who had asked him about the dead fetus story – that “if you 
want to see the picture, I have the picture.”

He then declines to show “the picture” on camera, instead playing a 
video to Richard Sanders, who reports that “I can’t see a baby here.”

Unused to being challenged by journalists, Landau then splutters through 
a series of contradictory excuses: “You can’t see the baby because – but 
this is the picture of the mother. For sure. You know, we didn’t think, 
when we – we didn’t think to to, to camera everything. We didn’t have 
that, this wasn’t in our….”

Al Jazeera says in the film that the image only showed “an 
unidentifiable piece of charred flesh.”

Sanders should perhaps take care if he were ever to encounter Landau again.

When Landau was asked on one podcast what he would say to “people out 
there who question” or who “play down the atrocities” his response was 
bone chilling.

“I wouldn’t say anything … he should be killed,” Landau insisted. 
“Together with the Hamas terrorist … Because he’s a part of it.”

Writing for /Mondoweiss/, The Short String – an anonymous collective of 
Palestinian journalists inside Israel – did an extensive report on 
ZAKA’s history 
of deception, extremism and military propaganda.

The group was founded in 1995 by Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, the ex-leader of an 
ultra-Orthodox Jewish terrorist group “that targeted forensic 
pathologists and used explosives against shops selling ‘secular 
newspapers,’” The Short String reported.

Landau’s lies are nothing new. ZAKA has long had a reputation for 
deception, even within Israel. “In the past, they sent numerous pieces 
of news that turned out to be lies,” Israeli Army Radio reported in 2002.

Meshi-Zahav remained leader of ZAKA until 2021, when he attempted to 
kill himself amid an investigation sparked by a series of highly 
credible reports that he had raped and sexually assaulted dozens of 
people – including children as young as 12. (Meshi-Zahav later died of 
his injuries.)

As Blumenthal reported, Meshi-Zahav was known in Israel “as ‘the Haredi 
Jeffrey Epstein’ due to his well-documented penchant for raping young 
people of both sexes.”

This is the same group that is still taken seriously as a credible 
source by corporate media across the Western world.

    “Influencing public opinion”

ZAKA has also in recent months raked in millions of dollars of donations 
from rich backers in the West, mainly off the back of its lurid atrocity 

Benjamin Netanyahu himself has been explicit about ZAKA’s key role in 
this gencodial campaign, and how it helps Israel resist the growing 
calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“We need to buy time,” he told ZAKA volunteers 
<https://www.gov.il/en/departments/news/event-zaka231123> during a visit 
to their offices in November. He explained that this would be done “by 
turning to world leaders and to public opinion. You have an important 
role in influencing public opinion, which also influences leaders. We 
are at war; it will continue.”

ZAKA has indeed continued this unscrupulous role with utter ruthlessness.

In an email from ZAKA leader Yoni Gilboa to potential donors last week, 
obtained by The Electronic Intifada, ZAKA even justified the latest 
Israeli attack on al-Shifa hospital 
in northern Gaza.

“This action was taken based on concrete intelligence that senior Hamas 
officials were using the hospital’s premises,” the group claimed in the 
email, echoing the Israeli military’s typically self-serving lies.

ZAKA wrote in the email that they “mourn the loss of an Israeli soldier, 
Staff Sgt. Matan Vinogradov, 20, of Jerusalem. His bravery and sacrifice 
in the line of duty will not be forgotten.”

A screenshot of an email from ZAKA

“In these difficult times, the role of ZAKA Tel-Aviv is more critical 
than ever,” they added. “Your support enables us to continue this vital 
work … Donate now. Thank you for standing with us, for your unwavering 
support, and for helping us make a difference.”

But the group’s mercenary instincts may yet lead to the downfall of its 
most famous leader.

Last week, Israeli media reported that Yossi Landau had been suspended 
from ZAKA.

However, Landau’s chickens had not yet come home to roost. Instead, ZAKA 
announced in a statement, he and his brother had done “things that 
contradict the halacha [religious law] of our holy Torah.”

Video had emerged of Landau on a lucrative fundraising trip to Texas 
hugging Julie Sironi 
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-sironi-5127521bb/>, the “Israel and 
Jewish liaison” of a Christian Zionist megachurch 

Israeli journalist Yoeli Brim reported 
<https://twitter.com/yoeli_brim/status/1770843004238012537> that the 
pair had raised “over a million dollars” from the church.

The video reportedly caused outrage among ZAKA’s ultra-Orthodox 
volunteers. Physical contact between most men and women is prohibited in 
strictly religious Judaism.

It remains to be seen how long Landau’s suspension will last.

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