[News] US wants war on Gaza to continue, Biden-Netanyahu dispute 'theatrical'

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Tue Mar 26 20:50:09 EDT 2024

US wants war on Gaza to continue, Biden-Netanyahu dispute 'theatrical'
Al Mayadeen English
March 26, 2024

The deputy chief of the Islamic Jihad Resistance movement tells Al Mayadeen
that the US-Israeli relationship is strategic and extends beyond that
between Biden and Netanyahu.
[image: 62225bb8-48eb-45c6-b6c6-7a9f23832fa5.jpg]

   - A Resistance fighter of Hamas' al-Qassam during a parade in Gaza in
   2019 (*AFP*)

A special interview with Mohammad al-Hindi, the Deputy Secretary-General of
the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, provides insight into the
Palestinian situation and negotiations, along with the repercussions of the
UN Security Council resolution
demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Talking to *Al Mayadeen*, al-Hindi affirmed on Tuesday that, while the
resolution reflects the isolation that "Israel" is experiencing worldwide,
it will not practically change any of the circumstances.

He pointed out that the United States and the Israeli occupation entity are
allies, with their disagreements being tactical rather than strategic. He
emphasized that their relationship is broader and more strategic than the
relationship between Biden and Netanyahu

*Read more: US, 'Israel' mis-assessed Hamas' firm position on its demands:

Regarding the recent public disputes between the US and "Israel", he
described them as "theatrical", adding that they ultimately benefit
Netanyahu, who is trying to portray himself as the only one standing in the
face of Biden's administration. Al-Hindi explained that the decisions of
international institutions are implemented when they serve US interests,
and currently, Washington is not inclined to activate them.
The US wants the war on Gaza to continue

The deputy chief of the PIJ stated that "Israel" is dragging on the
negotiations. He emphasized that "Israel's" actions are misguiding, despite
the clear and specific demands of the Resistance, which has shown
flexibility in negotiations. "However, Netanyahu is obstructing the entire
process," he stressed.

He added that the Israeli captives are the winning card
in the hands of the Resistance, and "Israel" wants to recover them at a
cheap price. He affirmed that Israelis have failed to recover a single
captive through military means, despite the claims of Netanyahu, who
continuously talks about achieving a "decisive victory"

*Read more: Hamdan: 'Israel's' response to our plan was negative, obstructs

Al-Hindi also affirmed that Netanyahu and his government's priority is to
continue the war, not the captives.

"The Resistance activates pressure tools to achieve the best outcomes in
the negotiations," he maintained, emphasizing that the Resistance has
prioritized relieving the Palestinian people and stopping the aggression
and that it "will not hand over [its] people to a truce [that would allow]
Netanyahu afterward to return to his crimes."

On Washington's role in the war on Gaza, al-Hindi said that the "US is
providing the coverup to ensure that the war continues, the Resistance in
Palestine is uprooted, and the Resistance movements in the region are

*Read more: Palestinian Resistance confronts Israeli forces near al-Shifa
Failed to create rifts in Gaza

On Rafah
al-Hindi said "Netanyahu talks about the attack of Rafah as if it will
bring victory," confirming that the Resistance is well and resilient on the
battlefield despite all that is being promoted by Israelis.

The occupation entity attempted recently to incite a rift between the
Resistance in Gaza and Palestinian clans, aiming to form groups loyal to
"Israel" that could fight against the Resistance.

On that note, the senior Islamic Jihad official affirmed that the clans in
Gaza are deeply rooted in the Resistance and that communications are
ongoing between them and the Resistance, noting that Netanyahu has failed
to create a rift between the two sides.

Al-Hindi also discussed the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq,
confirming their importance as they represent one of the methods of
pressuring the United States to discuss serious solutions to stop the
Israeli war.

*Read more: 'Israel' lost northern front to Hezbollah, senior official says

In this context, al-Hindi said that "Israel" is deeply involved in Gaza, so
it cannot expand the war or open an additional front in Lebanon.

The senior PIJ official concluded his remarks by saying that "Israel" has
not achieved the goals of this aggression, and any assassination operation
of Resistance leaders will not change the equations on the ground.
'Israel' delusional about achieving objectives

In this context, a member of the political bureau of Hamas, Ghazi Hamad,
emphasized to *Al Mayadeen* that there has been no progress in the
negotiations and that "Israel" maintains an obstinate position, noting that
it is clear that the occupation wants to continue the war despite all
international positions.

Hamad shed light on the Israeli massacres in Gaza committed right after the
UNSC resolution was passed, saying that the occupation is defying the
international will.

Regarding the negotiations, he stated that the occupation met the
flexibility shown by the Resistance with more intransigence, pointing out
that the Israeli side has negotiated each time without a clear position,
which represents Netanyahu's policy.

*Read more: UN expert: 'Acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza met'

In this regard, Hamad explained that the main gateway to the agreement is
still closed due to "the occupation's refusal to consider the idea of
reaching an agreement in the first place."

Addressing the negotiations, Hamad noted that there is an exchange of ideas
with the mediators, emphasizing that this exchange does not come within the
framework of pressuring Hamas as it has become clear that the Resistance
movement does not offer flexibility unless on its own terms.

Commenting on the Israeli potential attack on Rafah, the Hamas official did
not rule out the possibility that the occupation would launch a widescale
aggression on the city, yet he stressed the necessity of international
pressure on the occupation to prevent this.

Hamad concluded by saying that the Israeli leadership is delusional and
will not be able to achieve its goals in Gaza. "Israel" will continue to
pile up failures, he maintained.
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