[News] Israel’s aggression on Gaza is increasing Palestine solidarity in Latin America

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Sun Mar 24 11:24:56 EDT 2024

 Israel’s aggression on Gaza is increasing Palestine solidarity in Latin
By Eman Abusidu <https://english.palinfo.com/?p=250866>

Saturday 23-March-2024 -

Since the outbreak of Israel’s bombing campaign on Gaza, Palestine
supporters have increasingly voiced concern over the genocidal policies
being carried out in the enclave. From Europe to the US and Latin America,
millions have taken to the streets, occupied train stations and blocked
weapons factories to demonstrate their unity with Palestine. All united for
“Freedom for Palestine”.

Communities in Latin America came together to denounce the Israeli
occupation’s actions in Gaza. There is strong solidarity with Palestine in
the region, particularly in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Bolivia and El
Salvador. Towers were lit in the colors of the Palestinian flag, flags were
raised atop buildings and people chanted in support of Gaza.

Even the region’s presidents adopted a united policy of condemning Israel´s
action on Gaza, calling for an end to the massacres and for civilians to be

In Chile, home to the largest Palestinian diaspora population in Latin
America, a huge march was held to call urgent humanitarian aid to be
allowed into Gaza. The demonstration started at the Gabriel Mistral
Cultural Centre, passed through La Moneda and ended with a cultural event
in Los Heroes. Around 20,000 people, including personalities such as the
writer Diamela Eltit, the former Minister of Education Jorge Arrate, the
Mayor of Recoleta Daniel Jadue, among others, took part.

At the end of the protest, the President of the Palestinian Community in
Chile, Maurice Khamis, expressed a message of solidarity with the
Palestinian people and called for a ceasefire in Gaza and peace and
justice. “Palestinians have been victims of an unprecedented genocide. We
have witnessed a live and direct massacre with thousands of people killed.
Any attempt at justification is an affront to humanity. Our call now is for
a ceasefire and to establish lasting peace in Palestine, based on justice
and freedom,” Khamis said.

He also highlighted that “the solidarity of the Chilean people with the
Palestinians endures in the present, the past and the future. I have no
doubt that this country respects the rights of the Palestinian people.”

Meanwhile Brazil and 23 other countries from the Community of Latin
American and Caribbean States (CELAC) issued a joint statement calling for
an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and putting an “immediate end of
the genocide in Gaza”.

During the conference, Brazil´s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva held
meetings with the presidents of Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela and others and
discussed the situation in the Gaza Strip.

“The humanitarian tragedy in Gaza demands from all of us the ability to say
enough is enough to the collective punishment that the Israeli government
imposes on the Palestinian people. People are dying in line for food. The
indifference of the international community is shocking,” Lula said at the
Eighth CELAC Summit.

Da Silva proposed a motion to the UN for an immediate end to the genocide
against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip committed by the Israeli

“I want to take advantage of the presence of the UN Secretary General,
Antonio Guterres, to propose a CELAC motion for an immediate end to this
genocide. I call on the five permanent members of the UN Security Council
to put aside their differences and put an end to this killing. The lives of
thousands of innocent women and children are at stake.”

In Bolivia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the genocide against
civilians in the Gaza Strip and deplored the denial of the entry of
humanitarian aid into the besieged enclave. The ministry also demanded
urgent action from the United Nations Security Council.

“These actions violate the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the
order to stop the attacks and to guarantee humanitarian aid that was issued
by the International Court of Justice,” its statement said.

The Bolivian Foreign Ministry urged the Security Council and the
international community to take immediate action to stop the “massacres”
being committed by the Israeli occupation forces.

“It constitutes a ruthless act of cowardice, contrary to all regulations of
international law and human rights. At present, there are already
sufficient reasons to establish a trial against [Israeli Prime Minister]
Benjamin Netanyahu and his collaborators at the International Criminal
Court for their crimes against humanity,” it continued.

“The international community cannot ignore the seriousness of these events
and must join in the condemnation and the need for justice.”

Meanwhile, Colombian President Gustavo Petro has shared numerous posts on
social media highlight that Israel is committing “genocide” and compared
its actions in the Gaza Strip to the Nazi’s actions during the Second World

Latin America continues to be united in voicing its rejection of Israel’s
brutal bombing campaign in Gaza and its efforts to forcibly displace
Palestinians from their homeland once again. Will Israel’s allies take heed
of the warnings and reign Tel Aviv’s actions in to stop more civilians
being killed in Gaza?

*-Eman Abusidu is MEMO’s correspondent in Brazil.*
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