[News] Palestinian Resistance confronts Israeli forces near al-Shifa

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Sun Mar 24 00:55:23 EDT 2024

Palestinian Resistance confronts Israeli forces near al-Shifa
Al Mayadeen English
March 24, 2024

The Palestinian Resistance in Gaza is inflicting tremendous damage on the
invading Israeli forces as they attempt to further entrench themselves in
the al-Shifa Hospital.
[image: a1d05136-c9d5-452f-8130-20e9994ab1cc.jpg]

   - A Palestinian al-Qassam Brigades fighter during confrontations in Beit
   Hanoun (Hamas military media)

An *Al Mayadeen *correspondent in Gaza reported that the Palestinian
Resistance is engaged in fierce confrontations against the Israeli
occupation forces in the al-Bura area east of Beit Hanoun, north of the
Gaza Strip.

Likewise, the Resistance is engaged in confrontations at the al-Alam
roundabout in the center of Bani Suheila, east of Khan Younis Governorate
in southern Gaza.

As the confrontations intensified, an *Al Mayadeen *correspondent reported
that the occupation forces withdrew from the al-Mawasi area west of Khan
Younis after an Israeli raid that lasted several hours.
Al-Qassam Brigades

Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, said its Resistance fighters
bombarded the occupying forces entrenched in the vicinity of al-Shifa
 Medical Center
of Gaza City with mortar shells.

In the vicinity of al-Shifa Medical Center, the Qassam Brigades reported
that their resistance fighters were able to target a group of Israeli
occupation soldiers who had fortified themselves inside a building with a
TBG anti-fortification shell, causing several casualties among them.

They also targeted an Israeli military vehicle with a Yassin-105 anti-tank
Al-Quds Brigades

The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Movement (PIJ), announced that its Resistance fighters in the engineering
unit were working on reusing the dismantled Israeli explosive devices and
adhesive explosives to be reused against the invading soldiers
and their military vehicles.

The PIJ's military wing said in a statement that their resistance fighters
in the engineering unit were able to dismantle explosive devices that the
occupation had planted in a house in the vicinity of the al-Shifa
Medical Complex.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
announced that their fighters engaged in continuous and fierce
confrontations against the occupation forces using machine guns and RPG
shells on the axis of advance in the al-Bura area, east of Beit Hanoun.

They also said that their resistance fighters shelled an Israeli assembly
point, inflicting material and human losses on the IOF after they struck
them with mortar shells in the vicinity of al-Shifa Medical Complex.

The National Resistance Battalions - Omar al-Qassem Brigades, the military
wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP
confirmed that its fighters engaged in violent confrontations against the
occupation forces on al-Wahda Street and the outskirts of al-Shati Camp in
Gaza City, which saw them detonating a high payload explosive device in an
Israeli vehicle.

They also fired an RPG shell at an advancing Israeli unit in the al-Baraka
area south of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli news outlet *Walla! *said Saturday that the Israeli occupation
forces find themselves uncertain
and without a clear strategy for Gaza as it is mired in there for the fifth
month straight.

The Hamas Resistance movement is actively rebuilding its capabilities in
areas recently vacated by the Israeli occupation forces, *Walla! *underlined,
highlighting that "Israel" had no control over this issue.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
 appears immobilized by internal political dynamics, *Walla! *columnist Ben
Caspit said. According to sources, Netanyahu's decision-making capacity is
hampered by the influence of far-right politicians Itamar Ben-Gvir and
Bezalel Smotrich, leaving the government paralyzed in its response to the
ongoing crisis faced by the IOF in Gaza.

Analysts argue against pursuing an invasion of Rafah, asserting that any
gains made would be negligible compared to the strategic significance of
Khan Younis, where Hamas maintains a stronghold.

Criticism is mounting against Netanyahu, with some attributing the
occupation's current predicament to his leadership, such as Israeli *Yedioth
Ahronoth *journalist Ben-Dror Yemini.
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