[News] Drone footage reveals Israel’s cold-blooded murder of Palestinians in Gaza

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Fri Mar 22 20:14:40 EDT 2024

 Drone footage reveals Israel’s cold-blooded murder of Palestinians in Gaza

The death toll in Israel's campaign of genocide in Gaza has exceeded over
31,000 Palestinians

News Desk <https://thecradle.co/authors/news-desk-9>

MAR 22, 2024 -
Illustrative: Elbit's Hermes 900 UAV . (Photo credit: Elbit)

Israeli forces used drones to kill four Palestinian youths in Gaza in cold
blood as they walked down a road in the city of Khan Yunis in Gaza, footage
<https://x.com/KhaledYousry22/status/1770925629535326229?s=20> obtained by
*Al-Jazeera* shows.

The drone first fired two missiles at the youths as they walked on a dirt
road, hoping to reach the remains of their

 destroyed homes. Israeli bulldozers had been active in the area but had
withdrawn. Israeli forces continued to monitor the area by drone.

The missiles killed two of the youths. The other two tried to escape, but
Israeli drones opened fire with missiles a third and fourth time, killing
them both separately as well.

The last youth had tripped and fallen and was on his knees in the road as
the missile struck him.

The missiles obliterated the bodies, barely leaving a trace of them.

The video shows the youths were unarmed and posed no threat to any Israeli

The drone was broadcasting video to an Israeli command center as it opened

On Thursday evening, the Gaza Media Office stated
the killings constituted evidence of a “deep crisis within the Israeli

“We strongly condemn this crime in which the occupation army bombed four
civilian youths with drones, killing them vindictively and turning them
into scattered remains, indicating the magnitude of the deep crisis that
this occupation is going through by killing in this monstrous manner,” the
media office said.

“The US administration, the international community, and the Israeli
occupation bear full responsibility for the continuation of these crimes
against Palestinian civilians for the sixth consecutive month (of the
war),” it added.

Since 7 October, Israeli forces have killed over 31,000 Palestinians in
Gaza in a campaign widely-viewed as genocide.
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