[News] Abu Obeida: No compromise on main demands, Ramadan a month of Jihad

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Fri Mar 8 16:31:57 EST 2024

Abu Obeida: No compromise on main demands, Ramadan a month of Jihad
Al Mayadeen English
March 8, 2024

The spokesperson for al-Qassam Brigades has come out in a live address to
the world, urging Muslims to defend one of their holiest sites.
[image: 6c528efe-3598-443e-b493-054f3e5bc79c.png]

   - The military spokesperson for Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida,
   appears in a live address to the Palestinian people and the Islamic Ummah,
   on March 8, 2024. *(Al-Qassam Brigades/Military Media)*

The ongoing Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood "establishes a new phase not only in
Gaza and Palestine but on a global level," as it promotes the fact that
"justice is only secured through force," the military spokesperson for
Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades Abu Obeida stated in a crucial broadcast address
on Friday.

Sixth months into Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Abu Obeida brought clarity to
several key issues, including ongoing mediated talks between the
Palestinian Resistance and "Israel", as well as the operational situation
for the Palestinian Resistance and the condition of Israeli captives in the
Gaza Strip.

"This savage war against our people enters its sixth month, with the
criminal enemy persisting in perpetrating a true Nazi holocaust against our
– involving the killings, starvation, intensification of oppression,
destruction, and disdain for all international laws and feeble systems that
stand powerless against the occupying entity, which is stripped of any
human values," Abu Obeida stated.

Abu Obeida's speech highlighted the futility of diplomacy and legal
pathways through international law or the decisions of the United Nations
Security Council in achieving a ceasefire and the rights of the Palestinian

Instead, the spokesperson pushed for continued confrontations and expanded
mobilization in the month of Ramadan, in the West Bank
occupied '48 territories, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and other Islamic and Arab
nations to end the genocide against the Palestinian people.

*Read more: Let Ramadan be month for mobilization, upscaled resistance: Abu
The frail international community fails to stop Zionist plots

"The international community and its frail laws are designed to protect
injustice, oppression, and aggression [conducted] by the tyranny of
ruthless power, spearheaded by the American administration. Our people and
understood this equation early on. Hence, our people's Resistance and
ongoing revolution culminated in the October 7 epic, responding to the
continuous aggression [that has spanned for] decades, reaching its peak in
attempts to Judaize [al-Aqsa Mosque] and defeat and provoke the sentiments
of all Muslims," Abu Obeida underlined.

"Zionist arrogance escalated with the rise of the most extremist and
Nazi-like government in the entity. Before October 7, it was [preparing]
for what [is being praticed] today in Gaza, the West Bank, and al-Quds,
grounded in an alleged Torah legacy openly calling for the burning,
killing, and destruction of other nations," the spokesperson explained.

"Strengthened by Zionist settlers' gangs, they began their odious religious
war against our lands
people, and sanctities," he said.

"[The international community] adheres to the law of the jungle, where the
so-called Security Council convenes... obstructing any, even formal,
attempt to support the oppressed and deter the aggressors," the
spokesperson underscored.
Resistance will not stop until the rights of Palestinians are retrieved by

"Faced with this reality and ongoing aggression, we, in al-Qassam Brigades
and the Palestinian Resistance ... persist, understanding that an enemy
that only comprehends the language of strength will not be subdued by
statements, conferences, condemnations, or even international resolutions,"
Abu Obeida stressed.

"We have been fighting for decades, and now, on the hundred fifty-fourth
day of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, we continue to [produce] immense losses
inflicted upon the desperate enemy, its criminal army, and mercenaries,
both in terms of officers, soldiers, and their [armored] vehicles," the
spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades said.

He pledged that the Palestinian Resistance will continue to confront the
Israeli aggression until it ends, saying that "Israel" will not gain any
security "until it grants our people their rights and ends its occupation
of land and sacred sites."
Ramadan: A month of jihad

"May the approaching month of Ramadan be a month of obedience, jihad, and
victories," Abu Obeida said as he began to address Muslims around the world.

"As Muslims worldwide prepare to welcome Ramadan, we have offered a
sacrifice to Allah – a cascade of pure blood and pure souls. We welcome it
with the peak of Islamic zeal, jihad, steadfastness, and combat during a
time when men are honored [for their actions during the Holy month]," Abu
Obeida said.

The military spokesperson then addressed Muslims who had not lived up to
the occasion and supported Gaza and the Palestinian people, citing a poem
sent by Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak to Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad in the year 797.

O ye who worships in the vicinity of the Two Holy Masjids!

If you but see us, you will realize that you are only jesting in worship.

He who brings wetness to his cheek with his tears should know that our
necks are being wet by our blood.

"In the face of a billion-strong nation, the enemy disregards the sanctity
of their al-Aqsa Mosque. Despite claiming otherwise, they (Israeli
authorities) plan to tighten the grip on its people, expel them, and impose
restrictions on worship, persisting in their declared religious war. They
show no regard for the sanctity of innocent lives, which are as sacred to
Allah as the Kaaba itself," Abu Obeida said in his resounding message to
Muslims around the world.

He then called "upon all the sons of our people in the West Bank, al-Quds,
and the occupied Palestinian territories in 1948 to mobilize and march
toward al-Aqsa Mosque, stand firm there, and not allow the occupation to
impose its [policies in the holy site]."

"We call on the masses of our nation everywhere to declare mobilization to
confront [the Israeli occupation] in every field – be it in combat and
confrontation or in protest and demonstration," he stressed.
We will not compromise on fundamental demands in negotiations

"While we have positively engaged with mediators
our top and foremost priority for accomplishing a prisoner exchange deal is
a complete commitment to the cessation of aggression against our people.
This includes the full withdrawal of the enemy, the return of our displaced
people, and the reconstruction of [Gaza]," Abu Obeida explained.

"We do not compromise on these fundamental and humanitarian issues," he

"Any proposals that do not include these human principles are of no use or
concern to our people and Resistance. Nothing takes precedence over
addressing the wounds of our people, who are facing genocide due to their
insistence on their rights and defense of their land and sanctities," Abu
Obeida said about mediated negotiations between the Resistance and Israeli
Starvation of Gazans affects Israeli captives alike

"[Israelis] have gone beyond the brutality of the Nazis... [imposing]
intentional starvation, where the world witnesses the killing of fathers
seeking to provide for their children and the starvation and death of
children in the most heinous war crimes," Abu Obeida said.

"We affirm that this famine has cast its shadows over all segments of our
people in Gaza, including [Israeli captives] who experience the same levels
of hunger and deprivation as our people. They suffer from a lack of food
and medicine, and some of the enemy's captives are experiencing
malnutrition, dehydration, and emaciation. Disease now threatens the lives
of some of them due to the unavailability of proper medication and food.
Additionally, they are exposed to bombings and killings in incidents we
have repeatedly announced," Abu Obeida said.

"If the families of these prisoners are concerned about their lives, let
them know that their government and war council are playing with the lives
of their children. They insist on receiving them in coffins. The ball is in
their court to save those who can be saved from them," he underlined.

To conclude, Abu Obeida extended his greetings to the steadfast Palestinian
people "and the fighters of our heroic nation in all areas." In particular,
he mentioned those who have been martyred "on the path to al-Quds, in
Lebanon, Yemen
and Iraq."

*Read more: Families of Israeli captives block main road, demand exchange
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