[News] Hamas - Any aimless negotiations will not continue:

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Wed Mar 6 20:56:37 EST 2024

Any aimless negotiations will not continue: Hamdan to Al Mayadeen
Al Mayadeen English
March 6, 2024

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan tells Al Mayadeen that all the Americans
and Israelis want is a temporary truce and reject a permanent cessation of
[image: d899ceab-6108-4d17-9c0a-f38b0c2a81a8.jpg]

   Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan.

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan affirmed that any negotiations not
reaching their goal "will not continue," pointing out that the Israeli
occupation wants to "catch its breath and worsen the humanitarian crisis"
in the Gaza Strip.

In an interview for *Al Mayadeen*, Hamdan mentioned that "the obstacle has
been there since the first day when the first Paris Document was presented,
and Hamas dealt with it realistically," adding that "from the first day, it
was clear that all the Americans and Israelis wanted was a temporary truce,
while they refused to cease hostilities permanently."

He said that Washington is concerned about being accused of covering the
crimes of the Israeli occupation, noting that both the United States and
"Israel" are maneuvering and trying to win some time.

The Palestinian official said that Hamas' position was clear from the
beginning, "that any information about the Israeli captives comes with a
price," adding that the movement demands a written agreement and cannot
settle for less.

"If there are no clear answers, we cannot continue to go around in
circles," he stressed.

Regarding the dispute between the US administration and the Israeli
leadership, Hamdan said that "it revolves around the interests of both
parties in the region."

Touching on aid to the Gaza Strip, he highlighted that all air-dropped aid
does not exceed the load of two trucks, pointing out that the US is taking
part in the siege on Gaza.

The senior Hamas official made it clear that "those who want to come to
Gaza to contribute to the liberation project are welcome, while those who
want to partner up with the Israeli occupation will be treated as an
occupier," hoping that there will be a will to allow aid trucks into the
besieged Strip.

He underlined that the more "Israel" escalates its aggression, the more it
pushes the resistance to higher levels, highlighting that the current
battle has shown that "the Axis of Resistance is moving to another stage
that will lead us to comprehensive liberation."

Hamdan insisted that this battle has a victorious path and the Palestinian
people will be the ones to triumph, saying, "This battle is the first in
the history of the conflict with the entity where the Palestinian narrative
wins, thanks to the Resistance media."

The official said that if there was a minimum of justice in international
institutions, the Israeli occupation entity and its leaders would have been
tried for war crimes.

He emphasized that the popular movement in Europe and its impact on
governments cannot be ignored, adding that George Galloway's victory
in the Rochdale by-election is evidence of that.

Elsewhere, Hamdan praised Moscow's role in supporting the Palestinian

*Read more: Exclusive: Hamas flexibility in negotiations met with Israeli
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