[News] Hamas flexibility in negotiations met with Israeli stalling

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Wed Mar 6 12:53:51 EST 2024

Exclusive: Hamas flexibility in negotiations met with Israeli stalling
Al Mayadeen English
March 6, 2024

A top official in the Palestinian Resistance informs Al Mayadeen of the
latest developments of the crucial Cairo negotiations.
[image: ae855786-842c-47f2-8967-ec38cd969b55.jpg]

   - A masked Palestinian Resistance leader speaks during a military drill
   organized by Palestinian Resistance factions under the Palestinian Joint
   Operations Room Gaza City, the Gaza Strip, Palestine, December 29, 2020.

The Israeli occupation has not yet expressed any positive stance regarding
ending the war, and it refuses to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, a senior
official in the Palestinian Resistance told *Al Mayadeen* on Wednesday.

Speaking on mediated negotiations between the Palestinian Resistance and
Israeli authorities in Cairo, which have not stopped since Sunday, the
senior official updated *Al Mayadeen *on the latest developments.

"The goal of the ongoing negotiations in Cairo is to reach an agreement
that achieves a permanent ceasefire, the return of the displaced,
[complete] withdrawal, and providing the needs of our people," he
Hamas flexible as 'Israel' maneuvers

The source revealed that Hamas exhibited as much flexibility as possible to
achieve its demands, but "Israel" continues to disregard "the efforts of
the mediators."

Israeli authorities did not give any positive stances when it comes to
ending the war, stressing that they do not want to withdraw from the Gaza
Strip, the senior official told *Al Mayadeen*.

Importantly, he revealed that the occupation is "maneuvering" in
negotiations and is pushing to discuss withdrawal clauses. This clause
specifically was described as "dubious and unclear" by the official.

"Israel is offering a withdrawal from the Gaza Strip without specifying
areas [where the action would be taken], while Hamas is demanding that the
process be completed through clear maps."

*Read more: UN official calls for flooding Gaza with aid it needs
Israeli excuses, maneuvering hindering process

The source pointed out that the occupation is attempting to market the captives
to detainee ratio
as an issue of contention that is hindering the flow of negotiations.
However, this is not the case, the official explained, stressing that
Israeli-driven media campaigns on a contended prisoner exchange clause are
"absolutely not true."

On the issue of returning forcibly displaced Palestinians to their homes,
the official revealed that the Israeli occupation wants to restructure the
process into a gradual and detailed procedure.

"The occupation does not adhere to what has been agreed upon in terms of
relief, aid
and increasing quantities [of aid], and if it agrees, it evades with
frivolous excuses, including its inability [to do so]."

*Read more: Resistance will not compromise any of its non-negotiables:
Hamas off.
A dangerous turning point nears

"The negotiations have reached a dangerous turning point that threatens the
possibility of their success and the possibility of reaching a final
agreement," the official revealed to *Al Mayadeen*.

Sticking to its original demands, Hamas did not present any new initiative
regarding the prisoner exchange ratio, which is the most important issue
for "Israel", according to the official.

Moreover, mediators tried to verbally reassure Hamas that "Israel" would
accept its demands, but the Palestinian Resistance movement insisted on a
written document that ensures that these promises are kept.

"After rounds of negotiations and in the presence of Egyptian and Qatari
Hamas is now convinced that the occupation will not provide clear answers
[for its demands]," the senior official highlighted.

Crucially, "Israel" is yet to provide the Resistance with any clear-cut
guarantees that it will stick to a ceasefire, as it continues to disregard
the main demand of the Palestinian Resistance, the official concluded.
Hamas demands that the Israelis "completely halt military operations" in
the Gaza Strip, in the first stage of any deal, while the second stage
would see talks on a full ceasefire, the official added.

It is worth noting that this statement in the negotiations process comes
after the United States vetoed multiple United Nations Security Council
(UNSC) resolutions calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, saying that
it is leading efforts in well-paced negotiations between the two sides.

However, the statements made by leaders of the Palestinian Resistance and
in some cases the mediators show otherwise.

*Read more: US vetoes Algeria's UNSC resolution demanding ceasefire in Gaza
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