[News] Palestinian factions call for a 'Ramadan Flood'

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Sun Mar 3 11:15:19 EST 2024

Palestinian factions call for a 'Ramadan Flood'
Al Mayadeen English
March 3, 2024

Palestinian factions call for a global official and popular movement on all
levels during the month of Ramadan in support of Palestine and in a show of
Resistance against the Israeli occupation.
[image: b405de53-ab9f-48df-bb70-f0e11ae55782.jpg]

   - Protesters march during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London,
   Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023.(*AP*)

Palestinian factions have called for an official global and popular
movement on national, regional, and international levels during the month
of Ramadan under the title of "Ramadan Flood".

In a statement released today, the factions
announced that this movement is an act of resistance against the Israeli
occupation, intended as a form of pressure on the latter to end its
genocide against Gaza to thwart the occupation's vile plans and support the
Palestinian cause.

They further stressed that this "International Flood" should reinforce
boycotting in all its forms, from halting all supplies to the occupation,
initiating strikes and protests in public squares, to organizing rallies in
all capitals and cities.

The Palestinian factions
emphasized their absolute engagement in resisting "Israel", urging various
forms of resistance in all arenas and fronts.

The statement also highlighted the rights of the Palestinian people to
freedom, self-determination, return to their land, and establishment of
their own independent state with al-Quds as its capital.
'Let Ramadan be the month for mobilization, upscaled resistance'

The spokesperson for al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian
Islamic Jihad movement
called on Saturday not to abandon the Al-Aqsa Flood battle led by the
heroes in Gaza, criticizing Arab and Islamic governments who have turned
their back on the Palestinian people in the Strip being slaughtered by the
Israeli occupation for almost 5 months now.

Addressing Arab and Islamic countries "who possess armies, planes, and
artillery," he asked, "Is it not time for you to mobilize your weapons,
following in the footsteps of the free people of Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq?"

He pointed out that "the Israeli enemy wanted an open war, and we have gone
to an open war in compliance with Allah's orders to mobilize [to fight
oppressors] and always be prepared," announcing the continuation of the
"al-Aqsa Flood battle on the basis of Unity of the Battlefields in Gaza,
the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria."

Abu Hamza also called on the Arab and Islamic nations "to break the silence
and draw closer to Allah.

"Let Ramadan be a month of terror and panic for the Israeli entity," he
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