[News] Netanyahu rejects ‘Israeli proposal’ for Gaza ceasefire - this indicates that Blinken and Biden were lying

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Mon Jun 24 11:48:49 EDT 2024

 Netanyahu rejects ‘Israeli proposal’ for Gaza ceasefire

Palestinians called the ceasefire proposal a ‘US–Israeli game’ to allow the
‘occupation to resume the aggression’ that has killed over 37,000 people

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JUN 24, 2024 -
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Channel 14 in the first
interview he's given to an Israeli news outlet since October 7, on June 23,
2024. (PHoto credit: Screenshot, Channel 14, used in accordance with Clause
27a of the Copyright Law)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 23 June said he rejects a
US-backed ceasefire deal with Hamas that would end the war in Gaza and
bring Israeli captives home.

In an interview
with Israel’s Channel 14, Netanyahu was asked if he agreed to end the war
as part of a deal to exchange captives and said he didn’t. “I will not stop
the war and leave Hamas standing in Gaza,” he said.

Hamas holds some 120 Israeli soldiers and civilians captive in Gaza. Israel
holds thousands of Palestinian civilians and resistance fighters in its
prisons and detention centers, where Palestinians are often tortured and

“I am ready to do a partial deal, it is no secret, that will bring back
some of the people. But we are committed to continue the war after the
pause in order to achieve the goal of destroying Hamas. I will not give up
on this,” Netanyahu added.

This marks the first time Netanyahu has publicly rejected the deal, which,
according to US President Joe Biden, was an Israeli proposal.

The deal was heavily promoted by Biden and his Secretary of State, Antony
Blinken, who insisted
multiple times that Israel had formally accepted its terms. A UN Security
Council was passed endorsing the deal and its terms.

On Sunday, Netanyahu claimed his position opposing the deal “was no
secret,” but it was the first time he had spoken publicly about a “partial
deal” or suggested he hadn’t intended to implement all three phases of the
Israeli proposal.

If true, this indicates that Blinken and Biden were lying when they claimed
Israel had accepted the ceasefire deal while at the same time blaming Hamas
for not accepting it.

Netanyahu stated further in the interview that he is not willing to accept
the establishment of a Palestinian state or allow Gaza to be handed over to
the Palestinian Authority. He instead suggested the Gaza tribes would help
govern Gaza while Israel retains security control.

He added that Israel is fighting a war on seven fronts against the
different members of the Axis of Resistance, including Iran, Hamas,
Hezbollah, Yemen’s Ansarallah, Iraqi and Syrian resistance groups, and
Palestinian resistance groups in the West Bank.

Regarding the war with Hezbollah, Netanyahu stated, “We are obligated to
the return of the residents of the north, and after the end of the
operation in Rafah, we will send forces to the north. I will not keep the
situation as it is in the north. We are making our preparations, but I
cannot go into the details of our plans.”

In response to Netanyahu’s interview, The Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine (PFLP) issued a statement saying the “War criminal Netanyahu
unequivocally confirms he does not want to stop the war due to narrow
calculations and rejects Biden’s proposal contrary to American claims.”

The PFLP statement added, “This stance articulated by Netanyahu proves he
is the primary obstacle to a ceasefire agreement and suggests there is an
American–‘Israeli’ game to impose a ceasefire and prisoner exchange without
guarantees, allowing the occupation to resume aggression.”

Hamas issued a statement saying that Netanyahu’s rejection of the deal “is
a clear affirmation of his rejection of the recent UN Security Council
resolution and the proposals of US President Joe Biden, contrary to what
the US administration tried to market as alleged approval by the

The statement added that “the terrorist occupation government” is
determined to continue “the genocide war against unarmed civilians in the
Gaza Strip.”

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) issued a statement saying, “The reality of
the battlefield in the Gaza Strip dispels all of Netanyahu’s illusions, and
the resistance is still causing the enemy losses in lives and equipment.”

The PIJ statement added, “The resistance is fine and is able to continue
confronting the aggression for many months. Netanyahu’s statements about
creating alternatives in the Gaza Strip are just dreams, and he has failed
to achieve all his goals.”

At the same time, the Commissioner-General of the Supreme Authority of
Palestinian Tribes in the Gaza Strip, Akef Al-Masry, rejected
any role in governing on behalf of Israel. He stated that Israel “has not
and will not be able to break the will of the Palestinian people in their
right to freedom, to get rid of the occupation, to establish a Palestinian
state, and to achieve the right of return.”
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