[News] 'Bodies were in pieces, scattered in the streets': Nuseirat massacre

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Sun Jun 9 10:51:26 EDT 2024

'Bodies were in pieces, scattered in the streets': Nuseirat massacre
Al Mayadeen English
June 9, 2024

Gaza's Health Ministry confirms the loss of 274 Palestinians in cold blood,
including many children after the Israeli massacre in the Nuseirat refugee
camp on Saturday.
[image: b5fd59ac-5d78-4ddd-8493-98cfb68609f6.jpeg]

   - This child was killed by Israeli and USA special forces who
   infiltrated into Nuseriat via international aid convoys and massacred
   people at Nuseirat camp on Saturday. (ISMAIL JOOD/X)

Shock and grief have suffocated the streets of the Nuseirat refugee camp
after 274 Palestinians, of all ages, yet mainly children, were massacred in
cold blood
on Saturday, as per Gaza's Health Ministry.

The harrowing images emerging from the recent massacre have reverberated
across the globe, igniting a wave of widespread protests and
demonstrations. From bustling city streets in Chicago to remote villages in
Pakistan, people everywhere are united in their condemnation of the Israeli
atrocities witnessed in Gaza.

On social media platforms and news outlets, the haunting scenes
have captured the world's attention, prompting an outpouring of solidarity
and outrage with hashtag trends and amplifying voices of dissent demanding
justice for the innocent lives lost.

In cities around the world, crowds gathered, holding signs and banners
aloft, their chants echoing calls for an immediate ceasefire.
A haunting aftermath

In the Nuseirat, amid the ruins of the once vibrant neighborhoods, the pain
of loss and the echoes of agony are palpable, rendering words inadequate to
capture the depth of suffering endured by the Palestinians. Here, the air
hangs heavy with sorrow, thick with the weight of bereaved parents and
traumatized survivors.

As the dust heavingly settles, small tokens of a previous life emerge
alongside a child's toy, a family photo, and fragments of a life torn apart
by a brutal Israeli attack. Each serves as a torturous reminder of all that
has been stolen.

One eyewitness, Abdel Salam Darwish, recounted being in a market when the
IOF attack began, describing the devastation and carnage that followed.

"Afterwards, people's bodies were in pieces, scattered in the streets, and
blood stained the walls," he said, as quoted by *BBC*.

While the retrieval of four captives
was celebrated in "Israel" and by world leaders, criticism mounted over the
high civilian death toll. European Union foreign affairs chief Josep
Borrell strongly condemned the operation, decrying reports of a massacre.
Images and videos from the Nuseirat refugee camp depicted the aftermath of
intense bombardment, with hospitals, mainly the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital,
overwhelmed by the influx of casualties.

"Reports from Gaza of another massacre of civilians are appalling," he
wrote on X.

Dr. Marwan Abu Nasser, the director of the Al-Awda Hospital, described the
increasing number of fatalities arriving and the lack of space to
accommodate them.

A man, who revealed that over 40 of his family members had been killed
since the Israeli aggression began in October, recounted, as cited by *BBC,
*his harrowing experience of being in a house struck by an Israeli bombing

He detailed how the attack occurred just as children and women entered the
house, resulting in the tragic killing of everyone inside except for him,
his father, his wife, and one other survivor. This house, initially
accommodating around 30 individuals but later swelling to 50, was decimated
by the bombing.

"As soon as these children and women entered the house, the bombing attack
took place, claiming the lives of all those inside it," he said, as quoted
by *BBC*.

Doctors operating at hospitals
described the overwhelming influx of critically injured patients, including
children, who were soaked in blood with their organs outside their bodies
after the Israeli massacre in Nuseirat refugee camp on Saturday.

Medical teams recounted the dire situation at the hospital amid the nonstop
arrival of martyrs and wounded individuals, with many sustaining severe
head injuries.

Even journalists with tents set up in the vicinity of the Al-Aqsa Hospital
in Deir al-Balah were forced to evacuate after receiving threats that the
area would be annihilated.

Unfortunately, this massacre is one of many since October 7, resulting in
more than 37,000 fatalities to date. Meanwhile, the Israeli carnage
seems to continue unabated.
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