[News] Hamas calls on UN to blacklist Israel for crimes against children

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Tue Jun 4 14:53:24 EDT 2024

 Hamas calls on UN to blacklist Israel for crimes against children

Tuesday 4-June-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/06/04/320078/
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On the International Day of Innocent Child Victims of Aggression, the Hamas
Movement has called on the UN to include the Israeli occupation state in
its blacklist of entities that target children with murder, torture, and

“This year’s International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
comes as the Zionist aggression against our Palestinian people continues in
the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Occupied Jerusalem. This has been
ongoing for more than seven months,” Hamas said in a statement on Tuesday.

“During this period, this fascist entity has committed the most heinous
crimes and horrific massacres against the Palestinian people, especially
innocent children who have been and continue to be direct targets for this
Nazi entity’s terrorism and crimes,” Hamas added.

“According to UN reports, one child is injured or killed every 10 minutes
in Gaza. Additionally, the number of our people’s children who have
martyred during the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip —
which is estimated at more than 14,000 martyrs — exceeds those recorded
over four years of global conflicts,” according to the Movement’s statement.

“In the fascist occupation’s jails, more than 200 Palestinian children,
mostly school students, are exposed to the most brutal and hateful punitive
and vengeful practices — including more than 20 children from the Gaza
Strip. They are facing various forms of beatings, harsh interrogations,
physical and psychological torture, daily maltreatment, deliberate medical
neglect, and are also denied visits from their families, healthcare crews,
and human rights groups,” the statement said.

Hamas has called on the international community, countries, governments,
and institutions concerned with children’s rights to assume their political
and humanitarian responsibilities towards the children of Palestine and
work on protecting them from Israel’s brutality and sadism and having them
released from its jails.

The Movement also called for international action to stop and criminalize
Israel’s aggression and crimes against the Palestinian people and their
children and support their legitimate rights.
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