[News] Yemen unveils confessions, projects of Israeli-US espionage network

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Sun Jul 14 21:06:49 EDT 2024

Yemen unveils confessions, projects of Israeli-US espionage network
Al Mayadeen English
July 14, 2024

Yemeni security forces uncover the Israeli-US plots to interfere in and
destabilize the country's social structure.
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   - The Israeli-US espionage network operating in Yemen (Al Mayadeen)

Yemeni Security Forces uncovered on Sunday extensive revelations regarding
the Israeli-American espionage network
operating to corrupt the social sector in Yemen.

According to the confessions, the espionage network, led by the United
States, aimed to corrupt Yemen's youth through programs such as Mercy
Corps, AMIDEAST, and Building Youth Capacities in Conflict Resolution,
implemented by a joint ground network.

Another project, Leaders Network for Development, is implemented by the
Yemeni “Renin” Organization, as well as other hidden projects to attract
young leaders, are implemented by the US Agency for Development.

All of the programs aim at recruiting Yemen's youth to provide information
for the CIA.

One of the spies stated that "the most important thing that the Americans
were secretly gaining from this project was the polarization and
recruitment of young men and women, the dissemination of Western ideas and
values, and ensuring the influence of social figures and determining them
at the level of the directorates."

Reportedly, this is done by implementing a common ground organization for
the benefit of the US Agency for Development in areas controlled by the
aggression in both the south of the country and Taiz.

The espionage network
also aimed at promoting programs to establish "equality between women and
men" that claimed to empower women in the country, but ultimately aimed at
recruiting Yemen's women to gather intel for the US to be used to corrupt
the societal and familial structure.

Tribes were also targeted, with several programs established to gather
information about their structure, as well as recruit and polarize
religious men and clerics.

The network, moreover, targeted civil society establishments communities,
and local councils, as well as minorities and marginalized groups such as
the Bohra and Makarim claiming to “defend and support their rights,” to
interfere in Yemen’s internal affairs and disrupt societal stability, while
also carrying out a global communities project to “attracting social
figures to create influence for American intelligence.”
Yemen foils hostile espionage efforts

This comes after *Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent confirmed that Yemeni
security services in Sanaa will broadcast confessions of members from an
American-Israeli espionage cell that targeted the cultural aspect of Yemen.

On June 10, the Yemeni Security Forces uncovered a large espionage network
operated by American and Israeli intelligence agencies. Officials revealed
that the network had been active within various institutions in Yemen since

A security source told *Al Mayadeen* that the Cultural Attaché at the US
embassy in Yemen targeted all segments of Yemeni society, through which
cells were lured and recruited to collect information.

The source pointed out that the spy network's confessions would reveal that
the US embassy was nothing more than a den of espionage and a tool for
sabotage and that the Cultural Attaché at the US embassy in Yemen was
linked to the US intelligence agency, the CIA.

Additionally, the source highlighted that Yemen has, in past phases, become
a hub for destructive projects
with the previous regime contributing to this.

According to the source, the confessions will reveal the US efforts to
execute hostile projects against Yemen by gathering detailed information
and comprehensive surveys, which the US embassy heavily focused on.

Elsewhere, the source told* Al Mayadeen* that the information the security
services will reveal from the confessions of the spy network is only a
small part of the American effort to target the cultural aspect in Yemen.
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