[News] Israeli forces commit series of gruesome massacres across Gaza Strip

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Fri Jul 12 20:43:13 EDT 2024

Israeli forces commit series of gruesome massacres across Gaza Strip
Al Mayadeen English
July 12, 2024

Dozens of bodies were found across Gaza City on Friday, while three
children were killed in am Israeli strike on Khan Younis.
[image: 796e62a8-1254-4091-aa29-e22cfde1b846.jpg]

   - People evacuate bodies of martyrs left behind by Israeli occupation
   forces under rubble or on the street in western Gaza City, the Gaza Strip,
   Palestine, on July 12, 2024. (AFP)

Israeli occupation forces committed several gruesome massacres across
several towns and neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip which were discovered on
Friday, with the reported toll reaching 140 killed in Gaza City.

Occupation forces' withdrawal from al-Shujaiya neighborhood, in eastern
Gaza City, has also unraveled the scene of horrifying war crimes. As
emergency workers arrived in the neighborhood, following 2 weeks of an
Israeli onslaught, more than 60 bodies of Palestinian martyrs were
recovered on Friday. The Palestinian Civil Defense in the Gaza Strip
explained that dozens of others' bodies are yet to be recovered as they
remain stuck under the rubble caused by Israeli strikes and shelling and
many residents' whereabouts are yet to be determined.

Authorities said that multiple Israeli quadcopter drones, equipped with
rifles, are still swarming the city, arbitrarily hunting down Palestinians.

In southwestern Gaza City, in Tal al-Hawa, occupation forces have launched
another incursion into the neighborhood that has lasted for a couple of
weeks. On Friday, occupation forces made it seem as though they had
retreated from certain areas, luring citizens who had been displaced back
to their homes,

As soon as Palestinian civilians arrived in the area, they were targeted
and multiple Palestinians were killed.

The spokesperson for the Civil Defense, Mahmoud Bassal, said that
occupation forces are still positioned in western Tal al-Hawa, across
Street 8.

Bassal urged civilians not to head toward the areas until Israeli
occupation forces completely withdraw from the neighborhood.
Palestinian commission documents Israeli war crimes in Gaza City

The International Commission to Support Palestinian People’s Rights (ICSPR)
said that following the withdrawals in al-Shujaiya and areas in Tal
al-Hawa, emergency workers recovered 60 martyrs in Tal al-Hawa, and 80
martyrs in al-Shujaiya. The bodies were found in residential blocs and
streets in the two neighborhoods. Most of the martyrs found in the areas
were children and women and some of the bodies had decomposed.

In the case of decomposed bodies, white flags were found next to the
bodies, indicating that those killed had been unarmed.

The families of Palestinian victims in al-Shujaiya, al-Tuffah, al-Daraj,
and other neighborhoods told ICSPR that their relatives were subject to
cases of summary execution by Israeli occupation forces.

The victims of summary executions are of various families, including
Zaydiyah, Sursour, al-Badri, and al-Ghalayini. Investigators also confirmed
the reports of the Civil Defense, regarding the dozens of bodies stuck
under the rubble caused by Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip.
3 children killed in Central Gaza Strip

Moving southwards, Israeli occupation forces committed multiple massacres
in the central Gaza Strip, striking a home in Deir al-Balah, where four
people were martyred, including three children aged less than 10 years, *Al
Mayadeen*'s correspondent reported.

In al-Nuseirat refugee camp, several strikes impacted the home of the Akel
family. Seven people were wounded, suffering severe injuries.

Israeli warplanes also struck a home in Bani Suheila, a town in eastern
Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip.
PFLP points to humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza

Commenting on the recently discovered massacres in Gaza City and the
intense Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip on Friday, the Popular Front
for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) pointed to the occupation committed
fully-fledged war crimes in Rafah, Khan Younis, Tal al-Hawa, and Shujaiya.

The front stressed the horrific scenes discovered by paramedics in
neighborhoods that occupation forces had invaded and withdrew from.

It emphasized that "children were not spared from these horrific massacres,
as seen in the targeting of a children's gathering, reflecting the
magnitude of the humanitarian catastrophe suffered by the Palestinian
people in the Gaza Strip."
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