[News] Hamas slams Beit Lahia massacre, calls for documenting Israeli atrocities

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Wed Jan 31 18:47:37 EST 2024

 Hamas slams Beit Lahia massacre, calls for documenting Israeli atrocities

Wednesday 31-January-2024 -
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The Hamas Movement has condemned the executions of handcuffed and
blindfolded Palestinian civilians that were carried out by Israeli soldiers
in Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip.

“The occupation regime’s ongoing crimes against our Palestinian people
unfold day after day, the latest of which was documented by the Palestinian
Prisoner Society and reported by Palestinian citizens about the executions
of about 30 Palestinians, whose bodies were found dumped inside a
schoolyard in northern Gaza while being handcuffed and blindfolded,” Hamas
said in a statement on Wednesday.

“This indicates that the occupation army carried out a massacre against
civilians through executing them on-site after brutalizing them,” Hamas

“This heinous crime and others that had been committed by the neo-Nazis
against our Palestinian people will remain a curse haunting them. There
will be a day when they will be held accountable for their brutality and
crimes that have exceeded the most horrific violations ever known to
humanity in our modern era,” the Movement said.

“We urge human rights groups to document this horrific crime in order to
take legal action against this criminal army and its Nazi leaders who
continue to kill and massacre our Palestinian people with no regard for the
ruling of the International Court of Justice that demanded it to stop the
crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.”

The dead bodies of some 30 Palestinians have been found in a school in
north Gaza after the Israeli occupation army’s withdrawal, following weeks
of Israeli criminal activity and rampage, which has laid waste to the area
and cut off civilians from communication and aid.

The bodies were discovered in the Khalifa bin Zayed School in Beit Lahia in
northern Gaza – an area which had been besieged and attacked by the Israeli
army for weeks. Israeli forces also conducted mass arrests of Palestinian
civilians in that area.

According to footage aired by Al Jazeera satellite channel on Wednesday,
the bodies were found handcuffed and blindfolded in plastic bags which had
been buried underneath piles of dirt and sand.

Al Jazeera has spoken to witnesses who discovered the bodies and identified

“As we were cleaning, we came across a pile of rubble inside the
schoolyard. We were shocked to find out that dozens of dead bodies were
buried under this pile,” a man said.

“The moment we opened the black plastic bags, we found the bodies, already
decomposed. They were blindfolded, legs and hands tied. The plastic cuffs
were used on their hands and legs and cloths straps around their eyes and
heads,” he added.
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