[News] Palestinian Resistance groups comment on ICJ ruling, hail South Africa

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Fri Jan 26 14:15:29 EST 2024

Palestinian Resistance groups comment on ICJ ruling, hail South Africa
Al Mayadeen English
January 26, 2024

Palestinian Resistance factions consider that the ICJ's decision has fallen
short of responding to the ongoing genocide taking place in Gaza.
[image: 0d279137-310c-4774-94cb-9b3881a8ca80.jpg]

   - A demonstrator waves the Palestinian flag in front of the Peace Palace
   ahead of the ICJ verdict, The Hague, January 26, 2024 (*AFP*)

Palestinian Resistance factions commented on Friday in separate statements
on the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding South
Africa's genocide case against "Israel".

The Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas welcomed the decision, considering
it as substantiating the accusation against the Israeli occupation entity
of committing genocide
in Gaza, having called on "Israel" to prevent it and refrain from inciting
it thereof.

In a statement, the Resistance group added that this decision "means
putting an end to all forms of aggression against our Palestinian people in
Gaza," urging the international community to "compel the enemy to implement
the court's decisions and to stop the ongoing genocide against our people."

*Read more: Israeli top officials outraged by 'antisemitic' ICJ genocide

Hamas also expressed its anticipation for the court's final decisions,
including condemning the Israeli occupation for committing genocide, war
crimes, and crimes against humanity.

It emphasized that the decision "opens the door for holding the enemy's
leaders accountable for these crimes before the International Criminal
Court, affirming the rights of our Palestinian people to determine their
destiny, establish their independent state, and return to their land and
homes from which they were forcibly displaced, under international
resolutions on this matter."

The Resistance movement also declared its appreciation for the "genuine
stance of South Africa, its support for our Palestinian people and their
just cause, and its sincere efforts to end the aggression on Gaza, as well
as its rejection of the occupation's brutal crimes," expressing gratitude
to all countries that expressed their support for this "noble humanitarian

*Read more: ICJ orders 'Israel' to halt genocidal acts; fails to order
The international legal system serves the interests of global powers

On its part, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad viewed the emergency measures
issued by the ICJ "as falling short, as they did not demand an immediate
ceasefire to protect the Palestinian people from ongoing genocide, which
the enemy might exploit to act as it wishes."

The Resistance group criticized the court's failure to issue a clear
decision compelling the occupation entity to immediately stop the war,
despite "implicitly acknowledging the ongoing genocide committed against
our people in Gaza."

*Read more: 'Israel' using starvation of civilians as warfare method in
Gaza: HRW

"The court's reluctance to demand an immediate ceasefire is evidence that
global evil powers dominate the international legal system and
organizations to serve their interests at the expense of the oppressed,"
the group's statement read.

Furthermore, the Islamic Jihad praised the efforts made by the South
African government
"to expose and reveal Zionist crimes and to break the global silence
surrounding the ongoing genocide against our people."
Free people of the world must increase pressuring dominant powers

Also criticizing the ICJ's final ruling, the Palestinian Mujahideen
Movement expressed its astonishment at "the International Court's failure
to issue a clear decision for an immediate ceasefire, despite its decision
to approve South Africa's lawsuit against the Zionist entity's violation of
the Genocide Convention, which diminishes the value of other resolutions
and temporary measures."

The movement emphasized in this context that "the decision, which included
temporary measures, does not rise to the level of the crimes committed by
the Zionist entity's government in Gaza in its worst material, moral,
psychological, and social forms."

"The absence of international decisions compelling the Zionist enemy to
halt its aggression results from the international system and its
institutions' inability to protect human rights and the rights of peoples
in their pursuit of freedom, due to American-Zionist dominance over that
system, which now operates in their interests at the expense of the
oppressed peoples."

The Mujahideen Movement also praised South Africa's efforts, which
"attempted to stop the aggression and overcome the international silence
regarding the heinous massacres committed by the Zionist enemy against the
Palestinian people in Gaza."

It also called on all free people in the world and the active forces in the
nation to "increase pressure in all its forms on the dominant powers to
stop the savage aggression on the Gaza Strip."

These statements come after the International Court of Justice failed to
call for a ceasefire in Gaza and ordered "Israel" to take "measures to
prevent genocide in Gaza."

It also requested that the occupation entity submit a report to the court
one month later, detailing how the measures have been implemented,
including that of the delivery of aid to Gaza.

However, the execution process of the ICJ's ruling will be without
oversight of any party, and the Israelis will present a self-made report.

*Read more: Maldives, Namibia, Pakistan join South Africa ICJ case vs.
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