[News] Hamas holds UN, int’l community responsible for ongoing crimes in Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 22 11:05:34 EST 2024

 Hamas holds UN, int’l community responsible for ongoing crimes in Gaza

Monday 22-January-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/01/22/313192/
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The Hamas Movement has held the UN and the international community
politically responsible for the Israeli occupation regime’s persistence in
committing “horrific crimes” against the civilians in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement on Monday, Hamas said that the Israeli occupation army
targeted today five shelter centers housing displaced families in Khan
Yunis with different weapons, killing and injuring dozens of civilians.

“The enemy army had called on citizens to take refuge in these centers and
claimed they were safe before committing its horrendous massacre today as
part of the genocidal war that are being carried out against the Gaza Strip
civilians with ongoing support from the administration of president Biden,”
Hamas added.

The Movement urged all the countries that support the values of justice and
freedom to take legal action against Israeli leaders at international
courts to hold them accountable for their crimes against the Palestinian
people and humanity as a whole.
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