[News] Iran says it ‘reserves right to respond’ after Israeli attack on Syria

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Sat Jan 20 13:20:05 EST 2024

Iran says it ‘reserves right to respond’ after Israeli attack on Syria
Al Mayadeen English
January 20, 2024

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson says Tehran would respond “at the
appropriate time and place” to the killing of five Iranian military
[image: 57e76b47-113d-4133-99dd-16faface7baf.jpg]

   - Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani speaking at a news
   conference (Iranian Foreign Ministry)

Iran strongly denounced the deadly Israeli strike in Damascus, saying it
“reserves the right to respond." This comes shortly after the Islamic
Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC)
announced that five Iranian military advisors were killed.

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said Tehran would
respond “at the appropriate time and place” and denounced “an escalation in
aggressive and provocative attacks” by "Israel".

The attack, the result of an Israeli strike, targeted a residential
building in #Damascus
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Damascus?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>, and
the targeted building has completely collapsed according to #AlMayadeen
pic.twitter.com/moZiGr7rX3 <https://t.co/moZiGr7rX3>
— Al Mayadeen English (@MayadeenEnglish) January 20, 2024

Kanaani stated that the criminal and aggressive actions of "Israel"
constitute a breach of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. He
emphasized that such acts indicate the Israeli regime's vulnerability on
the battlefield, describing it as a desperate effort to instigate
instability and insecurity in the region.

The senior Iranian diplomat urged international organizations, particularly
the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), to denounce the crimes
committed by the Israeli entity.

The military advisors from the Islamic Republic of Iran, officially invited
by the Syrian government, have played a crucial role in supporting Syria in
its fight against terrorism and contributing to the establishment of peace,
stability, and long-term security in the country, he noted.

Kanaani emphasized that Iran will pursue the legal aspects of the case.

Last month, senior Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Seyyed
Razi Mousavi
was martyred in an Israeli airstrike on Damascus on December 25, 2023.

The Iranian commander was martyred after the Israeli occupation launched
three missiles at his location in the suburbs of Damascus.
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