[News] Hezbollah, retaliates for the assassination of the two Resistance leaders

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 9 12:15:54 EST 2024

Hezbollah operation on IOF Ground Forces HQ dubbed 'dramatic event'
Al Mayadeen English
January 9, 2024

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, retaliates for the
assassination of the two Resistance leaders Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri and
Wissam Tawil by targeting another key IOF base in occupied Palestine.
[image: b49cc997-10ec-48da-a00d-1c396715a2cf.jpeg]

   - Hezbollah targets the northern Israeli command headquarters with
   assault marches (Hezbollah Media Relations)

The Lebanese Resistance, Hezbollah
announced retaliation for the assassination of martyr Sheikh Saleh
al-Arouri, and his brothers, who were assassinated in Beirut, as well as
the assassination of the martyred Hezbollah leader Wissam Tawil (Hajj Jawad)

In the statement announcing the operation, Hezbollah said that they
targeted the headquarters of the Northern Command of the enemy's army in
the occupied city of Safad (Dado Base) with a number of assault drones.
Operation significance: "Dado" base

The headquarters of the Northern Command of the Israeli Ground Forces, or
“Dado” base, is responsible for commanding the two divisions currently
concerned with operations on the Lebanese front, namely: The 91st Division
(whose leadership was targeted by the Resistance in previous operations)
opposite the eastern axis, and the 146th Division opposite the western
sector of the southern Lebanese border.

The base contains a large number of command and control systems concerned
with coordinating operations along the front with Lebanon. It is located at
a depth of 12 km from the Lebanese border. The center is located in the
occupied city of Safed, and the entire base's surrounding is inhabited by
employees of the Northern Command.
[image: 81573ab9-e60e-4f4c-af73-8fcf179687c4.jpg]

   - A map released by the Lebanese Islamic Resistance's military media on
   January 9, 2024, showing the location of the Israeli occupation's Northern
   Command headquarters. (Military media)

Several operations today

This operation was not the first of the day, however, it was numbered

The first operation was conducted at 9:30 am (local time) where Hezbollah
targeted the Israeli-occupied al-Malikiyah site using the appropriate
weapons, with direct hits recorded

The third operation was conducted at 9:35 am (local time) where Hezbollah
targeted the Israeli al-Baghdadi military site using appropriate weapons,
scoring a direct hit.

The fourth operation was conducted at 9:40 am (local time) where Hezbollah
targeted the "Yiftah Kadesh" barracks using the appropriate weapons,
resulting in a direct hit.

The fifth operation was conducted at 1:00 pm (local time) where Hezbollah
targeted the "Hanita" site using appropriate weapons, resulting in a direct

In turn, *Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent in southern Lebanon reported earlier
that two rockets were launched from the Lebanese territories; more
specifically from the direction of Upper al-Jalil.

This comes after Hezbollah targeted
the Israeli 'Meron' Intelligence and Airforce base, on January 6, using
precision missiles and leaving the Israeli occupation forces troubled for
'A dramatic event...that should not be taken lightly'

When commenting on the operation carried out by the Islamic Resistance in
Lebanon against the headquarters of the Northern Region Command, the
Israeli *Kan *channel confirmed that the targeting was "a dramatic event,
and it should not be taken lightly."

Israeli media recorded the launching of more than 20 missiles from Lebanon
toward al-Jalil, noting that "Hezbollah launched a number of drones and
rockets" toward northern occupied Palestine.

In light of the intensity of the targeting, the occupation's *Army Radio*
reported that sirens sounded in the North 3 times, within less than an
hour, for fear of a drone infiltrating the Upper al-Jalil.

Sirens sounded twice in occupied Safad within minutes, while panic
prevailed in the streets among the settlers.

Israeli media also reported rockets being launched in the direction of
"Yiftah Kadesh" barracks and "Menara", in parallel with the infiltration of
a drone.

*Read more: Israeli Media: Hezbollah targeting Mount Meron still haunts
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