[News] Liberation of south Lebanon perk of aiding Gaza: Sayyed Nasrallah

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Fri Jan 5 12:04:28 EST 2024

Liberation of south Lebanon perk of aiding Gaza: Sayyed Nasrallah
Al Mayadeen English
January 5, 2024

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah speaks during the
memorial service of top Hezbollah official Mohammad Yaghi and pledges a
response to the Israeli violations of Lebanon's sovereignty.
[image: 02b31772-17b1-4b0e-87f5-8bcf1dfcb09f.jpg]

   - A screengrab of Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,
   January 5, 2023 (Al Mayadeen)

The Israeli occupation's assassination of Hamas deputy politburo leader
Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut, Lebanon, is a flagrant and dangerous violation
that will not go unanswered, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan
Nasrallah said on Friday.

Speaking during the memorial service of former Lebanese MP and the
Executive Assistant to the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Mohammad Hassan
Yaghi, Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that Hezbollah cannot stay silent on
violations this great that might change the situation in Lebanon and allow
it to be violated by whoever might wish to violate it.

Speaking on the accomplishments made by the Resistance on the Lebanese
front against the Israeli occupation in southern Lebanon and the purpose
for opening it all together, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the Resistance
and Lebanon as a whole are today "before a historic opportunity to liberate
every inch of our land and establish a balance of power that prevents the
enemy from once again violating the sovereignty of our country."

The Hezbollah chief underlined that the front was not opened with the
liberation of southern Lebanon in mind, this was merely a benefit that was
garnered for the support of the people in Gaza, the real reason behind the
front being opened against the Israeli occupation.

According to the Secretary-General of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon,
thus far, there have been more than 670 operations launched against the
Israeli occupation in three months, with more than 48 military sites
attacked over 100 km. Hezbollah also carried out 494 operations, on 50
Israeli reconnaissance sites valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Hezbollah has been attacking military sites and officers and soldiers, and
if it were to attack houses, that would be in response to the attacks on
civilians in southern Lebanon," Sayyed Nasrallah said.

"The Israeli occupation's soldiers escaped to the settlements that have
been emptied of their settlers and the vicinities of military sites out of
fear of the Resistance factions and their operations against numerous
military sites," he added.

"Hezbollah is obtaining top-tier, accurate intelligence in the form of
photos and videos of the positions of the Israeli occupation's troops,"
Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that the Resistance has managed to "destroy a
large number of tanks and Israeli military vehicles, wherein the officers
and soldiers are hiding today."

In light of the major losses they are suffering in the north, the Israeli
occupation forces are imposing fierce military censorship regarding the
casualties, the Resistance leader underlined. "Israeli experts are
suggesting the death toll is three times that announced by the Israeli

The tally issued by the Israeli Health Ministry suggests that there have
been 2,000 casualties recorded on the northern front thus far, which pushed
one of the Israeli war ministers to describe what is happening on the
northern border as "humiliation" for "Israel", Sayyed Nasrallah said.
Israelis went from being the invaders since 1948 to fleeing

Hezbollah’s leader highlighted a significant shift in the dynamics of the
occupation, stating that since 1948, “Israel” has been the aggressor in
Southern Lebanon, committing massacres and causing people to evacuate.
However, today, it is the Israeli occupiers who are fleeing from northern
occupied Palestine due to the Resistance’s operations.

 Addressing Israeli settlers, who are fearfully calling on their government
daily to launch a decisive military action against Lebanon, Sayyed
Nasrallah reiterated his previous warning against any such action, stating
that it would be an extremely miscalculated and wrong decision, stressing
that the settlers and the northern settlements would be the first to pay
the price.

 In response to recent statements by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu regarding deterring Hezbollah and the “disappearance of
Hezbollah's tent near the Palestinian border,” he emphasized that the past
is different from today and that the Resistance today is engaging in a real
battle, pointing out how Israeli occupation soldiers near the Lebanese
borders “are fleeing like rats.”

In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah declared that, given that Lebanon’s
southern front is already opened and Hezbollah is engaged in a military
escalation with “Israel,” there is a historic opportunity for complete
liberation of every inch of the Lebanese land occupied by the Israeli
entity, and establishing a balance of power that prevents any violation of
the country’s sovereignty.

 Nasrallah's address sheds light on the evolving geopolitical landscape in
the Middle East and the strategic calculations of various actors,
emphasizing the complex interplay of regional conflicts and international
The goal behind opening a multifront war against the Israeli Regime

In his speech, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a
comprehensive overview of the prevailing regional dynamics, particularly
focusing on the role of the United States and its strategic concerns in
various conflict zones.

 Hezbollah’s chief began by highlighting Washington’s reluctance to expand
its military engagement and involvement in the Middle East due to being
preoccupied with Ukraine. He highlighted how the United States in its
allies have suffered a strategic defeat in the Eastern European country,
citing NATO’s top soldier Jens Stoltenberg declaring a few days ago that
bad news will be coming from Kiev soon.

 Expanding on that point, Sayyed Nasrallah today emphasized that the United
States today is facing a multi-front war, similar to that the Israeli
occupation entity is facing, from Iraq to Lebanon and not ending in Yemen.

 He explained that this is part of the strategy Gaza’s regional allies
adopted to force the US to end the Israeli war on the Strip. The purpose of
this strategy is to leave Washington suffering insecurity and instability
in all parts of the region and remind it that deciding not to expand the
war does not mean it is an inevitable consequence if the war on Gaza does
not stop.

Regarding the occupation entity, Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that the
objective of igniting multifront against Israelis serves the same purpose
as doing so with the US. It aims to pressure the Israeli government, weaken
it, and ultimately compel it to cease aggression against Gaza.

He stressed that this was especially true for the Lebanese Southern Front
against Israelis, which aims to decrease the pressure on Gaza and its
Iraq can oust US occupation

Iraq today has a chance to get rid of the US occupation, Sayyed Nasrallah
asserted as the Iraqi Resistance attacks US occupation bases in Syria and
Iraq in support of the people and Resistance of Gaza.

"The US is concerned at a time when it is before a debacle in Ukraine [...]
it is before a major strategic victory in Ukraine, and it does not want to
expand the conflict in the region," he underlined, clarifying that this was
solely because of its interests, not out of love for the peoples of the

"One gratuity of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq opening its front in
support of Gaza is that Iraq has a real opportunity to get rid of the US
occupation," he said.

"There is a historic opportunity before the Iraqi government, parliament,
and people to oust the killers and occupiers who shed the blood of the
people of Iraq and Iran and the remainder of the peoples of the region," he

The Hezbollah chief noted how the US occupation has been using the fight
against ISIS as a pretext for the continuation of its occupation of Iraq,
which he responded to by underlining that "Iraq today does not need the
Americans to fight ISIS, for they are the ones sponsoring it in Syria, as

He went on to offer his condolences to the people, leadership, and clergy
of Iraq, as well as the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and al-Nujaba
movement for the martyrdom of PMF top commander Abou Taqwa Al-Saidi, who
was marted on Tuesday by a US bombing of the PMF headquarters in Baghdad.

The attack martyred the PMF senior officer alongside another martyr and
injured six people.
Yemen part of international balance of power

The Arab regimes sitting idle and indifferently to all the suffering
afflicting Gaza and its people were surprised by the actions taken by Yemen
in the Red Sea, Sayyed Nasrallah said.

"It is a blessing that the Sanaa government is no longer an internal
faction but has become part of the international balance of power that the
world is cautious about," he added.

"The message sent from Yemen today is a message to the United States, one
that tells Washington that it is not facing the Ansar Allah movement but
rather tens of millions of the Yemeni people whose entire history is marked
by defeating aggressors," the Resistance leader added.

"Yemen is gaining prominence in the Arab and Islamic worlds and the eyes of
its friends and enemies by taking a stance on Gaza," Sayyed Nasrallah added.

"Those who underestimate and try to downplay the significance of the
actions of the Axis of Resistance today are those who have not given
anything since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza," he stressed.
Sayyed Nasrallah mourns top Hezbollah official

Talking about the late Mohammad Hassan Yaghi, martyr Abu Salim, Sayyed
Nasrallah described him as a "revolutionary and an active figure in this
region, starting from [his hometown] Baalbek," revealing that his first
inspiration was Sayyed Moussa al-Sadr.

"We worked together for more than 40 years, progressing alongside the ranks
together. It was our destiny to be together and work together at the
inception of Hezbollah in the Bekaa region when the leadership of the Bekaa
region was established," he recalled.

He went on to say of his martyred comrade that he was steadfast and
"followed the path of Imam Moussa al-Sadr, Sayyed Abbas Musawi, and Sayyed
Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr, leading to the historic leadership of Imam

He was "a supporter, an aide, a pillar, and he was always there to fulfill
the mission in any of the positions along this journey. His presence was of
utmost importance; he spent the majority of his youth and his life serving
the people of the Bekaa region, who deserved all this loyalty he had given

At the conclusion of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah offered his condolences
to the families of the martyred Hezbollah fighters, saying: "Had it not
been for my security circumstances, I want to be able to stand by your side
and kiss your hands and foreheads [for the sacrifices you have offered]."

He also addressed the Resistance fighters currently engaged in the fight
against the Israeli occupation, wherein he saluted them and prayed for
their victory "and I hope Allah helps them so that they can produce through
all their blood and sweat this victory for Lebanon, Palestine, and the
entirety of the Muslim community (Ummah)."
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