[News] Sayyed Nasrallah: ‘Israel’ Will Regret if It Wages All-Out War on Lebanon, Hezbollah Won’t Abide by Any Limit

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Wed Jan 3 20:31:42 EST 2024

english.almanar.com.lb <https://english.almanar.com.lb/2016709>
Sayyed Nasrallah: ‘Israel’ Will Regret if It Wages All-Out War on Lebanon,
Hezbollah Won’t Abide by Any Limit
January 4, 2024
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*Mohammad Salami *

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Tuesday warned the
Israeli enemy against launching an all-out war on Lebanon, affirming that
the Islamic Resistance will then fight without any limit.

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that Hezbollah decided to join the war on October
8 in order to support the Palestinian people and resistance in face of the
Zionist war on Gaza.

His eminence indicated that, till now, the operations carried out by
Hezbollah are regulated in a way that abides by the Lebanese national
interests, threatening the Israeli enemy that the limits will disappear in
case of any Zionist war on Lebanon.

“Up till now, Hezbollah is engaging in tuned battle with the Israeli enemy,
but limits will disappear if ‘Israel’ wages an all-out war on Lebanon.”

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that Hezbollah showed the utmost bravery when
it joined the war on October 7 despite all the Israeli military
capabilities and US threats, adding that Hezbollah fighters are ready to
confront all the military choices of the enemy.

After Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, the Israelis and all their allies got
extremely mad and planned to utilize the chance in order to wage an all-out
war on Lebanon and the West Bank in addition to Gaza, but Hezbollah attacks
and military readiness prevented the implementation of this scheme,
according to Sayyed Nasrallah.

Had Lebanon’s front been calm when the Israeli war on Gaza started, the
Lebanese would have waken up at midnight to see the Israeli war jets
destroying everything, Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that Hezbollah military alert and readiness
frustrated the Israeli “surprise” scheme, affirming that the Resistance
powerful attacks sent a clear message to the Israeli enemy that the group
is brave and undeterred.

The US officials advised the Israelis to avoid any all-out war with
Hezbollah for their keenness on the Israelis, not the Lebanese, Sayyed
Nasrallah noted.

His eminence explained that on October 8 and 9, the Israeli cabinet
witnessed discussion of plans to attack Lebanon, adding that one of the
generals warned the political command against any involvement in an open
war with Hezbollah to avoid the massive destruction of Gush Dan area dwelt
by three-quarters of the Zionist population.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that all the American, British, French, and
German threats failed to oblige Hezbollah to stop attacking the Zionist
border sites, underlining that he who plans to engage in war with the
Resistance will regret.

“War with Hezbollah will be very costly. Hezbollah is now taking the
Lebanese interests and conditions into consideration, but the same
interests will be crossing all limits if an all-out war is launched on

Addressing Hezbollah ceremony held to mark fourth martyrdom anniversary of
General Qassem Suleimani & Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in Beirut’s Dahiyeh,
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that the Israeli assassination of Hamas official
Saleh Arouri in the southern suburb of Beirut is an aggression on Hamas
command and Dahiyeh simultaneously.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that the attack on Dahiyeh, being the first 2006
war, is very dangerous, adding that all the Israeli indirect reassurances
in this regard are rejected.

Hezbollah Secretary General condemned the assassination of the Palestinian
commander, reiterating Hezbollah vow that this crime will not go unanswered.

Sayyed Nasrallah, in this context, offered condolences on the martyrdom of
Sheikh Arouri, stressing that the martyr spent a life full of jihad and
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*Outcomes of Al-Aqsa Flood Operation*

Hezbollah leader indicated that there were schemes, before Al-Aqsa Flood
Operation, to stir sedition among the Palestinian factions in order to
expel all the Palestinians from the Strip.

Sayyed Nasrallah underlined the importance of the Yemeni navy role of
blocking the passage of the Israeli-affiliated ships through the Red Sea.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Al-Aqsa Flood Operation has so far left
numerous outcomes, concentrating on the major losses inflicted upon the
Israeli enemy and mentioning the following:

The first outcome is revitalizing the Palestinian cause after it was about
to be thrown in oblivion and imposing proposing solutions, such as the
two-state solution.

The second outcome is striking the bet on the exhaustion of the Palestinian
people and resistance. The new generation proved to be as committed to the
Palestinian cause as the former ones.

The third outcome is the rise of the popular support to the resistance
groups in Palestine despite the massacres and the attempt to blame the
resistance for the Zionist crimes.

The fourth outcome is the moral fall of ‘Israel’ and its image before the
international community. During the last two decades, certain Arab media
outlets tried to ameliorate the Zionist image, but the war on Gaza
presented ‘Israel’ as a criminal. US surveys showed that 50% of the
American youths considered that the ‘Israel’ must be eradicated and the
Palestinian people must regain their rights.

The fifth outcome is striking the normalization path between some Arab
regimes and the occupation entity.

The sixth outcome is the appearance of the Israeli entity as the main
violator of the international laws. ‘Israel’ has violated all the
international laws.

The seventh outcome is smashing the strategic deterrence power of the
Israeli enemy. Hezbollah, the Palestinian and Iraqi resistance groups, and
the Yemeni armed forces have proved that they are not deterred by the
Zionist enemy and the United States.

The eighth outcome is overthrowing the information superiority of the
Israeli enemy.

The ninth outcome is the Israeli failure to reach a swift victory.

The tenth outcome is the failure of the Israeli air force to settle the

The eleventh outcome is the eradication of the Israelis’ trust in their
command and army as well as the   threat posed by the battle to the
existence of the Israeli entity. Al-Aqsa Flood Operation contributes mainly
to the demise of the occupation entity. Hundreds of thousands of Zionists
left occupied Palestine.

The twelfth outcome is the eradication of the Israeli image of capability
and power whcih the Zionists claim in their attempts to lure some Arab
regimes to sign agreements.

The thirteenth outcome is the military failure and the psychological
repercussions of the war on the Israelis. Thousands of Israeli soldiers
have been either killed or wounded on Lebanon front, but the enemy does not
acknowledge that. 300,000 Zionists have requested psychological treatment
since October 7, according to Ynet. Hundreds of thousands of Zionists were
displaced from the north of occupied Palestine.

The fourteenth outcome is the Israeli failure to reach any of the war

The fifteenth outcome is deepening the internal strife among the Israelis.

The sixteenth outcome is smashing the American image and presenting USA as
the main violator of the international laws. Who prevents Gaza ceasefire is
the United States of America.

The seventeenth outcome is the failure of the international organization to
protect the civilians in Gaza. All the Lebanese must acknowledge that only
power can protect them from the Israeli aggression.
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*Martyrs Suleimani and Al-Muhandis*

Hezbollah Secretary General reiterated condolences and felicitations on the
martyrdom of General Suleimani, Hajj Al-Muhandis and their Iraqi
companions, condemning the terrorist attack on Iran’s Kerman, which claimed
more than 80 martyrs.

Martyrdom of General Suleimani terrified the enemies more than his
presence, and the the attack on the visitors of his tomb is the proof,
according to Sayyed Nasrallah.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that martyr Suleimani’s image, might and
determination are present in all fields of resistance, adding that all the
resistance achievements rely mainly on the sacrifices of the Iranian

Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that one of the main features of martyr
Suleimani’s loyalty to the resistance was that he used to help every
resistance group to reach self-sufficiency.

“Iraqi paramilitary and resistance fighters found Martyr Suleimani as the
main supporter. US occupation forces were expelled from Iraq in 2011,
thanks to the Iraqi resistance supported by Martyr Suleimani.“

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that martyr Suleimani contributed mainly to
sustaining ties among the resistance groups in the entire region under the
title of “axis of resistance”.

Sayyed Nasrallah said that martyr Suleimani was keen on sustaining the
communication among the resistance groups in order to coordinate the acts
of confronting the Israeli enemy, adding that Resistance groups in the
region act according to the conditions of the country they exist in despite
the strategic agreement on identifying the enemies, friends and targets.

In this regard, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that some journalists and
politicians fail to understand the nature of the relations between Iran and
the resistance groups and among the resistance groups themselves.

“ Axis of resistance is joined by masters who take their decisions
independently, not servants who obey regulations blindly.”

Sayyed Nasrallah started his speech by offers condolences on the death of
Hezbollah official Hajj Mohammad Yaghi and the martyrdom of the IRGC
commander Sayyed Radhi Al-Moussawi in an Israeli attack on Damascus

His eminence also offers felicitations on Sayyeda Az-Zahraa (A.S.) Birthday
and the advent of the new year.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that he is scheduled to deliver a speech on
Friday, adding that it will be devoted mainly to the Lebanese front.

It is worth noting that the ceremony was started with a recitation of Holy
Quranic verses and a video which displays some aspects of martyr
Suleimani’s life.
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*Source: * Al-Manar English Website
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