[News] Resistance flexible to change, can outperform 'Israel': Hezbollah Off.

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Tue Feb 27 19:13:45 EST 2024

Resistance flexible to change, can outperform 'Israel': Hezbollah Off.
Al Mayadeen English
February 27, 2024

An officer in Hezbollah's anti-armor unit says the Islamic Resistance's
capabilities are adaptable to change and its behavior is dynamic and
dependable on the Israeli occupation
[image: 9cde2a47-c9c7-402e-a861-ea75bf8fb94e.jpg]

   - A screengrab from a video aired for the first time on Al Mayadeen
   depicting an Islamic Resistance trial of an extended range Kornet ATGM (Al

Hezbollah has adapted to any changes that the Israeli occupation could
resort to through the Islamic Resistance's knowledge of the terrain, a
commander in the Resistance anti-armor unit told *Al Mayadeen *in an
exclusive interview that aired Tuesday.

Yet, the resistance high-ranking officer said, the Israeli occupation is
yet to see even 5% of Hezbollah's capabilities in the cross-border
confrontations that have been taking place for nearly five months.

The system of battle with the Israeli occupation has been tested throughout
Operation al-Aqsa Flood, "and we can say that we outperformed the enemy's
system of battle because the enemy falsely claimed that it killed 50
Hezbollah anti-armor fighters, while our anti-armor martyrs who ascended
during the confrontation did not exceed five."

Moreover, he noted that the Islamic Resistance had not been using civilian
homes or villages to fire at the Israeli occupation though this made it
more tactically difficult for them.

Lebanese political and Lebanese affairs analyst Abbas Fneish affirmed
during an interview for *Al Mayadeen *that the Resistance has "accumulated
knowledge of the land over many years and anticipates what the enemy will
do. It has done what is necessary to take advantage of this geography."

"The occupation army has a real deficit in eliminating its targets," Fneish
said, adding: "The Islamic resistance is continuously developing on the
frontline in terms of leadership, information, operations, execution, and
field commanders."
Anti-armor capabilities

Fenish touched on the use of anti-armor missiles by Hezbollah, pointing to
the targets that the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon engaged with the Almas

The first target engaged with the Almas ATGM was the Israeli occupation's
military sites, Fneish said, noting that the first strike was on the Jal
al-Alam site and the second was Ras al-Naqoura. "The second target was
tanks and vehicles, and the third was military barracks and buildings."

The resistance manufactures most of its weapons, Fneish said, pointing out
that this was the result of hard continuous work that is accompanied by
understanding the nature of the developments on the ground and the nature
of the task entrusted to the Islamic Resistance; "The tactical method
adopted by the Resistance refutes the claims of the occupation during the
past weeks."

Talking about the capabilities of the Resistance and its latest endeavors,
the Hezbollah commander noted that while the Resistance only announced the
Tharallah ATGM a year ago, it was first made in 2015.

"What the enemy should expect in the next war is new generations of the
Tharallah ATGM," he said.

Speaking further on the Resistance's capabilities, the Hezbollah top
officer underlined that the battlefront was the training ground for the
Islamic Resistance, which reflects the adaptability of its fighters and
their prowess.

He also touched on the Resistance's attacks on the Israeli "Meron" air
control base, stressing that the Resistance engaged it to send a message to
the Israeli occupation that it could destroy it if it so wished.
Destruction suffered by 'Israel'

A tally done by *Al Mayadeen *revealed all the Israeli losses suffered due
to the Resistance's operations using anti-armor munitions, which included
460 strikes with guided munitions and 105 strikes with unguided munitions.

The strikes in question include 87 that were carried out from weapons yet
to be unveiled by the Resistance, 82 of which used guided weapons, with the
remaining 5 using unguided weapons.

Fneish underlined that the Resistance was adhering to secrecy because it
did not want to put all of its cards on the table, as its confrontation
with the Israeli occupation continues to unfold.

This is a breakdown of all the different weapons used by the Resistance
against the Israeli occupation forces.
Guided munitions

Kornet: 128

Fagot: 95

TOW: 56

Tharallah: 28

Special system (Almas): 23

Malyutka: 23

Kornet (8-10km): 14

Metis: 8


Other: 82
Unguided munitions

SPG-9 recoilless rifle: 36

106 recoilless rifle: 24

B-10 recoilless rifle: 22

82mm mortar: 9

RPG-29 : 4

RPG-7: 3

57 recoilless rifle: 2

Other: 5
'Israel' defeated

After the group's capabilities were displayed in full by the sheer number
of operations it carried out against the Israeli occupation, the Hezbollah
commander underlined that the Resistance has effectively defeated the
Israeli occupation, but stressed that this was not anything new.

"We did not defeat the enemy today, we defeated them when we destroyed the
Merkava tank in 1993," he said. "We defeated the enemy when we turned the
entire border area into a ghost town. We defeated the enemy when one of its
experts said we are having sleepless nights; when we destroyed its
reinforcements to pave the way for the entry of our freedom fighters."

"We defeated the enemy when we surprised them by using the Kornet in 2006,
turning the Hujeir Valley into a graveyard of tanks," he said.

Today the Israeli occupation stands bewildered in the face of the
Resistance's anti-armor capabilities, the Hezbollah top commander stressed.

*For more from Monday's interview, read: Hezbollah commander unveils new
weapon on Al Mayadeen
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