[News] The siege of holy sites is part of the genocidal war, and there is no way to confront it except through a comprehensive intifada.

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Feb 18 17:21:48 EST 2024


🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
The siege of holy sites is part of the genocidal war, and there is no way
to confront it except through a comprehensive intifada.

The Popular Front emphasized that the occupation government's direction to
prevent our people from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of Ramadan
(https://t.me/PalestineResist/29676) is part of a comprehensive war waged
by the enemy to end our existence through genocide, displacement, siege of
holy sites, expansion of settlements, and entrapping our people in zones of

Commenting on the occupation government's intention to implement the
recommendations of the terrorist Ben Gvir to prohibit visits to Al-Aqsa
Mosque during Ramadan, the Front stressed that our national forces and the
masses of our people should not wait for new decisions or further
escalation of aggression before moving towards a comprehensive intifada
against this terrorist enemy who is effectively exterminating our existence
in all its forms.

The Front stated that the blood of a single child among the martyrs of our
people, whom the enemy has killed by the thousands in Gaza, should mobilize
every Palestinian and Arab to rise up against this enemy in every inch of
Palestinian land, and against its allies, supporters, bases, and interests
in Arab territories.

The Front affirmed that our people have no choice but to defend their
existence and confront this blind hatred and monstrous crimes in Gaza, the
West Bank, and our occupied land since 1948 by escalating all forms of

The Front considered attempts to restrict popular action or reduce its
scope or confine it within temporal or seasonal frameworks meaningless in
the face of the genocidal war.

The Front called on all strugglers and honorable members of our people to
rise to their duty in striking and exhausting the terrorist enemy,
escalating revolutionary action in all its forms in defense of our people
and their cause, and the fate of our future generations in this decisive
battle, as a vengeance for the pure blood of the martyrs.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
February 18, 2024
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