[News] Israeli army converts Nasser Hospital into military barracks, arrests dozens of doctors, patients

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Sun Feb 18 11:27:57 EST 2024

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Israeli army converts Nasser Hospital into military barracks, arrests
dozens of doctors, patients

Sunday 18-February-2024 -
+ -


Israeli occupation forces converted the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan
Yunis into a military barracks after taking it out of service. They have
arrested dozens of medical staff and patients.

Dr. Ashraf al-Qudra, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Health in Gaza,
said on Sunday that the Israeli occupation has turned the Nasser Medical
Complex into a military barracks and taken it out of service.

He pointed out that the Israeli occupation forces kept medical personnel
for hours in the maternity building, handcuffed them, beat them, and
stripped them of their clothes. He pointed out that the occupation army
arrested 70 healthcare workers in the medical complex.

He said that there are now only 25 medical personnel left in the Nasser
Medical Complex who are unable to handle cases in need of critical care. He
warned that the occupation army has arrested the intensive care doctor and
there is no doctor to follow up on critical cases.

He noted that the Israeli occupation forces have arrested dozens of
immobile patients who are receiving treatment and placed them in military
beds, loaded them onto trucks, and taken them to an unknown location,
putting their lives at risk.

He added that the electricity has been cut off from the Nasser Medical
Complex for three days, resulting in lack of oxygen for the patients. This
has led to the death of seven patients so far, with fears of the death of
dozens of critical cases.

He pointed out that three women, including a female doctor, gave birth in
the Nasser Medical Complex under difficult and unsafe conditions, lacking
water, food, electricity, and cleanliness. The water supply to the Nasser
Medical Complex has been completely cut off for three days due to the power
generators being out of service.

The spokesperson held Israel fully responsible for the lives of the medical
staff and patients in the Nasser Medical Complex.

The Israeli army since January 22, following the expansion of its ground
attack to the west of Khan Yunis and their issuance of more evacuation
orders for the area, has been besieging the Nasser Hospital with a capacity
of 475 beds, Al-Amal Hospital with a capacity of 100 beds, the Jordanian
Field Hospital with a capacity of 50 beds, and Al-Khair Hospital, in
addition to three health clinics, which housed thousands of displaced
people along with patients, according to the statement.

On the same day, the Israeli occupation forces raided Al-Khair Hospital,
which is run by a charitable association, and ordered women and children to
evacuate towards Rafah. They also arrested several medical staff members
and completely took it out of service.

In the following days, the Israeli occupation forces continued to shell and
fire at Al-Amal Hospital and the Nasser Medical Complex, using artillery,
snipers, and quadcopter aircraft, resulting in the killing and injury of
dozens of civilians. The hospital grounds turned into temporary graves
before being raided, and taken out of service, along with the medical staff
and patients inside.
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