[News] UK's Palestine Action blocks Elbit Systems' Bristol HQ

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Thu Feb 15 11:56:44 EST 2024

UK's Palestine Action blocks Elbit Systems' Bristol HQ
Al Mayadeen English
February 15, 2024

The pro-Palestine direct action group Palestine Action blocks arms
manufacturer Elbit Systems' Bristol Headquarters as "Israel" continues its
genocide across the Gaza Strip.
[image: 39928545-3b10-48c5-9997-27c29f800a3b.png]

   - Screengrab from video footage showing the Palestine Action activists
   locked together in front of Elbit Systems HQ in Bristol, England, as the
   police warns them to disperse on February 15, 2024. (Palestine Action)

Amid the ongoing Israeli occupation's genocide of the Palestinian people of
the Gaza Strip, pro-Palestine activists across the UK have intensified
their efforts to disrupt the Israeli war machine

According to a report from British newspaper *Morning Star,* on Wednesday,
activists associated with Palestine Action, a UK-based pro-Palestinian
protest network, barricaded the entrance to Elbit Systems, "Israel’s"
largest weapons firm. The activists, focused on direct action tactics,
blocked the firm's entrance by locking themselves together.

Elbit Systems is known for supplying the Israeli occupation forces with
drones, munitions, combat vehicles, missiles, and various other types of
weaponry. According to the daily, "The majority of their arms are marketed
as 'battle-tested,' meaning they have been deployed in bombardments against
the Palestinian people."
'Up to people to take direct action'

A spokesperson for Palestine Action emphasized
the necessity for direct action to shut down Elbit, stating, "While Israeli
weapons companies — which assist in occupying, displacing, and massacring
the people in Gaza — operate on our doorstep, it’s up to the people to take
direct action to shut Elbit down," adding "Every other method — including
marches, petitions, and lobbying — has failed to end British complicity in
the occupation."

The spokesperson expressed frustration with conventional methods like
marches, petitions, and lobbying, asserting that these have failed to end
British complicity in the occupation.

In a symbolic gesture, activists from the group also covered the Manchester
offices of Bank of New York Mellon, an American banking and financial
services corporation, in red paint. This act aimed to symbolize the
complicity of the bank in Palestinian bloodshed given it has invested over
$12 million in Elbit systems.
Elbit Systems UK and Elbit Systems Ltd.

Back in January, and during an early-morning demonstration, dozens of
reportedly "shut down" the Bristol HQ as well. This was initiated by
campaigners from Palestine Action who have targeted the Elbit headquarters
in Little Stoke.

Protesters targeted several UK sites of the company that describes itself
as a "defense, technology, and aerospace company working on a range of
technologies for both military and civilian applications."

Elbit Systems UK is part of Elbit Systems Ltd, which makes drones and other
military equipment, and has contracts with the Israeli occupation.

   - [image: Companies House UK, listing 'Elbit Systems Ltd' as the person
   of control of 'Elbit Systems UK'. Jan 18,2024.]
   Companies House UK, listing 'Elbit Systems Ltd' as the person of control of
   'Elbit Systems UK'. January 18, 2024.

Companies House UK, listing Elbit Systems Ltd as the person of control of
Elbit Systems UK, Jan 18, 2024

"Disrupting Israel's military supply chain through direct action and
community mobilization is a crucial and necessary tactic to deploy as our
Palestinian siblings are under fire by Elbit's weaponry. We do not stand
for genocide enablers on our doorstep, and we've once again made it clear
that Elbit is not welcome in Bristol or anywhere on British soil," a
Palestine Action spokesperson stated.

*Read more: Irish lawmaker calls for summoning Israeli ambassador
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