[News] Israeli Strike Destroys Belgian Development Agency In Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Feb 3 11:20:46 EST 2024

 *Belgium is one of the Western countries that has refused to cut funding
to UNRWA. So Israel just bombed the office of the Belgian Agency for
Development Cooperation in #Gaza
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hashtag_click>. This is a direct
result of the impunity Washington has provided Israel.*


Israeli Strike Destroys Belgian Development Agency In Gaza
February 2. 2024

The Israeli army bombarded and destroyed the building of Enabel, the
development agency of Belgium’s federal government, in Gaza, prompting the
country to summon the Israeli ambassador.

Caroline Gennez <https://twitter.com/carogennez>, the Belgian Minister of
Development Cooperation and Urban Policy, said on X that “targeting
civilian buildings is and remains totally unacceptable” and that she is
working with the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, to
summon the Israeli ambassador in the country.

Jean Van Wetter <https://twitter.com/jeanvanwetter>, the CEO of Enabel –
Belgium, said on X: “Our office in Gaza has been totally destroyed
yesterday in a bombing. Attacking civilian buildings is totally
unacceptable. We are all shocked at Enabel. As a Government agency working
for the common good in a framework of international humanitarian law, we
cannot accept this.”

Wetter added, “To target civilians or civilian objects (including.
buildings) violates #IHL. (International Humanitarian Law), @Enabel_Belgium
 supports the civilian population of #Gaza in education, employment, young
entrepreneurship, green transition.”

The bombarded Belgian buildings is on Victor Hugu Street in Gaza City’s
Rimal central neighborhood.

On Wednesday evening, the Israeli army said one of its commanders was
killed in northern Gaza, bringing the number of soldiers, killed since
October 7, 2023, to 561, including 224 since the beginning of the ground
offensive on October 27, bringing the total number of Israeli, including
soldiers, killed since October 7 to 1.139.

More than 1.9 Million of Gaza’s 2.2 Million are now displaced due to
Israeli bombing of civilians areas across the Gaza Strip.

Israel has now killed at least 27.000 Palestinians, and injured more than
66.110, mostly women and children, in addition to the thousands of
Palestinians who remain buried under the rubble of bombarded homes and
buildings, and those killed in the streets and alleys of various parts of
the Gaza Strip.
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