[News] US conduct series of airstrikes in Syria: Response for Jordan bombing?

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Fri Feb 2 18:51:37 EST 2024

US conduct series of airstrikes in Syria: Response for Jordan bombing?
Al Mayadeen English
February 3, 2024

The United States launches a series of airstrikes on Syria in a possible
response for the drone strike that killed three US servicemen in Jordan.
[image: cec05855-bec6-4fc7-ae05-b1fdb586ed81.jpg]

   - Photo of the location of one of the strikes on the Iraqi-Syrian
   borders (Social Media)

Unidentified air strikes targeted military sites near Ain Ali, south of the
city of Al Mayadin in the countryside of Deir Ezzor, Syria, sources told *Al
Mayadeen *on Friday.

The sources later identified the airstrikes as American, saying they bombed
the Deir Ezzor airport in the country's east.

Sources tell *Al Mayadeen* that 3 members of the auxiliary forces to the
Syrian Arab Army were martyred as a result of the raids.

Meanwhile, *ABC News *reported that US military strikes kicked off in Syria
in response to the fatal operation in Jordan, which killed three US
soldiers and was said to have been carried out by the Iraqi Resistance.

CENTCOM revealed that US forces struck more than 85 targets in Iraq and
Syria with numerous aircraft, including long-range bombers that were said
to have taken off from the United States.

The US forces struck numerous facilities, CENTCOM claimed, including
command and control operation rooms, intelligence centers, rockets,
missiles, UAV storage, and supply chain facilities in Syria and Iraq.

CENTCOM said it "employed more than 125 precision munitions" in the

In the wake of the lengthy bombing campaign, Biden claimed that he was not
after a war in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

An *Al Mayadeen *correspondent, meanwhile, reported that explosions were
being heard from the US occupation's Conoco base, with plumes of smoke seen
rising from the military site.

The Conoco base was reportedly attacked, though it is unclear where the
attack came from and what the nature of it is.

*Al Mayadeen* captured earlier on Friday of three US drones flying over the
Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

An *Al Mayadeen* correspondent in Baghdad, Abdullah Badran, pointed out
that three UAVs were flying over the heart of Baghdad, the Green Zone,
which houses the Prime Minister's office, Parliament, diplomatic missions,
the Defense Ministry, and other key government ministries and institutions.

Badran suggested that this meant the United States was acting in Iraq under
the pretext of the international coalition to combat ISIS
which it has been playing another undisclosed role under.

Commenting on the purpose of the US drones flying in the skies of Baghdad,
Badran states that it is likely these aircraft are being used in
reconnaissance operations as part of the US forces' preparations for
attacks on Baghdad in response to the killing of three US personnel in
Jordan in an operation they claim to have been carried out by the Iraqi
Kataib Hezbollah Resistance faction.

The Pentagon said the attack
 that killed three US soldiers and wounded more than 40 others in Jordan
"carried the footprints" of Kataib Hezbollah.

"We don't seek war, but we will take action, and respond to attacks on our
forces," Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh

The Pentagon added that while it would not disclose the nature of the
response to the operation that targeted the US forces, "We consider Iran
responsible for them."

Later on, US President Joe Biden revealed that he had reached a decision on
how to respond to the drone strike, though he emphasized that he did not
want to escalate the situation into a broader regional war.

Meanwhile, *Politico *reported Tuesday on the post-strike confusion and
consequent warmongering in the US bureaucracy following the Resistance
operation. Notably, the report highlights that the Biden administration's
response will be multi-tiered.

*Politico *deems it likely that the US retaliation will not be a "massive
show of force" but would rather manifest as "several rounds of action."

"Actions may be tiered. We may see several rounds of action," an anonymous
official in the Biden administration told* NatSec Daily *earlier.

*Politico *notes that US strikes against Resistance groups, namely the
Islamic Resistance in Iraq, have failed to deter them. The Resistance
groups in Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon have remained committed to building up
 on "Israel" and the US to concede to a ceasefire in Gaza despite the grave
casualties the respective groups have been subjected to.
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