[News] Yemen: Cutting UNRWA funds is US response to ICJ ruling

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Thu Feb 1 11:46:32 EST 2024

Sayyed al-Houthi: Cutting UNRWA funds is US response to ICJ ruling
Al Mayadeen English
February 1, 2024

The leader of the Ansar Allah movement has spoken on the most recent
regional and international developments regarding the ongoing war on Gaza.
[image: 2fe5cbbe-3b0a-4a59-8fe5-4e0e7ae27882.jpg]

   - Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Ansar Allah movement,
   gets ready to speak during an address, on February 1, 2024. *(Al

The United States and Britain "have gotten themselves in a quandary," as
their aggression on Yemen failed to produce the intended results, the
leader of the Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abul-Malik al-Houthi said during
his speech on Thursday.

Speaking on the 16th week of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, Sayyed
al-Houthi delved into a number of topics and analyzed ongoing local,
regional, and international developments.
'Israel' commits the most heinous crimes in Gaza

As he has done in his previous addresses, the leader of the Ansar Allah
movement shed light on the "heinous" crimes
committed by the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip. In reference to the
recent discovery of the bodies of 30 martyrs in a Beit Lahia school, Sayyed
al-Houthi considered the crime to be part of the ongoing genocide against

"The enemy arrests Palestinian [civilians] and deliberately humiliates and
strips them, in violation of their human dignity, before executing them in
cold blood

He highlighted the fact that these crimes are being committed with the
direct backing of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany who
have provided the Israeli occupation with the necessary weapons and
equipment to carry on its genocide.

On the systematic Israeli actions targeting the health sector in the Gaza
Strip, Sayyed al-Houthi emphasized a widespread phenomenon in the Gaza
Strip, in which the wounded are being treated without the necessary

"One of the most painful and tragic scenes of the suffering of the wounded
is the amputation of limbs without anesthesia."

He also highlighted the fact that the Israeli political and military
commands have listed hospitals and medical centers as essential targets of
their aggression. He described the action as audaciously blunt and

"The Israeli enemy does not want those who provide health services to the
Palestinian people to remain in hospitals, nor does it want medicines and
medical staff. It kills some and arrests others," he said.

Despite unfavorable circumstances, the leader of the Ansar Allah movement
underscored the resilience of the Palestinian Resistance, which was marked
by a recent rocket attack that targeted the heart of the Israeli regime, in
"Tel Aviv".

"The bombing of Tel Aviv
is a highly significant operation with great significance amid the
comprehensive destruction of the sector and the false achievements
US-lead campaign against UNRWA: A response to ICJ order

Regarding a recent US decision to suspend funding to the United Nations
Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA),
which is the only international body responsible for aiding Palestinian
refugees in the Gaza Strip and other areas in West Asia, Sayyed al-Houthi
shed light on the fact that the campaign comes against the backdrop of the
recent ICJ order.

"In addition to killing, destruction, devastation, and displacement, the
Zionist enemy targets UNRWA, and America fully supports its campaign," the
leader said.

However, the leader did point to the fact that UNRWA "provided minimal
services to the people of Gaza," attributing its underperformance to
"Western and American supervision," which "played a key role in" overseeing
the organization's work.

"After the decision of the International Court of Justice, food and
medicine are supposed to enter Gaza and contribute to reducing the crimes
of genocide."

To the contrary, the US launched a campaign
against the largest humanitarian organization present in and outside the
Gaza Strip in an attempt to stop "its meager and limited assistance."

"The Palestinian people have not found security in UNRWA schools, which
they resorted to under the protection of the United Nations. Targeting
refugees in UNRWA schools illustrates the American tyranny and the
humanitarian bankruptcy of the West, which rushed to announce the
suspension of UNRWA aid," the Yemeni Ansar Allah leader underlined.
The ICJ's injunction was weak

After the listing of a series of genocidal acts and war crimes committed by
the Israeli occupation, including a severe blockade on the Gaza Strip, the
leader emphasized that concerned parties have "no consideration for human
rights and international law when they conflict with American and Israeli

He accused the international community of abandoning the Palestinian
people, adding that they have failed "to take serious action to stop
Zionist crimes."

"The decision of the International Court of Justice was weak and did not
rise to the [required] level of justice."

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi

"The correct and just stance from the [ICJ] is a decision or ruling that
stops the aggression and blockade on Gaza and puts an end to the
[Israeli] crimes
in the West Bank
he added.

The leader attributed the weak performance of international institutions to
American influence that subdues their decisions even when cases are treated
with "great injustice".

"As a result of American intervention, the Israeli enemy is almost exempt
from all decisions, judgments, and positions declared by international
institutions," Sayyed al-Houthi stressed.

"It is a great shame for nations that the Israeli enemy is an accepted
member of the United Nations."

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi

US, UK ‘got themselves in a quandary’

In his speech, Ansar Allah’s leader touched on the Yemeni Armed Forces’
in support of the Resistance in Gaza and the Palestinian people, against
ships heading to the Israeli occupation entity in the Red Sea and Bab

In this context, he stressed, "Our role is effective and influential," and
"the enemy is in despair."

Sayyed al-Houthi reiterated that the Yemeni forces "are at high readiness
to target any ship heading to the occupying entity," stressing that the US
and the UK "have gotten themselves in a quandary."

The Yemeni Resistance leader also confirmed that the Yemeni people "proved
that the targeting was limited to the ships heading to the occupation
entity, while the others were allowed safe and secure navigation,"
highlighting, in this regard, how "the Americans failed to protect the
ships heading to the occupying entity, which they admitted."

In the same context, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi explained that the
Americans "tried to flex their muscles, under false pretenses, but they
failed miserably just like their British accomplices, having stood
impotently, unable to protect even their own ships."

According to the Yemeni leader, it is about time for the enemy to
understand the inability of any ship to head to its ports through Bab
al-Mandab as it "should pay the price for its continued aggression

The Ansar Allah leader, once again, vowed that the military operations of
the Yemeni Armed Forces will not stop "as long as the aggression continues,
regardless of the American position, which will not affect our country’s
effective stand, despite all the technologies it [the US] possesses."

Addressing the Americans, Sayyed Al-Houthi stressed that "instead of waging
wars" here and there, US President Joe Biden should occupy himself "with
his country’s crises and the problems caused by his policies."

As for the British, he pointed out that "they must deduce a lesson from the
ship that went ablaze when we attacked it."

In this context, Ansar Allah’s leader stressed that the US aggression
against Yemen "is a push for us to develop our military capabilities even
more; capabilities that are manifested by the advanced missiles that we
launch," noting that one of the signs of the failure of the goals of this
aggression is the fact that Biden's administration resorted to China for

*Read more: US threats via Omani backchannels will not deter Yemen:
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