[News] Resistance in Gaza presence similar to pre-October 7: Israeli media

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Sat Apr 27 11:44:51 EDT 2024

Resistance in Gaza presence similar to pre-October 7: Israeli media
Al Mayadeen English
April 27, 2024

Israeli media reports that top officials promising a decisive and complete
victory against the Resistance in Gaza are "detached from reality".
[image: fc624c10-1cb5-4d25-9b88-f9edea64c504.jpg]

   - Al-Qassam Resistance fighters monitoring an Israeli occupation
   surveillance post adjacent to the Gaza border on July 19, 2023. (*AFP*)

Israeli media outlets reported on Saturday that the situation in the Gaza
envelope "has returned to pre-October 7," affirming that Israeli officials'
promises to "eliminate" the Resistance and achieve imminent victory are
"completely detached from reality."

Israeli *Channel 13* stated that Israeli officials "pledged to eliminate
Hamas and assured the residents of the envelope that they could return to
their homes, as it was safe, but last week proved that reality is far from
the promises," referring to Resistance rocket launches
from northern Gaza toward nearby settlements.

*Read more: Al-Quds Brigades confront IOF at point zero, confirm Israeli

"Rockets were launched [targeting] the envelope area throughout last week,
where sirens sounded in Nir Am, Ashkelon, Sderot, Kfar Silver, Zikim, and
Mefalsim," journalist Almog Boker said. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu and Security Minister Yoav Gallant have pledged to
"continue the war until Hamas and all its elements are eliminated," he

The rockets were launched from the northern Gaza Strip, "an area where
Gazans are not supposed to be," Boker added, despite the fact that top
Israeli officials "sold the public the idea that it [north Gaza] is under
army control."

"This indicates another fact worth mentioning," which is that Palestinians
in Gaza have returned to the North and that fighters from Hamas and the
Islamic Jihad still maintain a presence in the area.

*Read more: Resistance engages newly-built Israeli site, Gaza Brigade
command HQs
Israeli army 'responding inadequately'

Resistance fighters are not only launching rockets, but also targeting
Israeli forces on the ground," the journalist warned, noting that "a Hamas
fighter opened fire yesterday at an army patrol, killing a reserve officer."

Boker believed that this is because "the fighters there understand well
that the area has returned to the days before October 7 .. while the army
is responding inadequately."

Israeli newspaper *Yedioth Ahronoth* reported last week that, nearly 7
months after launching the war on the Strip, "Israel" has yet to bring back
its captives, defeat the Resistance, reduce its influence, or effectively
harm its capabilities, let alone "eliminate it", as top Israeli officials
declared the elimination as one of the war's goals.

The outlet said that it is evident today that a handful of Israeli
officials are claiming that war objectives in Gaza are being achieved
with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing out as the main
proponent of the "overwhelming decisive victory" slogan.
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