[News] Student organizations in the Gaza Strip in solidarity with the Student Intifada in the United States

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Thu Apr 25 20:35:24 EDT 2024

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  Statement: Student organizations in the Gaza Strip in solidarity with
  the Student Intifada in the United States

April 25, 2024

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful…

We, the students of Gaza, salute the students of Columbia University, 
Yale University, New York University, Rutgers University, the University 
of Michigan, and dozens of universities across the United States who are 
rising up in solidarity with Gaza and to put an end to the Zionist-U.S. 
genocide against our people in Gaza. As we remain under the bombs of 
occupation, resisting Nazi genocide, grieving for our martyred 
colleagues and faculty, and witnessing the destruction of our 
universities, we welcome the examples of solidarity offered by students 
facing arrest, police violence, suspension, eviction, and expulsion in 
order to demand that their universities end their complicity in the 
Zionist-U.S. genocide and renounce their support for the occupation and 
the war profiteers that arm it.

We have seen hundreds of students arrested across the United States as 
they work to transform their universities into “Popular Universities for 
Gaza.” Students, faculty, and staff are disrupting university operations 
and making clear that while universities in Gaza are being bombed, 
university business cannot continue as usual in the United States. These 
actions come as university administrations collaborate with members of 
Congress to discredit conscientious student activists and faculty, expel 
students, ban events, shut down student organizations such as Students 
for Justice in Palestine 
and condemn activists working to end the Nazi genocide. At the same 
time, these same universities invest in the same companies that profit 
from the continued sale of weapons to the Zionist regime to continue its 
genocidal offensive.

Our students - and our educational system as a whole - in occupied 
Palestine are subjected to ongoing genocidal aggression: our 
universities destroyed and bombed, our student organizations banned, and 
our student leaders subjected to torture, assassination and mass 
imprisonment. However, in Palestine and around the world, the student 
movement has always been a driving force of our struggle for liberation. 
When we see videos and images from American universities today, we are 
reminded of our history of student struggle as well as the student 
uprisings of 1968, which challenged imperialism from Vietnam to 
Palestine and reshaped the face of Europe and the United States. Now, in 
2024, the student movement is once again leading the way.

From here in Gaza, we see you and salute you. Your actions and activism 
matter, especially in the heart of the empire, in the United States. As 
members of Congress agree to provide $26 billion in additional weapons 
to bomb our people and continue the Zionist-U.S. genocide, you are 
taking meaningful action to shut down the war machine on your campuses. 
It is clear that a new generation is rising that will no longer accept 
Zionism, racism and genocide, and that stands with Palestine and our 
liberation from the river to the sea.

*Your global student solidarity is breaking boundaries, and it is time 
to smash the US imperialist war machine. From Gaza to Columbia, to Ann 
Arbor and Berkeley, our hands are joined to end Nazi genocide and 
achieve our collective liberation.*

*Student Frameworks Secretariat*

• ⁠Islamic Bloc - Islamic Resistance Movement
• Student Unity Bloc - Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
• ⁠Union of Student Struggle Committees - Arab Liberation Front
• Union of Palestinian Student Struggle Committees - Palestinian Arab Front
• Islamic League - Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
• Fatah Youth - Fatah movement
• Al-Initiative Student Gathering - the Palestinian National Initiative 
• Student Action Front - Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
• Palestine Liberation Youth - Palestine Liberation Front
• Al-Istiqlal Student Bloc - Palestinian Democratic Union Fida
• Student Struggle Bloc - Palestinian Popular Struggle Front
• The Land and Man Bloc - Popular Front (General Command)
• Progressive Student Union Bloc - Palestinian People’s Party

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