[News] The Palestinian Factions convened an important national meeting today

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Wed Apr 24 20:37:28 EDT 2024


Resistance News Network on Telegram

🇵🇸 Palestinian Factions (1/2):
The Palestinian Factions convened an important national meeting today,
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, amidst the ongoing zionist aggression against
our people and the genocide war on the Gaza Strip. Given the zionist
threats of a ground invasion of the densely populated Rafah governorate,
home to over one and a half million displaced civilians facing catastrophic
living conditions and subjected to relentless bombardment and massacres
according to sinister zionist plans targeting the Palestinian presence and
cause and, indeed, the entire region.

The genocide war waged by the zionist Nazi entity against people, trees,
stones, and everything symbolizing the Palestinian identity throughout all
Palestinian lands will not restore the prestige of its defeated army, which
was defeated at the hands of the Palestinian resistance in the Al-Aqsa
Flood Battle on October 7th.

Accordingly, the Palestinian factions affirm the following:

First: The U.S. administration and the Western community are fully
responsible for any zionist ground invasion of Rafah, especially since
there is complete coordination by the U.S. administration regarding the
military plans to invade the city. Thus, these powers and international
institutions will be complicit in any zionist crimes committed in the city,
and they must bear the consequences of the upcoming zionist massacre.

Second: We warn of the catastrophic and humanitarian consequences of any
ground aggression on Rafah, which would completely block the flow of aid to
our people in the Strip through the Rafah crossing, the only remaining
lifeline for our people facing an genocide war and starvation in
unprecedented human history, witnessed by the entire world. The invasion
will lead to major massacres against hundreds of thousands of civilians and
the complete destruction of infrastructure.

Third: We warn of a comprehensive escalation and explosion that will impact
and threaten the national security of the entire region, especially Egypt’s
national security due to its geographical connection with the Gaza Strip,
if the zionist enemy persists in its arrogance and aggression, and insists
on the ground invasion of Rafah.

Fourth: We renew our message to the Arab and Islamic countries, free
nations, and free peoples of the world everywhere on the necessity of
adopting a practical and serious stance to stop the aggression, break the
siege imposed on the Strip, and use the power and pressure available to
counter any zionist threats of invading Rafah, calling on the Arab and
Islamic masses and free peoples everywhere to take to the squares to
denounce the ongoing zionist genocide and continue pressuring the official
Arab, Islamic, and Western regimes to take responsibility in stopping the
genocide war in Gaza and the massacres impacting hundreds of thousands of
civilians in Rafah.

🇵🇸 Palestinian Factions (2/2):
Fifth: We call on our people in the West Bank to rise up in a massive
intifada denouncing the zionist threats of invading Rafah and continuing
the genocide on the Strip and the ongoing aggression on all Palestinian
land. We highly appreciate the great sacrifices made by our people in the
West Bank, emphasizing the need for direct clashes with the occupation at
all contact points, and turning the West Bank into a burning flame in the
face of settlers and soldiers.

Sixth: We affirm that the resistance will not stand by idly; it is
preparing for any scenario, including the invasion of Rafah, with all
options open without exception to protect our people and thwart the
occupation's plans, vowing to defend our people and counter the aggression
with full force and responsibility, promising to teach the zionist enemy a
lesson it will never forget.

Seventh: We affirm our national stance that there will be no agreements or
exchange deals with the occupation except with a comprehensive ceasefire, a
full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, return of the displaced, sheltering
and reconstruction, and the entry of aid and breaking of the siege. Any
attempts by the occupation and its supporters to bypass the rights and
legitimate demands of our people will not succeed.

Finally: To all who bet on breaking the will of our people and our
resistance, and imposing your malicious agendas and plans on our people:
You will be defeated and shattered against the rock of our people's
resilience, bravery, steadfastness, and sacrifices; what your predecessors
failed to achieve, you and your supporters will not be able to achieve, and
tomorrow is indeed near to those who wait.
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