[News] Iran's retaliation established rules of engagement: Sayyed al-Houthi

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Thu Apr 18 15:25:41 EDT 2024

Iran's retaliation established rules of engagement: Sayyed al-Houthi
Al Mayadeen English
April 18, 2024

The Yemeni Ansar Allah leader stresses that the Iranian response was a
useful source of direct support to the Palestinian people and the
Resistance in Gaza.
[image: cbb6d1c4-522d-4bb7-b4a7-f5bac05ac5f3.jpg]

   The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik
   al-Houthi (Ansar Allah Military Media)

The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
pointed out Thursday that the official stance of most Arab and Islamic
countries places them among those who are hesitant to support Palestine.

In a speech to address the developments in occupied Palestine and the
region, Sayyed al-Houthi said that "some peoples are hesitant, while others
are complicit in the aggression, and yet a third group is complicit with
the enemy in several areas."

He highlighted that "the Takfiri movement is a significant divisive force
to which tens of thousands belong, but its actions under the guise of jihad
are not in the right direction," adding that this movement "acts to spread
sedition" and kill people in markets and mosques and on religious and
social events.

Sayyed al-Houthi confirmed that the Takfiri movement carried out more than
4,000 suicide operations in Iraq under the pretext of "Jihad", stressing
that this movement killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims with massive
financial support from Arab regimes and political and media backing.

"Where is the Takfiri movement in confronting the Israeli enemy, which is
considered the primary enemy of Islam?," he questioned.

He added that the Saudi and Emirati regimes presented themselves as
guardians of the Arab world, yet they alienated themselves from any support
for Palestine.

The Yemeni leader underlined that the Israeli occupation entity "is an
enemy to the entire nation," noting that "if it were not for the jihad and
resistance of the Palestinian people and the Resistance of Lebanon, its
evil acts would have spread to other countries.”

Sayyed al-Houthi noted that "the [Israeli] enemy's practices prove that it
has no regard for any international laws or decisions with Western support."
The Resistance remains steadfast

The Ansar Allah leader extended his condolences to the head of the
political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, whose sons and grandchildren
were killed
at the hands of the Israeli occupation, affirming that "Israel" has not
achieved "any image of victory" through its crimes.

He stressed that the Israeli occupation would not be able to break the
cohesion of the Resistance, its leaders, and its people through its
continued aggression backed by the United States, Britain, and some other
European countries.

Sayyed al-Houthi said that the US continues to prevent a ceasefire and
insists on the continuation of aggression and criminal acts in Gaza.

The Resistance remains steadfast in confronting the enemy despite all the
crimes," he made it clear, pointing out that the Resistance's resilience
with its people "has exceeded the expectations of its enemies."
Iranian retaliatory attack

The Yemeni leader revealed that there were intensive efforts to contain Iran's
retaliatory attack
against "Israel" before it happened and that "enticements were offered to
dissuade Tehran from responding" to the Israeli aggression that targeted
the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

He added that some Arab countries sought, under the pretext of
de-escalation in the region, to dissuade Iran from responding, emphasizing
that "there is no solution or peace in the region except by lifting the
siege and aggression on Gaza."

Sayyed al-Houthi noted that the United States and some European countries
led efforts to counter the Iranian response, expressing regret that some
Arab countries took part in intercepting the Iranian missiles and drones.

According to Sayyed al-Houthi, the Iranian response was characterized by
strength and momentum and saw the launch of a large number of missiles,
drones, and significant military capabilities from Iranian territory.

He considered that the Iranian retaliation, supported by allied fronts,
"established rules of engagement, ensuring that any aggression would not go
unanswered," beyond attempts by some to downplay its significance.

He pointed out that the Palestinian people witnessed for the first time a
magnificent scene of missiles pouring down on Israeli bases, expressing
regret that some Arab media adopted the same stance as the US and "Israel"
regarding the Iranian response.

He further considered it unfortunate that some Arab media attempted to
portray the Iranian response as separate from the Palestinian cause,
despite Tehran's support for the Palestinian people at various levels.

The Ansar Allah leader indicated that some sides also attempted to portray
the Palestinian cause as an Iranian one that does not concern Arabs,
stressing that the Iranian response was a useful source of direct support
to the Palestinian people and the Resistance fighters in Gaza.

Elsewhere, he warned that any Israeli strike against Iran would be met with
a more powerful Iranian response
in the interest of the Palestinian people.
Yemeni operations in support of Gaza

Touching on the Yemeni operations in support of the Gaza Strip
Sayyed al-Houthi highlighted that in the past two weeks, the Yemeni Armed
Forces carried out 14 operations using 36 ballistic missiles, cruise
missiles, and drones.

He also confirmed that eight ships were targeted, which brings the total
number of targeted ships to 98.

The Yemeni leader said that the United States and Britain should realize
that their aggression on Yemen will not halt the Yemeni operations in
support of Gaza.

Sayyed al-Houti assured that there is no danger to the navigation of ships
belonging to European countries that are not sailing to the Israeli
occupation entity and did not take part in the aggression against Yemen.

The Ansar Allah leader concluded his speech by advising the United States
and Britain to withdraw their naval assets, "which impose heavy burdens and
losses on them," and called on the Yemeni people to participate Friday in
the demonstrations in support of the resilient Palestinian people.

*Read more: Iranian retaliation legitimate, 'Israel' raising ME tensions :
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