[News] Israeli Forces & Settler Violence Intensifies Across the West Bank

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Tue Apr 16 11:39:03 EDT 2024

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*Action Alert: Al-Haq, Al Mezan and PCHR Urge the International 
Community to Intervene as Israeli Forces and Settler Violence 
Intensifies Across the West Bank*

In the midst of Israel’s genocidal attacks in Gaza, Al-Haq, Al Mezan 
Center for Human Rights and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 
(PCHR) urge the international community, private actors and businesses, 
to respond to the widespread violent attacks against Palestinians and 
their property across the West Bank. Violent Israeli military and 
settler attacks have 
in intensity and scale ––between 7 October 2023 and 15 April 2024, as of 
12:00 pm, 435 Palestinians, including 112 children, have been killed by 
Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF), eleven Palestinians, including three 
children, have been killed by settlers, five Palestinians have been 
killed by settlers or the IOF and one Palestinian has been killed by a 
settlement guard in the West Bank, including the eastern part of 
Jerusalem, according to Al-Haq’s documentation. The violence escalated 
significantly on 12 April 2023 after a 14-year-old Israeli settler went 
missing, whereby violent Israeli settler mobs commenced raiding occupied 
villages in the West Bank. Al-Haq is currently conducting a field 
investigation into the settler attacks, arson and property destruction 
in the villages of Al-Mughayir, Abu Falah, and Beitin, northeast of 
Ramallah, Duma, southwest of Nablus, Qusra, south of Nablus and Beit 
Furik, east of Nablus in which at least two Palestinians were killed; 
Jihad Afeef Sudqi Abu-Aliyye, 25 and Omar Ahmad Abdul Ghani Hamed, 17, 
and dozens were injured.

According to Al-Haq’s initial documentation, under the watchful eye and 
protection of the IOF, a group of around 1500-2000 Israeli settlers, 
including armed settlers, raided and attacked Al-Mughayir village for 
some eight hours on 12 April 2024, and for around four hours the 
following day. During these attacks, Jihad Abu-Aliyye was killed, as he 
was shot in his head while protecting one of the homes targeted by 
settler attacks. When Jihad was shot, he was among a group of around 
25-27 Palestinians on the rooftop of a Palestinian home, which was 
surrounded by around 400 Israeli settlers. For around 30 minutes, Jihad 
was left to bleed as other young Palestinians were unable to evacuate 
him, as attempts had been met with more shots from Israeli settlers. 
Despite shootings from Israeli settlers and physical assaults from the 
IOF, a group of Palestinians were finally able to carry and transfer 
Jihad to a Palestinian ambulance, which transferred him to he 
Palestinian Medical Complex in Ramallah city, where his death was announced.

During these two days, the Israeli settlers completely burned 14 homes, 
13 livestock pens, a civil defence vehicle and three car garages, as 
well as partially burning 15 homes and four livestock pens in 
Al-Mughayir village. Furthermore, 60 vehicles were set ablaze. A total 
of some 76 Palestinians were injured, primarily by Israeli settlers, 
with 18 remaining hospitalised including three women and two children, 
at the time of writing. Of those, six Palestinians sustained serious 
injuries, with three currently in the intensive care unit. Israeli 
settlers further stole 145 sheep, and killed 36 others.

On 13 April 2024, at around 8:30 pm, a group of around 40-50 Israeli 
settlers attacked, once again, the village of Beitin. In response, 
Palestinian youths rushed to repel the settlers’ attack, especially 
since there had been arson and vandalism by settlers earlier in the 
morning at the eastern entrance of the village. According to Al-Haq’s 
initial documentation, Omar Hamed, a highschool senior and the youngest 
of his siblings, seemed to be among the first to respond to Palestinian 
distress calls and arrived at the scene of the attack. However, upon his 
arrival and exiting the vehicle with the intention of deterring the 
attacking settlers, he was shot in the head. Following his injury, he 
was transported by a civilian vehicle to the Ein Yabrud centre, from 
where he was subsequently transferred to the Palestinian Medical 
Complex. Despite attempts to resuscitate him, his death was announced 
shortly after his arrival at the hospital.

As part of these rampages, Israeli settlers, along with the IOF, have 
closed off main roads and entrances to villages, and imposed movement 
restrictions on military checkpoints. Armed and backed by the IOF, 
Israeli settlers gathered and organised themselves and threatened to 
“set Samaria [northern West Bank] up in flames should the teenage boy 
not be found”, as disseminated over their social media.

On 13 April 2024, Israeli settlers have burned and thrown stones at 
dozens of vehicles and homes in Duma, Qusra and As-Sawiya villages, 
south and southeast Nablus city. During their attacks, Israeli settlers 
further burned 300 olive trees and livestock sheds, and killed 40 sheep 
and more than 10,000 chickens.  Specifically, at around 12:00 pm, 
hundreds of Israeli settlers, accompanied by the IOF, attacked Duma 
village, firing live ammunition disproportionately as well as directly 
at Palestinian residents, stone throwing and burning several vehicles 
and houses. As a result, five Palestinians were injured by use of live 
ammunition, knives, and beatings, according to the Palestinian Red 
Crescent Society (PCRS). The IOF obstructed the passage of PCRS 
ambulances into Duma, which continued to be denied access for 
approximately three hours. In Duma also, the IOF and settlers broke into 
and searched several houses, captured and questioned a number of 
residents, and completely burned five homes while partially burning 
seven others.

While in Qusra village, at around 4:10 pm of the same day, around 150 
Israeli settlers accompanied by the IOF, as reported by Qusra 
Municipality, attacked the village, fired live ammunition, burned 
vehicles, houses, and commercial stores, injuring four Palestinians with 
stones, and a number of suffocation cases as a result. The IOF have also 
attacked and beaten a Palestinian woman. According to Qusra 
Municipality, these attacks included damage to the electricity network 
as a result of fired bullets, and burning of four electricity poles. 
Furthermore, according to Al-Haq’s documentation, Israeli settlers 
burned five homes and apartments during their attack on Qusra village. 
These latest attacks have resulted in the forcible displacement of five 
families from Duma and another five families from Qusra, whose homes 
have been rendered completely uninhabitable due to these acts of arson. 
Additionally, these residents suffer great psychological harm as they 
watch their homes and property being burned before their eyes, and 
lacking any sense of security.

These events represent a clear spike in the degree and intensity of 
violence being experienced by Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian 
territory (OPT), and should provide the impetus for the international 
community to respond with decisive and meaningful actions geared towards 
ending Israel’s colonial settlement enterprise and the impunity enjoyed 
by all those responsible for the establishment, maintenance and 
expansion of Israeli settlements and for violence perpetrated by 
illegally transferred inIsraeli settlers. While the United Kingdom 
United States 
and several European states 
have imposed sanctions against a handful of low-level Israeli settlers 
for their violence and attacks against Palestinians, these sanctions 
have not targeted in any way the actual policy makers with 
responsibility for the illegal acts. Over the decades, Israeli 
high-level government and army officials and the Israeli judiciary have 
created an environment in which settler violence can grow unabated.

Settler attacks have also been called out by the Prosecutor of the 
International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim A. A. Khan KC, who has 
extreme concern “with the spike, the increase, in the number of reported 
incidents of attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians 
in the West Bank”, and announced 
these attacks will be investigated. With international efforts still 
falling short from addressing the root causes of settler violence, our 
organisations urge the international community to address settler 
violence as a matter of policy and not mere sporadic incidents of 
attacks, and pay proper attention to the causal link between the heinous 
acts committed against various communities across the West Bank and the 
high-level government officials responsible for transferring Israeli 
settlers and establishing and maintaining colonial settlements, as well 
as creating a culture of impunity that further encourages illegal 
incursions on Palestinian land.

Like the ongoing assault on Gaza, the current escalation in the West 
Bank does not take place in a vacuum. Between 1 January and 31 October 
2023, there were at least 1,038 incidents 
Since 7 October 2023, settler attacks have more 
from an average of three to eight incidents a day. Similarly, the rate 
of Palestinians displaced has more than doubled –– an increase of nearly 
119 percent –– as 280 Palestinians are now being displaced on average 
every month due 
This is a direct result of 
which is at its highest level since UN monitoring began in 2017, and 
Israel’s illegal designation of a record amount of West Bank land 

settlers –– 10 percent of Israel’s nearly 7 million population –– now 
live in 150 settlements and 128 outposts dotting the occupied West Bank, 
including eastern Jerusalem. While settlements are authorised by the 
Israeli government, Israel classifies outposts as illegal  –– yet, their 
presence and activities are allowed by the IOF and police forces and 
their formation are supported by Israel, including through retroactive 
regularisation. Both are illegal under international law.[1]

Article 49 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of 
Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 (Fourth Geneva 
Convention) states that the “[t]he Occupying Power shall not deport or 
transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it 
occupies”. Furthermore, the UN General Assembly,[2] and UN Security 
Council,[3] have expressly recognised and reaffirmed the illegality of 
Israeli settlements in the OPT and the applicability of the 
aforementioned legal framework due to Israel’s status as an Occupying 
Power. Such transfers amount to a war crime under Article 8(2)(b)(viii) 
of the Rome Statute of the ICC, to which Palestine is a State Party.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, asserted in a 
to the UN Human Rights Council that “the policies of the current Israeli 
Government appear aligned, to an unprecedented extent, with the goals of 
the Israeli settler movement to expand long-term control over the West 
Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to steadily integrate this occupied 
territory into the State of Israel.” On the basis of the existence of 
this state policy, the ensuing forcible displacement of Palestinians 
constitutes the crimes against humanity of forcible transfer, 
persecution, and apartheid pursuant to Articles 7(1)(d), (h), and (j) of 
the Rome Statute of the ICC.

*Recommendations for immediate action*

Settler violence, including the attacks which took place throughout 
Friday and Saturday, are a direct result of Israel’s settler-colonial 
apartheid regime which not only allows, but encourages, dispossessing 
indigenous Palestinians of their land. The total lack of accountability 
and absence of any judicial system capable of providing fair, impartial, 
and independent rulings has fortified the resolve of illegal settlers to 
continue carrying out violent, destructive attacks which strip 
Palestinians of both their life and livelihood.

Accordingly, Al-Haq, Al Mezan and PCHR:

·      Urge Third States to impose sanctions (including the freezing of 
all assets within the control of the relevant State) against figures 
including Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of National 
Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Minister of Defence, Yoav Gallant, and 
Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, amongst others, whose policies 
and plans provide for the expansion of settlements and appropriation of 
Palestinian land;

·      Call on Third States to prohibit the import of illegal settlement 
goods and services into their territories, and to prohibit the 
procurement of goods from and investments in companies listed on the UN 

·      Call on corporations and financial institutions, in line with 
their responsibilities under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and 
Human Rights (UNGPs) to divest and disengage from Israel’s illegal 
colonial settlement enterprise;

·      Calls on States to suspend military assistance and apply a 
two-way arms embargo on Israel, as failure to do so opens up the 
possibility of being considered as complicit in war crimes, crimes 
against humanity and genocide;

·      Urge Third States to recognise that Israel’s judicial system as 
part and parcel of Israel’s settler-colonial apartheid regime and 
provide full support to the work of the ICC, and the UN Independent 
International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian 
Territory, and demand more action on their part in response to the 
atrocities being committed on a daily basis in both the West Bank and 
Gaza. In particular, the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC must be 
assisted in its investigative efforts so as to be able to issue arrest 
warrants without further delay; and

·      Call on the international community –– represented by the United 
Nations –– to set aside its geopolitical and economic interests in order 
to address the root causes of the Palestinian plight, ending the 
occupation and dismantling Israel’s settler-colonial apartheid regime; 
and thereby ensuring respect to the collective right of the Palestinian 
people to self-determination.


[1] For some examples of the stance of various States on the matter, see 
International Court of Justice, Legal Consequences arising from the 
Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 
including East Jerusalem, Request for Advisory Opinion (2024), available 

[2] See United Nations General Assembly Resolution 36/226 A (1982), UN 
Doc A/RES/36/226 A (17 December 1982); United Nations General Assembly 
Resolution 37/123 (1982), UN Doc A/RES/37/123 (16 December 1982); United 
Nations General Assembly Resolution 56/83 (2001), UN Doc A/RES/56/83 (12 
December 2001); United Nations General Assembly Resolution 58/89 (2003), 
UN Doc A/RES/58/89 (9 December 2003); United Nations General Assembly 
Resolution 64/19 (2009), UN Doc A/RES/64/19 (2 December 2009).

[3] See United Nations Security Council Resolution 446 (1979), UN Doc 
S/RES/446 (22 March 1979); United Nations Security Council Resolution 
452 (1979), UN Doc S/RES/452 (20 July 1979); United Nations Security 
Council Resolution 465 (1980), UN Doc S/RES/465 (1 March 1980); United 
Nations Security Council Resolution 478 (1980), UN Doc S/RES/478 (20 
August 1980).






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