[News] Iran is ready to respond in a more decisive manner

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Mon Apr 15 20:09:36 EDT 2024

Iran is ready to respond in a more decisive manner: Exclusive
Al Mayadeen English
April 15, 2024

The spokesperson for the Security and Foreign Policy Committee in the
Iranian Parliament, Abu al-Fadl Amoui, warned the occupation entity against
any further reckless actions.
[image: d8d120df-02bd-456e-9a96-c80e6bb7def1.jpg]

   - Security and Foreign Policy Committee spokesperson in the Iranian
   Parliament Abu al-Fadl Amoui on *Al Mayadeen* on April 15, 2024.
   (ScreenGrab/*Al Mayadeen*)

The spokesperson for the Security and Foreign Policy Committee in the
Iranian Parliament, Abu al-Fadl Amoui, affirmed that Iran's response to the
occupation entity was both legitimate and restrained
He noted that Iran refrained from deploying a significant portion of its
power, underscoring the imperative to halt the occupation's violations and

In an interview with *Al Mayadeen*, Amoui emphasized on Monday that Iran
stands ready to confront any Israeli attack and will retaliate in
proportion, highlighting the surge in diplomatic outreach from Western
nations, requesting exclusion from Iran's potential response to any Israeli

*Read next: IRGC launches 'unprecedented' retaliatory attack on 'Israel'

Amoui recalled that Iran had previously asked Western countries to condemn
the Israeli aggression in the UN Security Council, but the latter did not
respond to this request.

He emphasized that Iran is aware of "Israel's" potential for retaliatory
actions and its propensity for further provocations, warning that Iran has
prepared for all situations and stands ready to respond with greater
and precision, utilizing weaponry previously unused, particularly in light
of the vulnerabilities exposed in the Israeli security system by the
initial strike.

Following the #Iranian
response, on Sunday, to the Israeli assassination of two top commanders and
seven military advisers in Iran's consulate in #Damascus
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Damascus?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>, the
occupation has been facing a dilemma regarding if and how to respond to the

Abu al-Fadl Amoui, the spokesman… pic.twitter.com/9v4PzNWPJ1
— Al Mayadeen English (@MayadeenEnglish) April 15, 2024

Amoui urged consideration of the potential impact on "Israel" if Iran were
to deploy a larger fleet of drones in its attacks, highlighting Iran's
possession of a significant number of drones that surpass the capabilities
of Israeli security systems. He emphasized that Tehran maintains an
abundance of rationality and courage, qualities it has consistently
demonstrated in numerous past situations, stressing that it will continue
to apply them in various scenarios.
Iran aims to avoid tensions, will respond to any attacks

He reiterated Iran's stance, emphasizing its desire to avoid tensions in
the region, pointing out that the occupation's crimes in Gaza are the root
cause of insecurity and destabilization in the region.

According to Amoui, Iran harbors a genuine desire and commitment to
fostering positive relations with its neighbors. He affirmed Iran's
assurance to regional countries in this regard, warning that if neighboring
lands were implicated in any attack against Iran, the latter would be
compelled to address the situation differently. He urged regional countries
to take this matter seriously

The Security and Foreign Policy Committee spokesperson asserted that
Washington's support for the occupation entity, despite its reckless
behavior, is concerning. He called on all nations to refrain from backing
"Israel" in its criminal actions, particularly its recent aggression in
Damascus. Amoui suggested that the most beneficial assistance the Americans
could offer "Israel" is to pressure it into halting its aggressive actions.

"We urge all countries to step back and refrain from supporting the
Zionists' crimes, especially their illegal crime in #Damascus
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/Damascus?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. The
most effective action the Americans could take to help the Zionists is to
coerce them to end their aggression."

- Abu al-Fadl Amoui, Spokesman… https://t.co/2aY1U0l5Gy
— Al Mayadeen English (@MayadeenEnglish) April 15, 2024

Amoui highlighted that Iran is a key member of the Axis of Resistance,
maintaining strong relations with various resistance factions and allied
nations. However, he expressed Iran's preference for the "Truthful Promise"
operation to be launched and conducted directly from Iranian territory,
showcasing Iranian strength. He emphasized that Iran has transitioned
beyond strategic patience and has entered a new phase, warning that attacks
on Iranian advisors and facilities will no longer be tolerated without

He emphasized that the pressure is mounting on "Israel," with growing
international support for the Palestinians following the atrocities
committed by the occupation. He suggested that a new world order is
emerging, urging Biden and Netanyahu to embrace this "new Middle East"
according to the aspirations of the region, rather than the version desired
by the United States and "Israel".
'Israel made false claims to avoid responding'

Regarding the occupation's assertion of intercepting 99% of Iranian
missiles and drones, Amoui dismissed it as a mere claim fabricated by the
Israelis to avoid responding.

He disclosed Iran's capability to receive signals from the locations where
its drones and missiles land, emphasizing that Iran accomplished its
objectives by targeting two Israeli military bases in Jabal al-Sheikh and
Nivotim, based on confirmed information available.

Amoui pointed out that simply observing the footage captured by the
is sufficient to discredit the occupation's assertions on this matter.

*Read next: Iran strike Interception cost is more than $1.2 billion:
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