[News] Amman’s Strategic Mistake - Why Did Jordan Shoot Down Iranian Missiles, Drones?

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Mon Apr 15 11:15:21 EDT 2024

Amman’s Strategic Mistake - Why Did Jordan Shoot Down Iranian Missiles,
Drones? (ANALYSIS)April 15, 2024
Jordanian police Suppress an anti-Israel protest in Amman. (Design:
Palestine Chronicle)

*By Palestine Chronicle Editors

Critical voices argue that Jordan would not think about shooting down
Israeli missiles, drones or fighter jets if the target was Iraq, Syria or

Though France’s contributions to western efforts aimed at blocking as many
Iranian drones and missiles from entering Israeli airspace remains unclear,
Jordan’s contributions to the campaign are well known.

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi was unapologetic for his country’s
in shooting down the Iranian drones and missiles.

He was outraged, however, over Iranian criticism that Jordan has opted to
take a stance in defense of Israel, though did nothing to protect
Palestinians after six months of an Israeli genocide.

The Jordanian government insists that shooting down the Iranian missiles
was only done to protect its airspace, not that of Israel. Few are
convinced, however, as Jordanian airspace has been violated time and again
by the US and other western powers to launch attacks at multiple Arab

Critical voices also argue that Jordan would not think about shooting down
Israeli missiles, drones or fighter jets if the target was Iraq, Syria or
*Summoning Iranian Ambassador*

Despite the fact that Jordan refrained from severing its diplomatic ties
with Israel, it was swift to react against Iran.

“Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Amman summoned Iran’s
ambassador to protest offensive remarks,” Al-Jazeera reported, citing
Jordan’s state news agency.

According to Petra, Safadi renewed his country’s commitment to “confront
every drone or missile that penetrates its airspace.” He also argued that
“Benjamin Netanyahu is driven by a ‘cancellation’ ideology toward the
Palestinians and is trying to provoke a confrontation with Iran to distract
attention from what is happening in Gaza,” Al-Jazeera reported.

His logic, however, is flimsy at best. Safadi, as a seasoned diplomat,
understands that an Iranian failure to respond would cost Tehran dearly, in
terms of reputation, standing amongst its allies, and will certainly
embolden Israel to escalate further.

Palestinians, Jordanians and other Arabs on social media don’t seem to
share Safadi’s convenient rationale. In fact, Palestinians, like other
Arabs, celebrate the Iranian retaliation to the Israeli attack on Tehran’s
consulate on April 1, whether on the ground or on social media.

While some anti-Iranian writers continue to fault Iran, whether for
responding or not doing more, many questions are being raised about what
Arab governments have done to help Gaza.
*Helping Israel*

Not only did Arab miltaries failed to even threaten Israel if it continues
with the genocide in Gaza, Arab states are actively keeping the Israeli
economy afloat by creating alternative shipping lanes to offset the damage
created by Yemen’s embargo on Israeli ships.

If it were not for these Arab states, including Jordan, the Israeli economy
would have faltered at a much faster speed.

But Jordan’s position is particularly difficult, and the government’s
decision to shoot down Iranian missiles and drones shall complicate its
attempt to paint its position as pro-Gaza.

The country is a home of a population that detest Israel. Mass protests,
calls for boycott and demands for action have emanated from Jordan since
the start of the Israeli genocidal war. Yet no action has been taken, aside
from well-choreographed scenes of Jordanian air force dropping a few
containers of supplies over northern Gaza. The airdrops took place in full
coordination with Israel.

But ‘action’ has been taken against Jordanian protesters, who have been
dispersed using violent means. Many Jordanians have also been arrested for
attempting to storm the Israeli embassy, which remains active in Amman.

Safadi may try to justify his country’s action in the name of sovereignty.
That sovereignty however didn’t seem to matter numerous times in the past,
when Jordanian territories were used as launchpads to attack other Arab
countries and anti-Israeli, US groups.

The nature of accusation over what Jordan has done to protect Israel are no
longer confined to typical criticism of weak Arab governments and armies.
Social media activists are referring to what Jordan is doing as a direct
act of betrayal of Palestine and the Arab nation.

“The question is,” tweeted Saeed Ziad, a social media activist, “when
Israeli drones and missiles cross over the Jordanian airspace (in
retaliation to the Iranian attack – PC) will the Jordanian air defenses
confront them as they have done with the Iranian drones?”

“Who is the enemy of the Arabs? Israel, or Iran?,” he asked.

The behavior of some Arab countries since October 7, and even before, makes
the answer quite obvious, but also dangerous, as it raises yet another

How long will Arab governments be allowed to champion US, Israeli interests
and priorities, at the expense of the collective interests and priorities
of the Arab peoples?

*(The Palestine Chronicle) *
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