[News] Dozens of Palestinians injured in settler attacks across W. Bank

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Sun Apr 14 11:55:24 EDT 2024

 Dozens of Palestinians injured in settler attacks across W. Bank

Sunday 14-April-2024 - https://english.palinfo.com/news/2024/04/14/317348/
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Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured, one seriously, and a number of
homes and cars were set aflame on Saturday after a horde of extremist
Jewish settlers attacked villages and towns between Nablus and Ramallah in
the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian medical sources said that several citizens suffered bullet
injuries when armed settlers stormed al-Mughayyir town in the northeast of
Ramallah and opened fire at local residents.

One citizen was critically injured in his head and five others suffered
different bullet injuries in their lower extremities in the settler gunfire
attack on the town.

According to local sources, the same settlers burned down a house as well
as a fire truck as it was en route to extinguish the flames.

They also opened fire at the funeral procession of martyr Jihad Abu Alya,
25, who had been shot dead during a settler attack on the town last Friday.

Meanwhile, a horde of settlers attacked and damaged Palestinian vehicles
near the Ain Sinya rotary in northern Ramallah.

Another group of settlers reportedly set fire to homes, cars and other
property in Qusra town, southeast of Nablus.

The Red Crescent, for its part, said that two young men suffered bullet
injuries and another one was savagely beaten when armed settlers and
soldiers attacked local youths in Duma village, south of Nablus.

In a separate incident, at least six Palestinians were injured in overnight
settler attacks on the village of Abu Falah, northeast of Ramallah.

The WAFA news agency reported Saturday that the settlers infiltrated into
the village aboard vehicles carrying Palestinian license plates after the
withdrawal of Israeli forces from the area.

“They assaulted several youths, injuring five of them, one in the head,” it
said, adding those settlers fired bullets at citizens and homes.

Similar settler attacks also happened in other areas of the West Bank. No
information is available about casualties or damages.

Settlers started to rampage through a number of Palestinian West Bank
villages on Friday and escalated their attacks on Saturday after the body
of a missing teenage settler was found near a settlement.

Hundreds of settlers, often escorted by soldiers, surrounded Palestinian
villages and attacked residents and property across the occupied West Bank
on Friday and Saturday.
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